Sunday, January 16, 2011

Water is never silent, only destructive and messy

21 thoughtful remarks:

Lynda Howells said... 1

sorry to see the damage..hope u are all ok. Waving from london UK.

Unknown said... 2

Great title. Sorry for the damge though : /

voodoo vixen said... 3

Oh dear, poor elizabeth, hope you managed to keep Bleubeard's paws dry!! Is it going to take a lot of cleaning up and drying out?
Not sure your email is working as I sent you one days ago. :)

donnalouiserodgers said... 4

quick quick quick get to me blog and claim your freebie and feel a bit happier,


Clare with paint in her hair said... 5

Hope it hasn't damaged any of your stash!

Lori Saul said... 6

Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog Elizabeth- but I'm so sorry to see what has happened here. The winter does bring stress on pipes- I hope you did not lose too much. Mother nature has a way of shaking us all up from time to time. Let's hope for an early spring! Do take care and hope you are getting a bit of help at your home.

~*~Patty S said... 7

Sure am sorry about this cold wet mess you're dealing with...hoping things get back to normal for you REAL soon Ms E!!!
Take care my friend!

olive said... 8

Oh Elizabeth I do hope it hasnt ruined anything too badly, i weep for you. Hope it all dries out quickly then you can move on. Hugs xxxx

Marit said... 9

Oh my goodness... I do hope you can save some stuff from the damage!

oneoff said... 10

So sorry to see all the damage. Here's wishing you swift repairs, and plenty of peaceful time after.


Anonymous said... 11

Oh no. Oh, Elizabeth, that SUCKS.
That's awful.
I hate stuff like that. Also, I hate stuff like that. :(

Anonymous said... 12

Oh. P.S.
You get the best friend job too.
Because of the sweats.
Also, because my sweaters are all grey. My t shirts are all navy blue. My pants are all khaki. Socks, white. I am Not kidding. The sweaters are all from the same store and are the same sweater. Likewise the shirts, and the pants. If one of these things is available in another color, I will NOT buy it, BUT I will buy the same item in the wrong size if it is close enough. So long as it meets the sweater, tshirt, khakis uniform - and is the same brand and the same cut)
Can't be helped. Life is too unpredictable in other ways.
So. You can also have the best friend job. Don't worry, I don't require an incriminating photograph of you in a funny mask as a requirement.
P.S. again... is that a huge lego on your table top?

Dandelion and Daisy said... 13

What a mess!!!! I hate stuff like that, you have no control, they just happen....then you have to spend hours and tons of $$$$ getting it back to normal. Hope you have lots of help, I know you have a huge fan-base cheering you on in blogland and closer to home, I'm sure!

Priti Lisa said... 14

WoW! I am so sorry this happened!
I bet if you put a little tip jar on your page...I know I would love to chip in and help you...

Caterina Giglio said... 15

oh dear, you really have had a trying new year so far, no electricity and now this... hope it all cleans up soon!

Unknown said... 16

So sorry to see the damage. And hope that there is not to much loss. I wish you a quick recovery. Take Care.

sandra de said... 17

Freezing weather and water damage's just not fair. Sending cyber sympathy and wishing you a quick repair. Hope Bluebeard is coping well.

Unknown said... 18

I am so sorry you're going through this! Sending big hugs and hopes that it gets sorted out quickly!

Darla said... 19

What a disaster! Hope it is all cleared up and dry now.


Julia Dunnit said... 20

Oh no! It's all just horrible and inconvenient. I hope minimal damage and 'pain' and I sure hope you haven't had to cope got people who can help huh?!!

Halle said... 21

That really sucks... Hope the repair is done quickly.