Monday, January 17, 2011

More rusty goodness, this time from Dianne

As some of you know, I showed my swap pages from Patty on Saturday. The link is here. And, incase you missed Patty's post showing how she made hers and the inspiration behind them, you can see them here. The first month's swap goodies came from Duane, whose lovely Diamond and Rust pages are here. And if you haven't already, you will want to read the process Duane went through to make them here.

I was going to show these links on Saturday, then realized I had never showed Dianne's gorgeous pages she made for me. I may have mentioned that I was in a fog between Thanksgiving and a few days ago, but there was no excuse for me not showing these incredible pages that are so different from all the others I've received. Here is a direct link to Dianne's blog post describing how she made these pages.

This is a page Dianne called "Rust and Blue." Dianne must know I love blue, so look at the "patina" she got on the 140 lb watercolor paper she used as a substrate. Washers and an old bottlecap make perfect embellishments layered on top of fabric on this page.

Dianne admits these pages really stretched her because the color palette she used was not her usual bright and colorful one. On the left is a piece of copper that Dianne "sewed" to the fabric using copper wire. She knows I love copper and this one was possibly my favorite. Those hex nuts wiggle around on the page, so it's interactive, too. She named this one "Rust and Copper." I'm still reeling from the beauty of rust and copper being married in such an artistic way.

Wow, Dianne. You could not have picked a better quote for my life at the moment. And these pieces of fabric look like they have been through my basement and rusted over time. Rusty washers sewn to fabric strips are the perfect embellishments to go with this spread Dianne called "Rusty Bits."

If you know Dianne, you know she can't leave a bit of color out of her pages, and this is the perfect example of adding a bit of color in the "rusted" leaves. Wrapped copper wire, a bottle cap, and buttons were sewn to the fabric bits that Dianne carried throughout the spreads. She then used these to decorate a library pocket.

The library pocket on this page even held Dianne's sign-in sheet for me. To say I'm thrilled, is an understatement. I was even more thrilled when I learned Dianne had used a piece from her grandmother's charm box to decorate my tag. Even though Dianne used paint (or possibly watercolors) to make the "rust" on each page, the rusty backgrounds are all very different, just like rust is different and looks different depending upon how much iron is in the metal.

I never meant to overlook or not share these pages on my blog. I love them and I am thrilled to finally rectify the oversight. Thank you again, Dianne. These are super additions to my Rusty collection of 8.5" X 11" swap pages.

23 thoughtful remarks:

elle said... 1

Your book is going to be pretty special, Elizabeth. Such glorious pages!

Zue said... 2

The rusty pages are beautiful. 'Rust' has such appeal doesn't it? Even just the word conjures up something special.
Sue xx

Darla said... 3

I'm lovin' the rust. You have the best swaps in blogland!


Tammy Freiborg said... 4

Wonderful!! Love the combinations of materials and all the texture. Your book will be a treasure with these additions from Dianne.

Nancy said... 5

These are fantastic! Your book is going to be so unique.

Clare with paint in her hair said... 6

ohhhh those are totally gorgeous!!

thekathrynwheel said... 7

I've had a browse through your blog this afternoon and you have been trading some great art recently :-)
Sorry to hear about your frozen/burst pipe misery. You are right though - water is very destructive. Hope you recovered ok from all of this.

Dianne said... 8

these scans(photos?) turned out extremely well--more detail than mine. So glad you are enjoying the pages, and have to say they were kinda hard to part with! (grin!) thanks for posting. hope you are recovering from the flood and not working too hard!

voodoo vixen said... 9

I can certainly see why Diane found it hard to part with them, they are stunning!! Lovely colours and textures and fabulous bits to catch the eye and the imagination.... which means the carp (well fcuk do it with perfume) sitting on my desk may well not go in the post now... poop! LOL Here was I thinking I would get all arty farty and make you a collage thingy.... hmmm methinks I should stick to mini books!! ;) I would love it someone would take the time to explain to me why... when someone else puts lots of bits onto something it looks artistic and fabulous and when I do it... well, it doesn't??

Unknown said... 10

These are so beautiful! And you know how I love bottle caps (lol) ... Thank you for sharing!!!

Terri Kahrs said... 11

Who knew that rusty bits and copper coupled with a painted background and some fabric could be so darn stunning!!!! The pages are fabulous, Elizabeth!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said... 12

Wow..that is sooo awesome! Love it - she did a wonderful job :-)

Diane said... 13

Oh Elizabeth--each one is stunning--what an excellent job she did!

JoZart Designs said... 14

Wonderful rusty artwork to treasure. So sorry you've been getting a soaking through that burst pipe but hope it's soon sorted. Cold is bad enough but clod and wet? Nah!
Thanks for calling in on me. The London Eye (Wheel) is over 130 metres high and the trip is one circumference in 30 mins. I've done it once and it was wonderful. The Wheel of Liverpool is smaller at just over 60 metres high and our trip was 4 times round.
Yes! Liverpool is home town of the Beatles, and the River Mersey!
all you need is love, and a little help from your friends!
Stay warm and well,
Love JoZarty x
If you like Egyptology, check my post tomorrow as I visited an amazing exhibition of King Tutankhamen.

Seth said... 15

Wonderful pages. The background colors, matched with the embellishments, are fantastic.

Anonymous said... 16

I love these pages so much that I have bookmarked this post so that I can peek at them for inspiration. I do love the colors and you know, maybe I totally need to try this? Maybe. Because they are so pretty.

Dandelion and Daisy said... 17

What a talented woman! I'm sure it doesn't make up for broken pipes and water in the basement BUT it has to go a long ways toward lifting your spirits! What a wonderful gift to receive....see you ARE a lucky woman!

Unknown said... 18

I can't wait to see your book- I know it will be glorious! I'm trying to remember if you shared the pages that you did- maybe when I wasn't such a regular visitor?
Anyway, these are beautiful, and I really couldn't pick a fave because I like each one- I love the library pocket, and those nuts scattered throughout and the trees that she added- all in all, it's a fabulous collection of work!

Halle said... 19

What great pages! And a fun theme! Can't wait to see more.

Svetlana said... 20

What a great book! I love the rustiness and the composition of the pages.

Laura Haviland said... 21

Oh Elizabeth,what beautiful pages.I love everything about them !!!!
Sorry about your broken pipes.
Best wishes,Hugs Laura.xoxx
Have a nice day.

Gaby Bee said... 22

These pages are stunning! The colors are great and I adore all the wonderful embellishments you've used!

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said... 23

More wonderful pages Elizabeth - to cheer you during all the mess and upheaval.
Love that quote by Leonardo Da Vinci
Anne xx