It never fails to surprise me when someone who I have never met, sends me a thoughtful gift. Tuesday afternoon, after visiting the post office, I came home to electricity and a package in my mailbox. OHHHHHH!!!! Look at these stamps!! Stamps make my heart go pitter-patter, especially when they are from a different country, like Singapore.

The package was from my dear Tea Tuesday friend and collage goddess,
Steph. And if you haven't joined her giveaway, you should. She's a fantastic artist. Just look at everything I received. My one question is, why is NOTHING in this photo in sharp focus? Yes, it's a rhetorical question!

This is a canvas wrapped collage. It is gorgeous and the perfect word for today's US climate.

Along with the wonderful art that will grace my guest bedroom wall, Steph sent these. You know that coin will go in my Seven Continents altered book, and I'm sure I'll find a use for the other goodies, as well. Thank you for your very thoughtful gift, Steph. It means the world to me.

Do you remember this wonderful fabric wrap I received from Group 1's 12 Days of Christmas swap?
Jackie Smith, who made the pouch,

sent me a Christmas card with THIS in it. Of course, that was during the time I was so overwhelmed I didn't know my own name (in case you hadn't noticed), and promptly
lost misplaced the card. Once I was able to find some time to breathe, I found it, and inside was also my name in a baggie.

Jackie left plenty of extra twill tape, for me to play with the position, too. Thank you Jackie. You are too, too kind to do this. Now this swap is complete, as soon as I sew my name in place on the pouch!
12 thoughtful remarks:
What a beautiful, heartwarming gift- especially in this kind of weather! Do you save your special gifties to display in your bedroom?
Here's to continued electricity, staying warm, and sweet friends in Blogland!
Hi Elizabeth, I see you've had an eventful few days and am so glad electricity has been restored and more importantly that you can have cups of tea - very important for me anyway. Though I'm curious as to how you had hot water? Do you need more tape with your name on to sew in your clothers? hahaha
Love the stuff going on, on your desk yesterday.
Anne xx
so glad you have power & heat!! enjoy the lovely gifts...they are beautiful. for someone who shares so much with blogland, it only seems fitting...thanks for all you do!
Nice gifts. Getting something in the mail is always fun isn't it? I like stamps too.
What great gifts and a fun surprise for you!
3 cheers for the power company!! Fabulous gift, so jealous!
You're most welcome, dear friend....Glad you liked them... :)))
oh those surprise gifts are just the best and Steph is wonderful!! you deserve it E!!
Thank goodness that your power is back, Elizabeth. And thank you for sharing these heartwarming and thoughtful gifts! Friendship warms the soul. Hugs, Terri xoxo
lovely goodies
OOh yes lovely gifts and so nice when they are unsolicited,
Amy thought you might behead her with your guillotine, and I thought she was just being melodramatic, but that part of blogland has been quiet for a while now (I KNOW it is unheard of...so to speak hee hee)
so please reassure me you have not decided to use her bodyless head in your next project, or indeed her headless body.... but that you have just decided it was time to wash her mouth out with soap and she is still recovering....
it will be me next - for she is teaching me how to Really Curse
I'm enjoying your posts - sorry I don't comment much. You're more than welcome for the twill name tag! Such a little bitty thing! Your treasures from Steph are awesome!
Glad you have power and heat again!
Stay safe!
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