This week Shel issued the
Inspiration Avenue challenge to show what inspires us. I didn't even have to think about this one. Last week, when I had a deadline looming, instead of painting, collaging, etc., I sat at my sewing machine, making more pages for my scrappy journals. Although I was interested in and excited about the pieces of art I wanted to make, and was really looking forward to creating my very best art for my friend, I could not bring myself to pick up a glue stick, paint brush, or used-for-paper scissors. All I wanted to do was sew.
Sometimes when I have no ability to make art, I organize my supplies, but that didn't even interest me this time. I pulled out five older Somerset magazines, but got no inspiration there, either. All I wanted to do was put my foot on the pedal and race away on my sewing machine. I didn't have to think about composition, about color choices (as was evident from last week's challenge) and I didn't have to think about being "exact" or "precise." All I had to do was sew whatever I picked up that would fit on the page and not interfere with the back side.

So, while I am in my art slump, I am sewing and making journals. I hope you have something that inspires you as much as these journals inspire me. If you do, consider joining the
IA Challenge this week. For me, it was a "no-brainer."
24 thoughtful remarks:
Fab journals! I really need to open the postal box that has my new sewing machine in it, I say new its actually not even been opened from the senders packaging that I bought over a year ago...... maybe a project for this weekend, to learn to use this one! These little machines are totally different to the industrial one that sews through 5inch thick maquette that I am used to!
Your sewing machine is inspiring you and you are getting lots done I'm sure. Glue and paint will come along by themselves one of these days. :-)
I love the look of these. The paint will always be there for when the moment strikes.
That's wonderful. At least you are creating... Not so much around here. I'm thinking a lot about things I'd like to do but have yet to dig in. I'm thinking I need to clean up my art zone to start with a clean slate.
I wish I had a sewing machine- you make it look like SO (or sew?) much fun! Any inspiration is good inspiration.....enjoy it!
You always have enthusiasm E... and an inspiration to others...
You are so creative with your sewing machine that you are still being arty my lovely! Beautiful work as always, HUGS XXX
sounds like a pretty productive "art slump" to me...glad you have those journals to fill the void and keep you creating!
Elizabeth your blog is so rich! With ideas and other blogs to visit. I could spend days here. Today I also visited the ABC group and found your elephant pages (they were yours, weren't they?) Uncanny! I have been "dealing" with elephants all week. They keep showing up everywhere! I haven't kept up with the ABC group because I have found it hard to navigate. Any clues? Again thanks for sharing! ~ Sue ~
These are lovely. they ARE art!
Since I've been to your blog the very first time I have thought of you as a sewer. So I can totally understand that this is your inspiration. And I have to say that your journals are gorgeous and I ALWAYS love to take a peek at them.
THANK YOU for your super-nice comment on my IA post!
Kirsty.a is someone you should listen to, i fear you have too narrow a view of your talents E.
i turned right today and it hurt less so i'm getting better
My favorite shop is called Sew Inspiring! Good for you.
Sometimes you just need to listen to your Muse! Elizabeth, I've been having a horrible time trying to leave a comment. My last two attempts came back to me with something about "unable to deliver - failed attempt", etc. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and that your heat and lights stay on! Hugs, Terri xoxo
I think when you feel unsure of where to start, a sewing machine can be a great source of inspiration. Even to start with some fabric scraps and stitch them together for a free-hand quilt...will produce unexpected and often beautiful results. My inspiration can come from newspaper and paint...funny what crazy thigs can get us going!!
Sue xxx
It's all creativity!! I'm the same, if I don't feel like painting, I'll collage or just admire the work of others. Better than watching soap operas I say!
I jump around when I am in a slump. I love sewing and journals too. Happy Creating & weekend.
Hi! Trying to comment here. Maybe it'll take this time....Fantastic journals!!!
Sewing is definitley a great creative outlet, it's all art! I love embroidery, I wish I was better at it!
Sewing is an art...isn't it?
I love your books (journals) so much, that you have inspired me to work at one for myself! I want to try some of your techniques :)
When something inspires you that much you need to do what you're doing and run with it!!
Have fun sewing!
it is so fun for me to hear that you are enjoying your sewing freedom!
When I'm in slump the last thing I want to do is organize!! I do understand about the sewing machine, though. And, like in driving the car, I find that while one part of my brain in focused on what's going on right in front of me, that other part of my brain wanders to wonderful places of inspiration.
I create in different ways depending on what mood I'm in. It is really interesting to read your story. And great that you've followed your intuition and created in a way that feels right to you in the moment.
Kat X
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