Monday, November 1, 2010

My first swap pages from the Six Players RR

Just in time to celebrate completing the front cover of my rusty round robin (RR) book, my first rusty, grungy, layered pages just arrived, and they are perfect! I couldn't have asked for anything more beautiful. This month, my swap partner was Duane, or Surf Bunny as some of you know him. You really MUST check out his post on these pages, because he explains the process he went through to make these look so rusty. Please click on these to get the whole picture. You won't be sorry you did.

When I opened the package, the hand painted hydrangeas, practically jumped out at me! They are even more incredible in person. And look at the bottom of the page. Yep, right above these typed words. If that doesn't look like how rust degrades and disintegrates, I don't know what does!

There is no way photos can show the beauty of these pages.

Thankfully, I was able to get both the top and bottom of the second page. Real rusty pieces were used for this spread!

And be sure to check out the process that Duane used to create these beauties, and I do mean BEAUTIES! Thank you beyond belief Duane. They are perfect and so is your sign-in card, which I failed to take a photo of. But it is rusty, too!!

I searched and searched for a blog that featured rusty art, but in order to get this post out at a decent time, I ended up finding a web site of a photographer, Kelly Angard, who lives in Denver, CO (in the US). She does lovely things with her camera, and I especially like her "body language" series. Kelly also wrote a book entitled "Creative Collage." I hope you'll check out her art today.

17 thoughtful remarks:

Clare with paint in her hair said... 1

wow that is gorgeous!!!

~*~Patty S said... 2

Super photos of Duane's great pages Elizabeth, you must be so pleased with them!

Terri Kahrs said... 3

Fabulous pics of these beautiful pages, Elizabeth! I can "hear" your excitement!!! LOVE those hydrangeas!! Hugs, Terri xoxoxo

Sherry said... 4

It's beautiful Elizabeth, no wonder you're so pleased x

Halle said... 5

These are so cool!

Diane said... 6

I agree! Excellent!!

Yvonne said... 7

Beautiful and a neat RR to be in.

elle said... 8

WOW! Simply stunning!

Lynn Cohen said... 9

beautiful works of art!

Mary S. Hunt said... 10

fun swap!!!
i love rusty!!

Darla said... 11

You received some really wonderful rusty pages. I'm sure you treasure them. I'll check the link you posted.


Anitra Cameron said... 12

Those are beautiful! I'd never have thought of trying to make a page rusty, and it's so cool.

Unknown said... 13

WOW, you are one lucky lady! Did you already make (and share) pages that I somehow missed? If so, I'd love to see them and if not....I can't wait!
Hope you're still on the mend!

BadPenny said... 14

ooh lovely richly coloured dress and your collection will look wonderful in your wardrobe.

Seth said... 15

What a great set of pages. Off now to see the technique!

Tracy Evans said... 16

Gorgeous pages, beautiful Hydrangea and your dress on the post below is wonderful. Have a great day, Tracy Evans x

Zue said... 17

This is truly amazing. I adore hydrangeas and all that rusting is such a unique effect! I must give it a go!
Sue xx