Thursday, October 16, 2008

Washington: A spread in my CollAHge book

I was playing around with various materials and techniques in my collage book today. I am finding more and more examples of collages that don't make a whole lot of sense until you scrutinize them. Thus, the reason for this collage. I began by coloring a lowly paper towel, then pulled it apart and added some black webbing. I used my new awesome Twist and Glue to apply the towel to the page.
Next, I found three identical images of horses and a rider, and turned two of them into packing tape transfers. I added various elements from George Washington's time and put them together. Then I applied some Krylon matte spray finish to the page, which was supposed to remove the shine from tape. Instead, it turned the tape cloudy and made the tape transfers even more noticeable. Lesson learned: Matte spray, designed to remove a shiny finish, does not work with packing tape transfers.

Feel free to click on the photo and allow your imagination to dictate the story behind this spread. I'm sure you'll come up with a very tall tale.

1 thoughtful remarks:

Anonymous said...

"The cowboys drove their herd of cows into the purple haze of sunset...little did the trail boss know that his top hand was hiding a toupee' beneath his ten gallon hat."

well, just couldn't resist!

love your blog!