Saturday, April 12, 2008

What I gave Kat for 2008

It's a bit hard to see these, but the images on the left are pendants and made from CS and coated with clear nail polish. The pendants lavender pendants are also reinforced with gesso. The dimensional product I put over the dictionary pages is still not dry in the photo. I told her these might end up being one use necklaces, because my engineering of the project wasn't what I thought it would be. (Why are things always more optimistic on paper?)

Kat chose the necklace charm in the upper right for her sea glass pendant.

1 thoughtful remarks:

Unknown said...

Hey you are one busy woman Elizabeth! I've missed hearing from you since we had reconnected a few weeks ago. Then I couldn't find your email addy in my address book! I had forgotten to save it.

So...just stopping by to see what art you've been doing lately and to say hello.

Have a nice Sunday.

Sharon aka