Monday, July 23, 2018

T Stands For The After Party

I'm sure most of you have received your ATCs by now, so it's time for the after party to begin.

Kathy, my partner got the worse end of the deal.

First, I should NEVER try to stamp anything on an ATC.  Second, I can't draw, but when I couldn't find the martini glass stamp I was sure I had, I decided to draw one.  Laugh now, please.   Even though I turned the 5 around on Kathy's ATC. it was still the best of the three I had to choose from.

I also sent Kathy some deli paper, which, as you can see, is made by Dixie and is called "Kabnet-Wax."  I suspect if it's microwave safe, it will also be safe to use to wrap her eco-dyed papers.   As I told Kathy, I got two boxes of 500 sheets at Sam's (a wholesale club in the U.S.) for about $11.00.  Sam's sells this product two boxes to a package.

This ATC was supposed to read "It's 5 O'clock, time to store the tea cups and bring out the G & T."  Now I have NO idea what G & T are, but I thought they went in martini type glasses with an olive.   I also told Kathy I was certain she would see far more interesting ATCs today.

Now it's your turn to join the after party.  Please share your  drink related post or drink related ATC.  Your post may also include photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Please share your direct link below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.

27 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Your ATCs look fine to me! I'm sure Kathy will love the. Happy T Day, Valerie

johanna said... 2

i always wonder if deli paper is something like sandwich or butcher paper over here... at least i use these as a substitute, as we don´t have "deli paper" here. and your martini glasses are fine - cheers!!

kathyinozarks said... 3

Elizabeth-you are being way too hard on yourself-hugs I love everything you sent me including your atc-I didn't take photos of what I mailed off to you. Its late because I didn't like one I made for you a couple weeks ago-as the glue went through the tea bags and would not dry no matter what I did-so I tossed it and made a new one friday evening-It went out this morning-so hope you get my package by wednesday-hugs and hope you start feeling better soon
Happy T Day

Sharon Madson said... 4

Hi, Elizabeth! My partner and I will probably be sharing our ATCs next week! :) I enjoyed getting to do the swap! Your ATC looks fine; I told my partner that she wasn't getting anything fancy as it was only the third one I have ever done! ;)

Lisca said... 5

Your ATC is great, although, yes, the glass looks a bit wonky. My gin and tonic glasses are quite wide at the bottom as it needs room for plenty of ice cubes. That's the way I like it.

Susi is right. There is no deli paper in Europe. My local patch work lady buys boxes from the States and sells it per sheet to anyone who needs it. (can't remember what she used it for).
Happy T-Day,

Divers and Sundry said... 6

You are your own worst critic, you know. I'd have been happy to see that in the mail :) I'm committing now to participating in next year's party (please have one next year), and I'll try to make some through the year so I'll be in practice. I want to make more Memphis-centered ones. I'm grateful for your continuing to host these weekly gatherings. :)

My name is Erika. said... 7

I am sure Kathy loves her ATCs. I like these. Thee are perfect for the party. My ATC's just got into the mail today so they should be arriving in a couple of days. I'm always behind the crowd I guess. Have a great T day. (Are you feeling any better yet?)Hugs-Erika

jinxxxygirl said... 8

Hi Elizabeth!

Actually some of us just mailed out our ATC's ... lol I mailed mine to Erika Friday and She mailed hers to me today... sooo... lol And i believe Eileen just mailed hers out today..

Love your ATC's dear Elizabeth... ahhh the trials and tribulations of creating... don't ya love it! lol Happy Tday~ Hugs~ deb

Linda Kunsman said... 9

Please don't be so hard on yourself (even though most of us really are our own worst critics). Your ATCs are a personal and loving bit of art to share and that means everything. Susi and I have been in touch but being we are sending overseas it will take some time to receive and post;) Got my deli paper from Sam's too and i use it so often for art! Happy T day and thanks for being such a wonderful hostess!

Mia said... 10

Hi Elizabeth, I am so glad to participate in your party.
Please count me in for the ATC exchange. OK? Kisses, my friend.

Halle said... 11

You are too hard on yourself. They look great!
I think G & T would be gin and tonic. But I'm not entirely sure.
Happy T day!

Kate Yetter said... 12

I have not yet bought any deli paper but I certainly want some. I have seen so many wonderful uses for it. I love the little cups on your atc. Each atc is a work of art. And art is unique to the individual creating it.
Happy Tea Day,

Helen said... 13

Nothing wrong with your atcs. yes, G&T is gin and tonic.

Sami said... 14

I don't drink but G & T is meant to stand for Gin and Tonic Elizabeth.
Put your feet up and enjoy one now :)

Meggymay said... 15

I think its a great ATC. Good for you to draw the glass by hand, yes it may seem not to be standing straight, but, after a G & T or two I wouldn't be standing straight either.
No deli paper here in the UK. I looked on the computer and am not sure it is what everyone is talking about.
Happy T day wishes.
Yvonne xx

froebelsternchen said... 16

I am sure Kathy loves her ATCs and the package of deli paper you sent! So much more personal with the handdrawn martini glass! I hadn't recognized it is NOT a stamp if you hadn't mentioned!
Happy T-Day!
Hope you are well again my friend!
Hugs, Susi

Mia said... 17

Hi again Elizabeth,
I was on vacation last week, with no internet access, that's why I was late for the ATC exchange. But never mind, sweetie, these things happen. I will keep entering the T Stands, my friend, and be sure that I will be in on any future exchanges. Kisses!!!

RO said... 18

This looks like such a fun project, and your handiwork looks fine to me! Hugs...RO

Jeanie said... 19

I remember the days of ATC exchanges. They were fun but I felt a lot of pressure!

Dianne said... 20

The travails of crafting! I too have hunted many times for things I know I have somewhere...but can't find! Improvising can be a good thing, and your atc's look good to me ♥ hugs to you, and hope you are feeling better!

Caty said... 21

Your Atcs are wonderful Elizabeth, I love your originality, always present in your beautiful creations!
I wish you a very nice day, big hugs, Caty

CJ Kennedy said... 22

Fun ATC. A G&T is a gin and tonic usually served in a tall tumbler (high ball glass) As far as I'm concerned, any glass that is clean will do. The Eldest and I had white wine in champagne glasses. Happy T Day!

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 23

Elizabeth, I love your wonky martini glasses! I looked at class at Creative Live yesterday that was all about wonky drawing. They were charging $39 for the class. Honestly, the drawings were so cute, I was tempted to buy the class ;-)

Happy T-Day to our wonderful hostess! Hugs, Eileen

Let's Art Journal said... 24

Wonderful ATCs! The quote you used is fabulous, I have always enjoyed a Gin & Tonic and this drink is very en vogue here in the UK with many different flavoured gin creations being available 😁. My favourite is gin and elderflower tonic - cheers and Happy T Day! J 😊 x

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said... 25

Don't you be so hard on yourself Elizabeth, I could tell they were cocktail/martini glasses even before I read it. Congrats again on your 5th year Cheers, Beers and enjoy the after Party.
Creative Hugs Tracey x

pearshapedcrafting said... 26

Phew! Got here just before midnight UK time!! I love your ATCs - whatever is in the glass I think I would probably still prefer a cappuccino!! Happy T Day! Chrisx

Jackie PN said... 27

You did a lovely job on those glasses! heehee My drawing is the same as yours, thats why I am so pleased to have downloads and magazines to cut and paste from! heehee
Jackie xx