Friday, March 21, 2025



Today I'm joining my friend and co-administrator, Erika.   As you probably know by now, her theme at AJJ

is .Home Sweet Home

For obvious reasons, I named this .Haunted


I began by printing the word Haunted on 110 lb cardstock.  I then colored the page using two blue and one green water soluble crayons.  I fussy cut the house I found in a magazine.

Bleubeard and I are delighted you dropped by and hope you'll join us at Art Journal Journey and share your own interpretation of Home Sweet Home.


8 thoughtful remarks:

Tom said... 1

...a bit early for Halloween?

Christine said... 2


Katerinas Blog said... 3

Wonderful creation,
for such an interesting topic!
Home for each of us is our refuge!!
Have a beautiful day!

Neet said... 4

I've seen gingerbread houses before but never seen a haunted one. This is cute, thanks for sharing Elizabeth.
Hugs, Neet xxx

CJ Kennedy said... 5

Cute. the haunted and keep out signs wouldn't keep me away from taking a nibble or two.

Jenn Jilks said... 6

That is fun! You are quite creative.

My name is Erika. said... 7

What a fun idea for my AJJ challenge. I didn't think of that one. But it's perfect! And I bet that brownie or cookies it was made on made a great base for this, whoever was busy in the kitchen. Grin. I hope all is well and you've been having a nice week. Hugs-Erika

My name is Erika. said... 8

Whoops, and thank you for joining in. I hit publish by mistake as I was maneuvering the pointer. It's much appreciated too. hugs again.