Monday, January 20, 2025

T Stands for Christmas cards and gifts


  I'm starting witih my drink so I don't forget it.

I finally decided it was time to open all the cards and gifts I received from my friends.

 Here is everything I've received this Christmas.

This is the postcard I accidentally hid after I received it from Lisca and Ronnie.  I was so lucky that I found it when I moved some other mail.  Just in time, too.  I admit I don't have one like this rocking horse shown in the photo/postcard.

I took 73 photos of this stamp and 

these are the only two that were even partially acceptable.  It took forever to find, but it is called International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife 2020. It's a fitting postage stamp since Lisca was a nurse in a previous life.  Thanks for thinking of Bleubeard and me, dear Lisca.

The next postage stamp was equally difficult to find.  At least it was a USPS forever stamp.

  It was part of a multiple stamp set called Garden Delights.  Per the USPS web site:


I've actually had this card since Thanksgiving, but still wanted to share it.  It has lots of sparkle and glitter that isn't picked up by the camera.  Thank you, dear RO! 

It was obvious these stamps came from the UK.  These were postmarked from Scotland.  This is from the Christmas castles series.  These second class stamps show Edinburgh castle.  Who do we know lives in Scotland?  Note only one of the stamps was cancelled.  Looks like the postal clerk was good to his word.

I am simply thrilled to have received this amazing card from Elle.  Thank you ever so much.  Look at all the details she included.

But there's a second gift inside.  Note the message that I have permission to deconstruct the card and use parts of it in my own art.

And of course, the back has Elle's signature cat.

I think it's evident who sent this card.  Squiggles always loves it when he sees he's been included.  He really loved that he got his own line and didn't have to share with Bleubeard.  In case you didn't guess correctly, the sender of this is CJ, our calligrapher.

If you can make out this postage stamp, your eyes are more jittery than my hands.

  However, thanks to USPS, the stamp I received is on the bottom right of each of the four stamps.  Per USPS, these are Holiday Elves issued in 2022:

CJ and I have cats in common, so this is even more special because it is personal.  I love how the cat is playing with the balls made from colored gems.

This is what happened when I tried to take a close up of the cat.  I assure you it isn't the camera.

The inside is equally precious and thoughtful.

Did you think I had lost my place or that you were seeing double?

  This stamp is the one from the lower left side of the foursome.  She is getting ready to place the bus in a gift box.


I believe my friend Erika made the envelope from some wonderful handmade paper because it matches the card. There is so much dimension to this card. Lots of depth as well as glitter and glam.

Not the best photo, but you can still see all the dimension of this beauty.

I love the quote and how you included Squiggles, too.  Thank you dear Erika.

The next card came from my dear slow mail friend Kathy in Ozarks.  It is also a forever stamp.

  It's new and called Thinking of You stamps.  It's the first stamp on the top left.  Per the USPS site:

Kathy also added the lovely vellum sticker to the front and

this very dimensional wax seal to the back.

A definite sign of the times and weather.

I believe Kathy stamped the trees inside.  I feel bad I didn't get the complete and thoughtful message Kathy wrote.
As soon as I saw the handwriting, I immediately knew this Christmas card was from my dear friend Julia, who many of you know from Stamping Ground.  This is one of the cathedrals, this one Westminster meant for travel outside the UK.

What a stunning card that my photo didn't do justice.

Sorry folks.  This one is too personal to share.  Needless to say, I cried when I read it.

The final stamp is an ornament.  Per USPS, the set is called Holiday Joy.


This is from my dear friend Halle.  However, there are faces and names on the card, so this is all I'm allowing you to see.  That's Halle's rule, too!

I have one more gift to share, but I have run out of time.  With luck, this will beat the 4 pm deadline.

I've shown you mine, now it's time to share your own drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  Please remember to visit your fellow T participants. 

I now must eat and rest.  I've been working on this for two straight days!  I'll be by later tonight.

20 thoughtful remarks:

Tom said... 1

...the Garden Delight stamps are indeed a delight.

Carola Bartz said... 2

You've got a lot of beautiful Christmas cards and gifts. They also make a truly lovely post. Happy T day!

CJ Kennedy said... 3

A lovely assortment of cards and gifts. So creative! Happy T Day

Jenn Jilks said... 4

This is a wonderful hobby! Such fun!

My name is Erika. said... 5

It's great to see all the beautiful cards you received. And I really enjoyed seeing the stamps too. I haven't seen many of these (US ones that is). You also remind me I haven't shown mine either, even though I've taken photos of them all. I hope I remember next week. Hope it's not too bitterly cold in Wichita and that you have a great T day. And hope the arm is improving too. hugs-Erika

Christine said... 6

Lovely cards!

Sharon Madson said... 7

Lovely gifts and cards. I love that you showed the stamps and what they were. Thank you so much for sharing. Happy T day.

Rita said... 8

Lovely cards and a variety of different stamps, too. :)

Elephant's Child said... 9

Wonderful gifts and stamps. Happy T Day.

kathyinozarks said... 10

Lovely cards and stamps too

Iris Flavia said... 11

Thank you for the ever growing bigger smile upon your wonderful cards and stamps! :-)

Iris Flavia said... 12

Blogger eats comments again. Was saying thank you for the ever growing smile upon all the wonderful Christmas mail.

Lisca said... 13

Oh what lovely cards! Apart from mine, all home-made. I love that you include the stamps, all of which are really lovely. A shame that the photos didn't come out. They are out of focus You say it's not the camera's fault so it must mean that you still can't do the finer movements (of focusing) with your hand/arm. I'm sorry. I hope it soon gets better. It must be so annoying.
Happy T-Day,

Empire of the Cat said... 14

Lots of lovely cards and mail, and all those forever stamps are so good. We don't really have anything like that here. Happy T Day!

Halle said... 15

So glad you got my card...even though it was late. :) Happy T day my friend!

Violetta said... 16

First of all - happy T-day. You received a great amount of cards which happens more seldome these days...most greetings are sent by apps nowadays. Have a good time and all the best

Lowcarb team member said... 17

Oh my, what a lovely assortment of cards and gifts, many thanks for sharing them here.
Happy T Day.

All the best Jan

Mae Travels said... 18

Good to see all your great gifts and cards. I hope your arm recovers soon.
best… mae at

Jeanie said... 19

All are lovely, but boy , that arm is still pesky. Love the elf stamps. I have some of those too.

nwilliams6 said... 20

Hello, Elizabeth! Happy T day and New Year. How wonderful you received all these fabulous Christmas cards. Your friends have so much talent and heart. I love eggnog (gave it up for January though - urgh). Have a good week. Hugz