Monday, January 6, 2025

T Stands For 2024 T Tuesday in review


T Tuesday year in review:

January, 2024

   Back in January, I took my friend Scott to Collage Hill Deli.  Scott had coffee and I chose water with lemon.  I ordered appetizers for both of us, and before we could finish them, our main meal came.  I ordered the Mediterranean vegan delight and the fattoush salad.  Scott ordered a Bierock Pie and tomato soup with cheese.

February, 2024

  February found me back at The Spice Merchant where I chose to show Torani syrups and various chai instant drinks.

March, 2024

For Sally's birthday, I took her to her favorite place which is China Inn.

  It seems we always order the same thing, one of the most expensive meals on the menu.  We both had water, mine was with lemon.

April, 2024

  For my bEARTHday, my foodie friend Sally took me to Golden Corral where I pigged out on carrot cake.  Not quite as good as my grandmother always made for my birthday, but acceptable at least.

  Sally is pigging out on fresh fruit and I am drinking ice water with lemon.  For me it's cake first!!!

May, 2024

  It seems I spent every T Tuesday sharing mugs I found at The Spice Merchant. 

     Here, Mom and Dad get equal billing.

June, 2024

  I treated my friends Sally and Joseph to Kababs, a traditional Indian restaurant. 

July, 2024

  T Stands For Breakfast Buffet with my foodie friend Sally.  I went straight for the fruit and cinnamon roll, while Sally went for scrambled eggs and pancakes.  Drinks were included, so I started with a lemonade and finished with coffee and half and half.  As always, Sally had water, which I failed to include in the photos.


  T Stands For Tuesday turned 11 on July 16.

August, 2024

  I shocked everyone when I wrote T Stands for New Home.  Of course, I wasn't planning to move.  I was simply showing the treadle sewing machine my grandmother used until she died.  Even though I bought her an electric sewing machine, she refused to use it.  Here I'm sharing a box of real orange juice for T.

September, 2024

   September is the month my late blooming wild sunflowers come to life.  I always pick a few and showcase them for T Tuesday.

October, 2024

  This is the Halloween card Elle sent.  I love that the post office didn't obliterate the stamp that hadn't been cancelled.

November, 2024

  November was all about the tea that Iris sent me.  I shared four different Cupper brand teas she sent me.

December, 2024

  December was all about my grandmother's dishes, cups, and saucers.

January, 2025

I am so blessed to have received so many wonderful cards and gifts for Christmas, including this box from Mia.  I also got a card from Elle and a postcard from Lisca and Ronnie that I put somewhere for safe keeping and now I can't find where that is!  When I find them, I will share everything with each of you.

Someone also sent me a calendar and I have no idea who.  There was no name or note inside the package which came from Amazon, but it was addressed to Bleubeard and Elizabeth, so I know it didn't come from Sally or one of my no name no photos friends.  Let me know if YOU sent it, please.
I'm also saving this final bottle of eggnog until I find the other things I lost.  I bought four different types of eggnog this year and this is the last I will try.

And finally, we got snow, but it is on top of a layer of ice.  You can see the ice on the mailbox.  The entire city had pretty much ground to a halt.


23 thoughtful remarks:

Sharon Madson said... 1

Nice review, Elizabeth! Happy New year! Stay in and stay warm. I can’t find a place to link my post

Sharon Madson said... 2

Cloudia said... 3

I enjoyed this too! But where can we Link up?

Tom said... 4

...may you fill 2025 with good times and food!

Carola Bartz said... 5

It's always nice to look back to the past year. I like this post and I also want to with you all the best for 2025 (I only just came back). Will you still post a link-up? Happy T day!

Mae Travels said... 6

Your year was full of good food and drink… have another good one in 2025
best, mae at

My name is Erika. said... 7

That was a nice look back. It's fun to see these posts again. I've been seeing about your weather on the news. Stay safe. No snow at my house, but it is brutally cold. A high of 7 is predicted for tomorrow. Have a great T day. hugs-Erika

Halle said... 8

It was fun to talk to you this evening and even more happy that I could help you with your HTML issues!! Still no post for me this week. I went back in my photos and I haven't recorded anything. Note to self...take photos!!!
Happy T day!

Christine said... 9

Nice look back at your year!

Katerinas Blog said... 10

Your photos are very beautiful!
I understand that it takes a lot of effort to find and post them, well done.
I love Grandma's sewing machine, she's gorgeous!! Be well and have fun!

Elephant's Child said... 11

Love your retrospective. Sadly I am also guilty of putting things in a safe place - where they are also safe from me.

Iris Flavia said... 12

A great review and now I´m all hungry and it´s only shortly after 06 a.m.!
You so made me laugh. I´m a master at packing things safely away and forget where I put them!
"Promised Land" is a great name for an egg nog. Eeek to the snow, hope it´s gone by now.... Happy T-Day and Happy New Year, dear host

Let's Art Journal said... 13

So wonderful to see all those fabulous T Day memories from 2024 ☺️. Wishing you a very Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo xx

Empire of the Cat said... 14

Nice idea to do a review, some of them I missed first time round, . Happy New Year!

Rostrose said... 15

Oh lovely, dear Elizabeth, you got snow, we've only had ice so far, and even that has melted now - today it's raining. It was nice to see a review of your 2024 T-Days. I'm happy for you about the postal gifts. Hopefully you'll find everything again - I sometimes find myself hiding things well from myself too ;-DD
Happy T-Day!
I wish you and everyone who is important to you (people and animals) a healthy, peaceful and happy New Year with many wonderful moments!
Best wishes, Traude

Rita said... 16

You have more snow than we have.
Nice review. I hope this coming year is as filled with fun times. :)

CJ Kennedy said... 17

Fun to look back on your year. That ice and snow storm was something. The Young One's partner has another snow day today. Stay safe and warm. Happy T Day

Lisca said... 18

Happy New Year!,
It's always nice to do a year's review. (I always forget to do one). Great to re-visit some of your lovely posts.
Happy T-Day,

Jeanie said... 19

There are so many of these I remember and I really enjoyed your review. Had to laugh about the appetizers coming so close to the food. Hate it when that happens! You have more snow than we do (not that I mind a single bit!) Happy New Year and onward!

Sandra Cox said... 20

I enjoyed your year of memories and thrilled you have good friends who sent cards and a mysterious friend who sent the calendar. Ro?
Wishing you all the best in 2025, my friend.

Violetta said... 21

O what a nice memory calendar of the past year. I wish you all the best and over all good health and no problems anymore with your hand.
All the best

Spyder said... 22

Sorry I'm soooo late, really haven't got a second of spare time lately! Loving all those mugs I'd really love to visit that shop! and loving all the food and drink at well! I usually keep all my calenders as I write everything on them, and its nice look back at what we/I was doing! HappY LaTE T Day ((LYN))

Veronica Lee said... 23

What a fun year in review! I love how each month is filled with tasty meals, thoughtful gifts, and special memories.