Friday, January 31, 2025

My name is Dot


This will be my final entry for our host and co-administrator Mia of Craftartista who has chosen Dots as her theme this month at Art Journal Journey.

As you can tell, I have named this My name is Dot.  Detail shots are below.

This is one of the original TH paper dolls.  She is sitting on one of the dots or bubbles.

Her name is Dot.  A piece of gifted fabric tape is under her feet.

I love how you can see the words on the page under the tissue paper.

I began by adhering a background of gifted tissue paper to which I added the paper doll.  I then adhered the fabric tape and the washi tape to the page.  Finally, I added the computer generated text.

Thank you for visiting today.  Bleubeard and I appreciate it more than you know.


1 thoughtful remarks:

Iris Flavia said...

Such a cute Dot sitting on a dot!