Today is Veterans Day, a day in which we honor all veterans living or dead.

Veterans Day traces its origins to the conclusion of World War I, famously known as “the war to end all wars.” The conflict officially ended on November 11, 1918, when an armistice agreement between Allied nations and Germany took effect. Originally called “Armistice Day,” this holiday celebrated peace and honored the soldiers who served. By 1954, after World War II and the Korean War had added millions of service members to the veteran population, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed legislation renaming the holiday as “Veterans Day” to recognize all veterans, not just those from World War I.
A national moment of silence is observed at 11:00 a.m to observe the signing of the armistice agreement.
Please hug a veteran today. They are everywhere.
11 thoughtful remarks:
Sad it was not the war to end all wars.
It is Remembrance Day here. And we do.
Ditto what Iris said
My mother remembered the moment when the war ended — she was a schoolchild at that time.
...have a respectful day.
A lovely tribute to veterans, Elizabeth.
Lovely tribute
I didn't know about the National Moment of Silence. As Jeanie said, this is a lovely tribute.
Wonderful tribute. :)
A lovely post.
A special day to remember.
All the best Jan
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