Sunday, August 4, 2024

Too cute


I'm once again at Art Journal Journey and joining Jo from Let’s Art Journal, our host this month, and her Wonderfully Wild theme.

Don't you just love these darling sloths?  As usual, I have a few detail shots.

I started by sewing a partial sheet of scrapbook paper to the substrate using blue variegated thread.  I loved the mottled look of the greens.  I then cut five sloth images from the back of a calendar (the small images found on the backs of purchased calendars).  Sadly, I couldn't fit five on the page and three didn't seem to be enough.  I really prefer odd numbers, but it didn't work out that way this time.  I was hoping to balance out the page with the sentiment I computer generated using my "black only" laser printer.

Bleubeard and I are delighted you joined us today.  We hope to see you this month at Art Journal Journey as you share your own interpretation of Wonderfully Wild.

19 thoughtful remarks:

Katerinas Blog said...

Beautiful creation!
What matching colors!!
Have a beautiful and creative weekend!!

Elephant's Child said...

I am grinning here. Thank you.

Iris Flavia said...

I absolutely LOVE sloths! At FB you find many a video where people have these cuties to cross streets or walls up. The reaction of the animals is so cute. They often turn around - slowly - and raise their arm in thanks. It seems like that anyway. I saw one where a sloth made friends with a dog even! Very soft with the long bones of the hand.
Thank you for the Sunday-smile. Have a happy one.

Let's Art Journal said...

How cute are those sloths! I love your page and the background you created for them is perfect. They really made me smile - is it me or do they look like they are smiling back at us 😊. I had the same idea and have used a sloth on one of my pages, but you'll have to wait until the end of the month to see it. Thanks so much for this wonderful inspiration over at Art Journal Journey and sending you happy weekend wishes! Hugs, Jo x

Mae Travels said...

I love seeing sloths — the ones I’ve seen were all up in the trees since that’s where they spend most of their time. Most of them were in pretty wild places, but one was in an urban area in a tree behind a gas station in Costa Rica. The babies hang on their moms. There are several different species but they all have those cute sort of mashed-in faces.
best… mae at

craftytrog said...

I love a sloth! This is a wonderful page Elizabeth.

Tom said...

...cute is an objective term

Rita said...

Definitely too cute! Really made me smile this morning!! :)

CJ Kennedy said...

Thanks for the smile

Valerie-Jael said...

Sloths are always cute, I enjoyed watching them in a zoo on the other side of the Rhine, really fascinating. Love your joural page, have a good Sunday, hugs, Valerie

Christine said...


Jeanie said...

I am such a sucker for sloths -- I love them!

My name is Erika. said...

You have some super sloth photos. That one next to the word too is really cute. This is a fun and clever page for Jo's challenge. Hope you're having a nice weekend. hugs-Erika

Divers and Sundry said...

Clever! I got a kick out of this.

Christine said...


aussie aNNie said...

So pretty, lovely background and a gorgeous design x

Spyder said...

that really is toooo cute!! I thunk he's smiling!

Sami said...

I find the sloths very cute too. These made me smile :)
Have a great week Elizabeth

sirkkis said...

I love this:the layout is good for the cute sloths images 😍
I don't understand Google:your comment was publised 2 hours ago, no message from spam didn't come. So just normal publicity. Thank you a lot and sorry about Google 🤔??