Thursday, May 16, 2024

Friday Face-Off and Friday Smiles: meet me in my flower bed


 IF your blog has embedded comments, I will NOT be able to leave you a comment.  I keep getting "Failed to Publish" on all blogs with embedded comments.  Please be aware, it is blogger.  I wish google/blogger would get its act together.

I have done a bit of work in my flower bed.

I have added the rocks and moved the Chicken and Dog.  
Erika wanted to see the front of the rooster, so I thought it would be a great time to share him at Nicole's Friday Face Off.  

I hope you enjoyed the faces and the art my neighbor made.  I am simply thrilled he is letting me use these in my new flower garden.
I sincerely hope you will join Bleubeard and me at Friday Smiles 374 and Friday Face Off.



24 thoughtful remarks:

Iris Flavia said...

I absolutely LOVE your porch! Sadly this is so un-German. All we have is balconies. Or, richer ones, gardens.
In Madeley/Perth in front our cabin it´s a little porch-feeling.
Your rooster is wonderful! Creative!
Have a fun Friday :-)

Katerinas Blog said...

Your rooster is wonderful and creative,
and so is the dog.
It's great that they are made from materials
we use in the garden.
Very good link to Nicole's FFO!!
Have a nice day!

Christine said...

Fun flower bed!

Divers and Sundry said...

I always enjoy your yard and garden photos 👍

I'm not having any trouble with blogger and would give a lot if I could help you :(

Elephant's Child said...

That is a LOT Of work you have been putting in. I hope the rewards are rich.

Lisca said...

Your rooster and dog are great. I know how much you like rust and rust colour.
I’m sorry you are still having problems with blogger. You comment came in fast though. No problems or delays there. I had to yield to Google in the end. It goes against all my principles but if I’m not signed in to Google, nothing works. They,ve got me by the short and curlies as they say.
Have a nice weekend,

Rita said...

I thought that was some kind of crane or a goose--lol! But with the red on the head--okay I can see it as a rooster. They are both cool! :)

mamapez5 said...

I love your rooster, not so sure about the dog, and they certainly make for an interesting flower garden.
You are not linked to Annie's page but I found you from another blog. My comments are no longer embedded so I hope youwill visit me sometimes. I have missed you. Kate x

Mia said...

I LOVE the rooster!!! I desperately need one for my garden!!! Ha ha!!! Hugs, my friend.

Annie said...

I love your rooster and dog....they really made me smile so thanks for sharing them.
Annie x

Tom said...

..the sculptures are nice garden additions.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I hate the embedded comment boxes I nealy always end up losing what I've written. Someone told me how to alter it years ago and I'm glad she did. Bloggers are so helpful though I think she hated them too lol! I love what you've done in the garden and your chicken and dog are brilliant. Have a great weekend lovely lady. Hugs Angela xXx

Gene Black said...

the rooster and dog are fun additions to the garden.

My name is Erika. said...

I love Rocky and the rooster. What fun additions to your garden. I love your edgings too. They look great, and I bet your garden looks great also. Have a super Friday. hugs-Erika

Mae Travels said...

Your gardening looks wonderful. I can see why you haven’t been writing much, because it’s clearly a lot of work to do all that. I’m a total slug lately — doing nothing while my husband does all the gardening.

The garden sculptures are perfect with your rock edges and I look forward to updates as the vegetation renews itself for summer.
best, mae

DVArtist said...

Ohhhh, I love your yard and especially the yard art. That rooster is to cute. Keeping up a yard is hard work but the results are so nice. I do hope you are feeling well.

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning I Love your yard art so much rain here I haven't gotten to all the weeds here-your garden looks awesome

LA Paylor said...

I LOVE yard art
there's an area of Denver where a lot of people do elaborate yard art displays but we've not gone in a while

CJ Kennedy said...

Your garden looks good and I love the chicken/rooster. I also changed my comments from embed to pop up. Let me know if it works

Jeanie said...

I love your fun rooster, and the dog, too. Both make me smile. Your garden looks ever so much better than I!

peppylady (Dora) said...

What a fun garden.

Nancy said...

Yay- garden season at last! Your shovel rooster is quite handsome. By the way, I know you're unable to comment on blogs, but hope you'll come visit mine soon- I have some pics of a Chihuly glass exhibit I think you'll like.

Sharon Madson said...

Fun items your neighbor made for you. They dress up your flower garden. Just an FYI, I finally found the place and changed from embedded to pop up window for comments. We will see what this does to my blog! You are the one way back when I started coming to the t parties, that had me do embedded! And all these years it has worked for you to comment on my blog. Hugs.

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like your rooster and dog :)

All the best Jan