Monday, June 27, 2022

T Stands For a Visit, part 2


 You may have seen this photo last Tuesday, or one similar to it.

Here is proof Joseph had coffee with half and half.  Seems I got a bit too much half and half in the cup, but he enjoyed it, anyway.  He added his own creamer to his second cup of French roast coffee.

After he put his phone down, we talked for awhile and caught up on our lives. 

Then my friend Scott showed up.  I asked Joseph if he knew Scott was coming (Scott now lives in a town about an hour from Wichita) and he said he knew, but they kept me in the dark.  By the time I got over the shock, they had started talking about the ceiling.

I will take photos of the ceiling on a day when I get good lighting.

Of course you saw I drank the only Guinness I had.  I think this is at least six years old when I purchased a six pack.  Stout is the only type beer I will drink.  And I consider Guinness the best that I have had.
This is when we decided to go to the patio and start the chiminea.

It's also when photos got really bad.  Joseph is in very poor lighting.

I was also more than a little tipsy by this time.  I kept trying to light the citronella candles I brought to the table, while also trying to stabilize my camera.  I am such a lightweight when it comes to alcohol.  Everyone tells me they will gladly pay for my drinks because they know one is all I need to nearly put me under the table.  Not sure what Scott was drinking, but it was very shaky (grin).

Ah, looks like his beer stabilized!

Scott was showing us a music video on his phone, which is where the light came from.

That's when I decided it was time to put my camera away and finish my beer.

Scott had to leave the next morning before Joseph came back.  They talked on the phone, though and I started the chiminea and poured us both coffee.  It was so good to spend time with my friend who now lives so very far away.

I've shown you our drinks. Now show us yours, please.  Please link below.  Be sure your link goes directly to your blog post and not your blog in general.  And PLEASE, please, please, visit your fellow T Tuesday participants.

If you are from the states and want to exchange ATCs for our ninth anniversary, I will go over the Pay it Forward rules next week.

24 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Glad you had a great surprise on your birthday when both of your friends showed up! I don't drink any alcohol as it really knocks me out. Good that you still had a Guiness! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Mae Travels said... 2

Lovely to get together with friends! I hope you have many birthdays this good.

best... mae at

jinxxxygirl said... 3

So glad you could get both your friends together! Looks like you had a nice visit. I'm sure Joseph put his phone down some!!! lol We do love our phones don't we?! Not a beer drinker here... not any kind.. Good thing you had one to celebrate with though!! I always thought i'd like a chiminea.. Do you like yours?? Happy happy T day!! Hugs! deb OH! When do you plan to give out info on the ATC swap??

kathyinozarks said... 4

Hi Elizabeth, looks like a fun time with friends-that always lifts our spirits when we get a chance to do that. Happy Birthday and happy T-hugs

Sharon Madson said... 5

What a fun surprise, Elizabeth. Thanks for sharing. I remembered to link up! LOL

Christine said... 6

Fun times

Carola Bartz said... 7

You seemed to have had a good time - there is nothing wrong with having good friends over, even if you get a bit tipsy.

Linda Kunsman said... 8

Makes my heart happy to see you had such a wonderful birthday and got to spend some special time with both Scott and Joseph. I had a giggle about your feeling a bit tipsy and being such a lightweight, and it's obviously a very rare thing for you to get tipsy:)
Thanks for sharing , and happy T day!

Kate Yetter said... 9

SO glad that you had a surprise and were able to spend time with friends. Sounds like a fun time.
Happy Tea Day,

My name is Erika. said... 10

It's great to have friends visit isn' it? And even better when one friend surprises you and shows up when you don't expect them to be there. I think you had a fun evening, especially since I don't believe you drink very often. And I want to say the tape idea you found for separating napkins worked fantastic. Thanks for sharing that. Have a great T day and week ahead. hugs-Erika

DVArtist said... 11

I am so glad you had a wonderful birthday. Always nice to have friends over. Looks like a great time.

Iris Flavia said... 12

Sounds like you really did have a fun time!
And funny enough you´re a men-person, too ;-)
Though at the summer-festival I sat with women mostly and it was fun, too!
So: To nice people!

Nancy Chan said... 13

Glad you had a wonderful birthday celebration with your friends. Once a friend brought back Guinness for us and it tastes so much better from what we get here.

nwilliams6 said... 14

So fun to have good friends and enjoy fun times together especially on your birthday. Happy birthday once again, Elizabeth! Love your pictures and your story! Hugz

CJ Kennedy said... 15

Always nice to spend time with good friends. I had to laugh when you said one drink would put you under the table. I'd be right under the table with you after one drink. 😺 Happy T Day

Divers and Sundry said... 16

Such fun times :) I can handle one drink, though I'll choose a mixed drink or wine over beer anytime. One is all I ever have, so I don't even know if I could manage more lol My coffee is always black.

Happy T Tuesday!

Jackie McGuinness said... 17

A great birthday celebration!

Lisca said... 18

How wonderful that Scott came too as a special surprise! I can just imagine. I'm so pleased for you. I had to smile when I saw the blurry/dark pictures. It means you were having a super time! There's nothing better than having a drink with good friends. With no-doubt good music and I imagine lovely food on the chiminea.
Great last photo of Joseph smiling at the table. I love that little sculpture of little people in a circle. It's a 'we-are-all-united' sort of thing.
Sorry I'm late in replying. We spent today in Granada, in two different hospitals. We have lots of information but still no date of hubby's surgery. It will be the second half of July and we will get a call 7 days in advance. Oh well...
Happy T-Day (or what's left of it)

Let's Art Journal said... 19

How wonderful to spend time with your friends, it looks like you all had so much fun with all those photos and smiling faces 😀. Glad you had such a great time and wishing you a very happy T Tuesday! Hugs Jo x

da tabbies o trout towne said... 20

happy you were able to join with friends Elizabeth. I had to laugh
at your comment about stout, my grandfather who considered himself
an …… all things beer, hated stout ! oh well

bleu and squiggles, happee week a head two ewe both with lotz
of actshun and fun❤️

Cloudia said... 21

Guinness is good!

Empire of the Cat said... 22

Glad you were able to spend time with your friends, especially when they live far away. I have quite a few friends I wish lived closer as I don't get to see them much either. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

Jeanie said... 23

Yup. Sometimes you realize it's time to put the camera away and just enjoy. It sounds like the most wonderful time with two people you really enjoy, care about and don't see as often as would be nice. I'm so happy this all worked out for you, Elizabeth. It's a wonderful memory and treat to keep in that memory!

pearshapedcrafting said... 24

Lovely photos of what must have been a lovely time together! I can't drink much before getting tipsy either!! Hugs, Chrisxx