My good friend Chris of Pearshapedcrafting is our host this month at Art Journal Journey. All Kinds of Weather is her theme, as you may know by now.

This post is dusty and dirty. Not
that kind of dirty.

I'm no poet, but I did come up with this. In case you need it translated:
Dust and wind,
Wind and dust.
Owning a good vacuum cleaner
Is definitely a must!

I give you a choice of corded or cordless, depending on which better suits your needs. They are both highly rated, according to Good Housekeeping, though.

I hope you don't get caught in a dust storm

like this man has.

I started this page by adding brown watercolor to a sheet of 110 lb. cardstock. I found an image in an old calendar, then cut it to fit the page. I then sewed it to the substrate background using blue variegated thread. Next, I fussy cut two vacuum cleaners and glued them to the page using a glue stick. Finally, I computer generated the poem and sewed it to the page.
Thank you ever so much for visiting t
oday. Bleubeard and I are so happy you dropped by and hope you will join us at Art Journal Journey with your own journal entry showing your interpretation of All Kinds of Weather.

This is Day 22 of Art Every Day Month or
AEDM, hosted by the incredibly artistic Leah Piken Kolidas. For today's entry, I created a journal page for Art Journal Journey.
22 thoughtful remarks:
Lovely images but dust does my head in. Years back when I was asked to take a teaspoon from the vacuum bag to an allergist what I took him was dirty cat hair.
I love your fun page, wind and dust could be a description of my apartment, it's always dusty and droughty! Your little verse is very good! Hugs, Valerie
Well that’s very different. I am a dust if you must person, and my husband doesn’t even know where I keep the dusters. Great idea and little poem. Hugs Wendy.
We just got a new sucker thing for our central vac and now it's like a power trip to use it! I am surprised it hasn't sucked the carpet right off the floor!
😺 Love the poem
This is a very evocative photo! When I think of dust, I think of my house!
if I could, may I please get your email address ? I like to send electronic cards for holidays etc from the Jacquie Lawson website;
it's totally trustworthy; have used her site for YEARS and I'd like
to include you, bleu and squiggles in my address book. If you'd
rather not give it out though, I completely understand with no hard feelings
back to blogging soon
♥♥♥ laura
I'm thinking even the best vacuum cleaner would lose against a dust storm like the one in your picture. I can almost taste the grit in my teeth.
Love this art piece!
I put off dusting in my house as long as I possibly can!
What a fabulous and fun page. Love this <3 x
I love how your artistic mind works. This is so cleaver. Although I think you would need a mega vacuum for this dust. Have a great day today.
Remind me of our college days in dust storms Oklahoma!
Dust and wind definitely not my favourite combination, but I love your page. That photo of the dust storm is great and the vacuums. I'm with Wendy - dust when you must. Happy AEDM! Elle/EOTC xx
A great page Elizabeth, and I love your little poem! Fortunately we don't get many dust storms here in the UK. I have a little 'Henry' vacuum cleaner, and he was out this weekend, as our daughter and her boyfriend came to lunch :D I find vacuuming hard work with the tennis elbow, so he doesn't come out that often ;-)
Happy new week,
Hah, hah! I vacuumed just to day, and I hate it 😖 l have dreamed of a robot vacuum but they are still too expensive. Your page is very clever and wel done - and super fun 👏😀
This one made me smile. It is so true. Can you image what life must have been during the Dust Bowl? Or before vacuum cleaners? Dog and cat hair must have been horrible. What a great page for Chris' challenge. I like it!!! Hugs-Erika
ouch, I do not like dust storms. It spoiled a camera for me once :(
No lust in the dust! Heehhee. love the poem and the picture of that horrible dust storm which showcases your page. I do not care for dusting nor vacuuming but we have a Dyson which is great.
Great poem and very cool picture!! When I lived in New Mexico, we had days like that where you couldn't see at all. Here in Alabama it is just the constant thin dust of trees and vegetation. I like this page! Hugz
OOOh! I think I am catching up! What a storm - imagine that coming in through windows!! Another great page for my theme dear Elizabeth, Hugs, Chrisx
I loved the quote you added and a vacuum cleaner is one of the household implements I for one couldn't do without, but it may not be that much use to clear up after a dust storm like you created for your fantastic AJJ inspiration page today.
Yvonne xx
Well done on the rhyme. I would love to be able to vacuum the floors. with carpets but it is one of the things that kicks my back off so I only do the wooden floors (most of the floors are nokw wooden). Plus I do not like the most modern cleaners that have the weight at the top - think I will have to save up for a robotic one like y friend has.
Love the whole idea of this post and great pictures.
`hugs, Neet xxx
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