Wednesday, November 24, 2021



My good friend Chris of Pearshapedcrafting is our host this month at Art Journal Journey.   All Kinds of Weather is her theme, which I suspect you know by now.

Here is another quick post today.  This one is about lightening.  According to NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration):
Lightning is a giant spark of electricity in the atmosphere between clouds, the air, or the ground.
Lightning causes an average of 80 deaths and 300 injuries every year.

Contrary to the common expression, lightning can and often does strike the same place twice.  Therefore I call this "Lightening sometimes strikes twice." 
Lightning may hit the same place or person several times. According to 
Ray Sullivan, a retired National Park Ranger was hit 7 times! He has been knocked down, picked up and thrown into the air, lost his shoes and a toenail, and can’t hear as well, but he’s alive!

The best shelter from lightning, according to, is inside a large enclosed structure, such as your home or school. No place outside is safe during a thunderstorm. Once inside, the site recommends to stay away from any windows and doorways, electrical appliances, lighting, electric sockets, and plumbing, such as toilets and showers. 

Taking showers and using a corded phone are the leading causes of indoor lightning injuries.  Cordless phones and cell phones are considered safe.

There are various forms of lightening, including Cloud to Cloud, Cloud to Ground, and Cloud to Air. 
For this journal entry, I started with a page from my meteorology book that I sewed to a sheet of 110 lb cardstock using variegated thread.  I computer generated the words and outlined them using two colors of gel pens.  I hope you learned something about lightening and can appreciate how deadly it is.
While you are here, I created a tag for Valerie's theme Anything Goes at Tag Tuesday.  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the United States.  It is my favorite holiday because it's all about the food, sharing time with family and friends, a bit of American football (NOT soccer), and did I mention food?  No gift giving, no pressure to have the best decorated house on the block.  Just good times and food.
Thank you ever so much for visiting today.  Bleubeard and I are so happy you dropped by and hope you will join us at Tag Tuesday where Anything Goes, and at  Art Journal Journey with your own journal entry featuring All Kinds of Weather.
 For Day 24 of AEDM, which the talented Leah hosts, I created a journal page for Art Journal Journey and a Thanksgiving tag for Tag Tuesday.

19 thoughtful remarks:

Iris Flavia said... 1

That Ray Sullivan sure beat the devil!
You have football on a Thursday? Well enjoy that and yummy food :-)

Valerie-Jael said... 2

I love your lightning spread, and I love the tag even more! Thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday, much appreciated! Thanksgiving is not celebrated here, but if it's linked to good food and meeting up with others, I would like it! Have a great day Sweetie! Hugs, Valerie

Elephant's Child said... 3

Happy Thanksgiving.
I have been at home alone when our home has been struck by lightening. Twice. Electrical storms make me anxious - though I can also see their beauty.

WendyK said... 4

Fabulous lightning photo, I quite like a thunder storm as long as I'm inside.
Hugs Wendy

nwilliams6 said... 5

Love the lightening, Elizabeth, it is so beautiful on top of being dangerous! Great tag too. Hugz

My name is Erika. said... 6

That is a great photograph of lightening. It is hard to get pictures of lightening bolts because they are so fast. This one is a beauty. Although a bit scary too. And that is the perfect tag for the season. It is a beauty too. Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving? I hope your day goes well. Hugs-Erika

Debra said... 7

We have had 2 trees struck by lightning. The second one made so much noise it scared our dove, Norton, right off his perch as he slept! It was very scary. Those trees had to be cut of course. Love the Thanksgiving tag too-hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful!

Jeanie said... 8

Lightning freaks me out! A good theme for your challenge.

Happy Thanksgiving, my friend. I'm thankful for you, your visits, your wonderful comments and the joy your art brings.

craftytrog said... 9

A great page, and some interesting facts about lightening.
That's a lovely tag too.
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Elizabeth.

CJ Kennedy said... 10

Great lightning page. Reminds me of the Lightning show at the Boston Museum of Science. Love it! Happy Thanksgiving!

pearshapedcrafting said... 11

Ooooh! This is a great page for my 'All Kinds Of Weather' theme Elizabeth but ...that poor man being struck so many times! I love the tag you made for Tag Tuesday - I can imagine your are getting excited - do have a lovely Thanksgiving day, Hugs, Chrisx

Mae Travels said... 12

My most wonderful view of lightening was one time on an airplane flying near thunder clouds, We could see the cloud-to-cloud bolts in the sky at our altitude. Spectacular. Did you know that lightening bolts have a fractal shape?

best… mae at

Empire of the Cat said... 13

The lightening looks fantastic! Our house has been struck by lightning four times so I know it definitely does strike twice (or more) in the same place. Happy AEDM! Elle/EOTC xx

NatureFootstep said... 14

lightening is the most wonderful, beautiful, scarying things that exist I think. When it starts you can not stop watching. Unless, of course, you goes into hiding. :)
Take care!

aussie aNNie said... 15

Interesting reading, lightening can be scary but interesting. x

Meggymay said... 16

That looks an awesome photo of the lightening you used for your page, I would not want to be caught out in kind of storm.
Have a good and safe day.
Yvonne xx

Neet said... 17

Someone I knew once was killed when sheltering under a tree with his father in law. The lightning apparently struck the zip on his trousers - so they said. I am not a lover of storms, either thunder or lightening.
Thanks for your lovely page, it is good to look at but in reality another story. A very vivid picture of the lightning and a lesson too. Thank you - and Happy Thanksgiving.
Hugs, Neet xx

pinky said... 18

I love a good storm, from indoors of course! Loving your tag too. Thanks for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday!

Divers and Sundry said... 19

So beautiful! So scary!