It's Friday and you will find me watering my newly planted herbs. Of course, I'm also joining Friday Smiles which is hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time). Let's visit her and the other wonderful ladies who also share their smiles each Friday.

However, yesterday I was out after first light planting herbs. This is my chocolate mint I purchased at the garden center.

Next came Thai basil, a favorite of mine.

Suddenly it got so hot, I couldn't stay outside any longer. I had to plant this later yesterday evening. I did manage to mow part of my front yard, but that was all.
Now for a few Indian Hills Community Center signs we all seem to love.

Now let's join
Annie (at
A Stitch in Time) and the lovely ladies who join her for
Friday Smiles. Thanks
again for visiting and spending a bit of time with Bleubeard and me this
Friday. Today I'll be planting more seeds in pots and catching up with my internet friends.
19 thoughtful remarks:
Chocolate mint?!!! I want!!! Hmmmm, that sounds yummy! My sweet tooth wakes up.
Thai basil?! We don´t have such fancy here, sadly...
It will get warm today, but not hot, sadly.
I mist, LOL. Such fun signs! Luke needs a walker. Oh, help, what brilliant mind comes to this?! Counter-pro... you don´t have me smiling. I laugh my head off. Eek!!! Thank you!
Love those signs. Laughter is most excellent medicine.
Love both of those herbs too. I have never used chocolate mint, but do crush it just to smell it.
Your herbs sound lovely, both ones I love. My balcony is not good for growing herbs, much too hot and no shadowy corners. Have a great day, take care, keep smiling! Hugs, Valerie
Good that you could get your chores done before the heat set in. Our heatwave has passed 😿, but I hope things are cooler for you. Chocolate mint sounds very interesting. Good puns, too.
Well done you with the herb planting...hope they all grow well for you. Thanks for the funnies...they are brilliant.
Annie x
Thanks for the Friday morning laughs! Enjoy your herb planting...and posting those fun identification charms to enjoy while waiting for the herbs to grow. There must be a sign about Herb no longer wanting to be called H”erb”.
Sounds like an interesting plant, chocolate mint. The signs just make me smile so much though some of them make me shake my head to as they are quite corny, you know grin worthy! Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx
Great herb selection. I ended up with 2 different kinds of spearmint this year, having thought mine had died and so picking up a spearmint at the garden center that turned out to be different. I've never tried the chocolate mint. I have catmint this year, and the bees love it :) I'm unfamiliar with Thai basil. Sounds nice.
I love the signs. Hope that chocolate mint takes off as well as mine did (although a caterpillar is munching on it!).
It is fun to plant, isn't it? I like seeing your markers you made also. I bet they will work fantastic for you. I did some seed planting the other night too. And I still love those signs. Some of those are a hoot. I like the one about the crowbar and also the one about David. Hope you are having a great Friday. Hugs-Erika
bwaaahahahahahaha! Funny signs!
by the way, we are watching all the midsomer and murdoch mysteries and there have been LOTS of years of them both, on ACORN on our Roku
We see lots of series there we love, sadly some of them were only a couple years worth.
these are so great, had me smiling right through
I hope your herbs do well. I have never had much success growing them from seed, but I don't use a lot anyway.
It is getting pretty hot here now too. I try to do what needs doing as soon as I get up, and then relax for the rest of the day!
Fun signs again. Kate x
I hope your herbs do well. I have never had much success growing them from seed, but I don't use a lot anyway.
It is getting pretty hot here now too. I try to do what needs doing as soon as I get up, and then relax for the rest of the day!
Fun signs again. Kate x
Another great collection of puns and funnies! What a great source you have found.
best... mae at
Those signs always make me smile!
Hope the herbs do well.
Alison xx
Herbs love hot weather but boy, they DO get thirsty! And thanks for more of these terrific signs!
Great photos and I laughed at the puns you found and jokes. The offended one is so true and reminds me of my niece..oops she would be offended by that so I must say my brother’s child. My ex is lazy one for sure.
I love chocolate mint - I bought one for the planter - lots of the ladies are fascinated! Those signs crack me up! Hugs, Chrisx
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