I had planned to bring my ugly Wichita State mug outside and enjoy a cup of coffee while watching and listening to the birds singing.
However, the best laid plans of mice and (wo)men prevented that from happening. That shiny stuff under my table is rain and it is coming down steady. It has been for nearly three hours. No way was I going to take photos at my new picnic table today. Yes, when I took these photos it was about noon. My friend Scott will be by later today, but we will need to either eat on the front porch or at the kitchen table.
Currently I'm at my kitchen table admiring some gifts from friends.
Of course, I have to show something I purchased for myself.
I stopped by the Nifty Nut House on my way home from the post office and picked up 1/2 lb. of cheesecake fudge. All for me and no one else!
My ugly Wichita State mug looks out of place on my table, but it is full of freshly ground French Roast coffee with half and half. I wasn't about to put it in a cup at this point. It's what I use whenever I'm outside or in my craft room. It's so ugly and deformed, I once left it in a workshop I attended in San Diego and it was still there when I went back looking for it hours later!
One of the gifts I received was from my dear friend Halle. These are the best masks EVER. Seriously! I can talk (and I talk a lot) and her masks never ever slip down under my nose. Thanks to my uncaring mail carrier, I almost didn't get this.
These are the reverse side. Halle asked me if I had received her package and I went to my mailbox to see if it was there. Sadly, it was not. However, I decided while I was away from the computer, I would water my plants on my front porch. Apparently, Denise who lives two doors south of me was just getting home from work and noticed I was outside. She also noticed the flag was still up on her mailbox, which is similar, albeit smaller, than mine.
Denise, who I have known since she moved into her home about two years after I bought mine, decided to take things into her own hands. She ran up to my yard with Halle's mail, telling me the package had arrived the day before. When she saw my name, she returned it to her mailbox for the carrier to pick up the following day. Apparently, if you have no mail coming to your home that day, even though the flag is up, the carrier isn't obligated to stop. When she saw her flag was up the second day, she played savior and saw to it I got Halle's gift. Halle and I both need to thank Denise for getting it to me.
Besides the lovely masks, Halle also sent one of Mini-me's graduation cards. I first "met" Halle when Mini-me was four years old. Now she's headed to college in the fall. Sorry folks. No peeking under the envelope. Thank you more than you could possibly know, Halle!
My second gift I received this week came from Michigan.
And because Lisca likes to see the postage stamps, I had to show the Cookie Monster my dear friend Jeanie sent. Can't you just hear him saying Cooookee?
Jeanie told me she had something she was sure I would enjoy. These are the wonderful gifts that came in that envelope.
I'm fairly certain she was talking about this wonderful card featuring Ike and Mamie. I'm sure many of you remember I spent nearly a year every Friday taking people through the Eisenhower complex I visited in 2019, the last time there was a Smithsonian Day.
This was on the back. It was written by someone named Ruth who was very happy about the election results. Thank you so much Jeanie for thinking of me and these wonderful gifts you sent.
Now it was time to open that box of fudge.
I can't wait to sink my teeth into some of this fudge. Looks like I'm going to get this published just in the nick of time.
I would also like to comment on the Tulsa Race Riots I spoke of earlier. Several people have indicated the riots were swept under the rug because it was embarrassing to whites, while blacks feared if they brought it up, the same scenario could happen all over again. Maybe now there's a spotlight on the massacre, it will be included in our U.S. history books.
It's now time to share your own drink inspired post this week. It can be
gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail
art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed
media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is
digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back
to a drink, any drink. Regardless,
please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T
gang will be by to visit. Please link only your T post and not your
blog in general. Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken
any time, not just on Tuesday and most assuredly not just this year.
Since many of you don't like Inlinkz, this T Tuesday link will only be open until midnight on the 2nd, which is when we share our Second on the 2nd posts. It's best you share your drink post either today or Tuesday until midnight MY time.
Love your gifts - and am drooling over your gift to yourself. Sadly the Tulsa Race Riots are a part of your history and I think they SHOULD be taught. Taught to avoid a repeat.
Your weather looks similar to what we had. Not as much rain today as yesterday or Saturday, but still grey and wet. And your fudge looks delicious. A little sweet is always good, but especially when the weather isn't very exciting. Something to brighten up the day as my mother would say. And nice package from Jeanie. I see some good art pieces. Hope you and Scott have a good meal, unfortunately inside, but enjoy it. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika
Oh, yum, fudge! I haven't been to the Nifty Nut House in ever so long! It has rained a lot over here, especially this morning, when it poured! Sorry I haven't posted, but with hubby laid up, I am a busy woman! Hope you can enjoy a cup of coffee and listen to birds before it gets too hot!
Hi Elizabeth enjoy your wonderful gifts-and enjoy your fudge-just for you We had cold and rainy weather here too-guessing more rain coming in tomorrow. Love your mug-Happy T wishes
I have never heard of cheesecake fudge but I do like both cheesecake and fudge so I'd certainly try it. You received some nice gifts. Those masks look great. Nice to have some made by a sweet friend.
I could imagine it must be wonderful to share a meal with a friend, sitting on the porch (you have a porch, lucky you!) and listen to the rain. I´d like to join you! Nifty Nut House sounds very funny! I never had a cheesecake. Sounds so tempting, but bet it´s sweet. Your mug-story made me laugh! LOL. You must truly love this thing.
Beautiful masks. Not allowed in stores here anymore, just "medical" ones.
Flag up? Funny. Clever. Sad it didn´t work but YAY you received this wonderful gif anyways. And Cookie Monster! And yes, I truly enjoyed learning about Eisenhower. THAT is cheesecake?! Looks like butter...!
Will it ever stop. Can´t we be just people, no matter which color the skin has.
Rain, rain, go away! Come again another day! Too bad you couldn't sit outside. That fudge looks delish! I love fudge. The Nifty Nut house is such a fun name! In 2010, when we were homeless for 9 months, we stayed at a friends' house (in the attic). Her husband's surname was Nutt and of course they name their house The Nutt House! A funny fact is that he was (and still is) a psychiatrist! Those masks are really pretty. Now that you have started to go out of the house again, you will enjoy using them. So good of Halle to send them to you. Yes, I was delighted to see that lovely stamp of the Cookie Monster. Thank you for featuring him in close up. The vintage cards and especially the Republican postcard, are beautiful. I will never forget the Eisenhower Museum. That was quite an experience, even though it was via your blog, it was like I had been there myself. Happy T-Day, (I was wondering.... is there any fudge left?) Hugs, Lisca
It rained all weekend here, too. Hopefully, the sun is out and you can sit at your nice picnic table and enjoy your coffee and the delicious fudge. Lovely gifts, too, especially the kitty mask. Happy T Day!
Fab gifts! Love them and I know you do to. The fudge gift to yourself sounds fabulous with some coffee too. The masks look very well made and pretty. You are lucky to get so many lovely things and have friends come over as well. Great post full of treats and insight into your day, Elizabeth. TFS. Hugz
Hi Elizabeth, what fun to receive such lovely gifts, the masks are beautiful made from gorgeous materials, fudge, I haven’t had any for years now I will have to check out he English shop to see if they sell it! Lovely to have lunch on the terrace, we like to sit and have lunch in the shade, unfortunately today we’ve had torrential rain off and on since nine this morning, we even got caught in it on and walk and I’m still trying to dry our shoes! Have a Happy T Day Jan x
You get the best mail... even if delayed sometimes. The Eisenhower piece is perfect for you. Cheesecake fudge?? Oh my, that sounds just wonderful. Enjoy. Hope you get to use your new table soon. Send the rain here- we need it.
Oh yummy, that cheesecake fudge looks so delicious - enjoy! Such beautiful gifts from your friends too, Halle did such a fabulous job with those reversible masks - amazing 😁. Happy June and T Day! Hugs, Jo x
So glad you liked the masks! I always make them reversible for two reasons...if you take it off and set it down you know which side should and shouldn't go back on your face and secondly, you have more options for matching to your clothes or mood of the day. :)
Crazy to think Mini-me was only 4...now she's so grown up and ready to move on to her next chapter. *sniff*
Isn't she lovely, your butterfly? I wish everyone would wear masks, we still have about 360 deaths a day to covid and I know people who have even been vaccinated and still came down with a variant! It's not safe yet, especially for me who is allergic to the components of the vaccine so I'm only half vacc'd
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Bleubeard and I welcome you
Art, including the journey, background techniques, sewing on both paper and fabric, new experiments, photos, failures, and successes will be shared on this site. I have removed my e-mail address until such time as I can get it to work again. Thank you for understanding. You can always leave a note on my blog and I will visit you.
Please check out my Previous Collaborations link above to see what projects I have been involved in over the past 12 years. Current and ongoing projects only are shown below.
Occasionally, Silent Sunday will showcase photos of my home, neighborhood, or community. A picture is often worth a thousand words.
Feelfree to drop by every second Thursday of the month for my Second Thursday Tutorials. They are interspersed with my other Tutorials found at the link page above.
Click on any lesson you might have missed or want to review
Click on the above image daily and help feed hungry dogs and cats. You can donate cat litter, too. You simply answer two questions (one about cats and one about dogs), and whether your answer is correct or not, you have just donated kibble to help feed both shelter animals and those in need.
I will create the art, critique things I feel are important, and put pen (and sometimes glue) to paper, or fingers to keys, while Bleubeard will mostly watch, supervise, or sleep.
Music that inspires me: my steel drum friend, Joseph Peck
27 thoughtful remarks:
Wonderful gifts nd glad you treated yourself to that yummy fudge, enjoy. Good that you have a nice neighbour! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
Love your gifts - and am drooling over your gift to yourself.
Sadly the Tulsa Race Riots are a part of your history and I think they SHOULD be taught. Taught to avoid a repeat.
Your weather looks similar to what we had. Not as much rain today as yesterday or Saturday, but still grey and wet. And your fudge looks delicious. A little sweet is always good, but especially when the weather isn't very exciting. Something to brighten up the day as my mother would say. And nice package from Jeanie. I see some good art pieces. Hope you and Scott have a good meal, unfortunately inside, but enjoy it. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika
Very nice gifts, and the gift of fudge for yourself looks so tempting and tasty!
Oh, yum, fudge! I haven't been to the Nifty Nut House in ever so long! It has rained a lot over here, especially this morning, when it poured! Sorry I haven't posted, but with hubby laid up, I am a busy woman! Hope you can enjoy a cup of coffee and listen to birds before it gets too hot!
Have a happy day with all your gifts!
And hello from the Salt Lake City Airport where we are about to board or second flight of the day on the way home from our trip.
Best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
Hi Elizabeth enjoy your wonderful gifts-and enjoy your fudge-just for you
We had cold and rainy weather here too-guessing more rain coming in tomorrow.
Love your mug-Happy T wishes
What sweet gifts! And the fudge looks divine.
Happy T-Day! :)
I have never heard of cheesecake fudge but I do like both cheesecake and fudge so I'd certainly try it. You received some nice gifts. Those masks look great. Nice to have some made by a sweet friend.
Fabulous gifts you are sure a lady in demand, enjoy. xx
I could imagine it must be wonderful to share a meal with a friend, sitting on the porch (you have a porch, lucky you!) and listen to the rain. I´d like to join you!
Nifty Nut House sounds very funny! I never had a cheesecake. Sounds so tempting, but bet it´s sweet.
Your mug-story made me laugh! LOL. You must truly love this thing.
Beautiful masks. Not allowed in stores here anymore, just "medical" ones.
Flag up? Funny. Clever. Sad it didn´t work but YAY you received this wonderful gif anyways.
And Cookie Monster!
And yes, I truly enjoyed learning about Eisenhower.
THAT is cheesecake?! Looks like butter...!
Will it ever stop. Can´t we be just people, no matter which color the skin has.
Rain, rain, go away! Come again another day!
Too bad you couldn't sit outside.
That fudge looks delish! I love fudge. The Nifty Nut house is such a fun name! In 2010, when we were homeless for 9 months, we stayed at a friends' house (in the attic). Her husband's surname was Nutt and of course they name their house The Nutt House! A funny fact is that he was (and still is) a psychiatrist!
Those masks are really pretty. Now that you have started to go out of the house again, you will enjoy using them. So good of Halle to send them to you.
Yes, I was delighted to see that lovely stamp of the Cookie Monster. Thank you for featuring him in close up.
The vintage cards and especially the Republican postcard, are beautiful.
I will never forget the Eisenhower Museum. That was quite an experience, even though it was via your blog, it was like I had been there myself.
Happy T-Day,
(I was wondering.... is there any fudge left?)
It rained all weekend here, too. Hopefully, the sun is out and you can sit at your nice picnic table and enjoy your coffee and the delicious fudge. Lovely gifts, too, especially the kitty mask. Happy T Day!
Fab gifts! Love them and I know you do to. The fudge gift to yourself sounds fabulous with some coffee too. The masks look very well made and pretty. You are lucky to get so many lovely things and have friends come over as well. Great post full of treats and insight into your day, Elizabeth. TFS. Hugz
What great gifts you received!! Hopefully our stores open soon and I can go looking.
I haven't been playing along, will try to get motivated.
We had planned a park trip today, but rain has put a pause on that. Maybe we'll both get out tomorrow :)
Your gifts are perfect, and fudge sounds like a great idea. Happy T Tuesday!
Hi Elizabeth, what fun to receive such lovely gifts, the masks are beautiful made from gorgeous materials, fudge, I haven’t had any for years now I will have to check out he English shop to see if they sell it!
Lovely to have lunch on the terrace, we like to sit and have lunch in the shade, unfortunately today we’ve had torrential rain off and on since nine this morning, we even got caught in it on and walk and I’m still trying to dry our shoes!
Have a Happy T Day
Jan x
You get the best mail... even if delayed sometimes. The Eisenhower piece is perfect for you. Cheesecake fudge?? Oh my, that sounds just wonderful. Enjoy. Hope you get to use your new table soon. Send the rain here- we need it.
Oh yummy, that cheesecake fudge looks so delicious - enjoy! Such beautiful gifts from your friends too, Halle did such a fabulous job with those reversible masks - amazing 😁. Happy June and T Day! Hugs, Jo x
So glad you liked the masks! I always make them reversible for two reasons...if you take it off and set it down you know which side should and shouldn't go back on your face and secondly, you have more options for matching to your clothes or mood of the day. :)
Crazy to think Mini-me was only 4...now she's so grown up and ready to move on to her next chapter. *sniff*
Cheesecake fudge! I have never seen that flavour before, was it very delicious? Lovely to get happy mail and gifts in the mail. Elle xx
Lovely gifts. I think we will be wearing masks for quite a while! Oh that fudge....sugar levels rising at the thought!!! Hugs, Chris xx
Thank You
Isn't she lovely, your butterfly?
I wish everyone would wear masks, we still have about 360 deaths a day to covid and I know people who have even been vaccinated and still came down with a variant! It's not safe yet, especially for me who is allergic to the components of the vaccine so I'm only half vacc'd
Wow what great gifts. Have a nice day.
That fudge looks fabulous, just fabulous. That card belonged with you. A nice memory of the joy you gave me with the posts on the museum.
lovely gifts indeed from your friend :)
your mug becomes beautiful when you like to drink in it :)
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