It's time once again to join Sami at Sami's Colourful World and her Monday Murals. Even though it's still Sunday in my world, please be aware that Sami's mural link goes live at 11:01 a.m. my time today.

If you enjoy murals from around the world, please don't forget to visit Monday Murals at Sami's Colourful World. Thanks for dropping by, too.
24 thoughtful remarks:
Seeing that mural made me smile broadly. Thank you.
This is lovely and so bright and colourful. Happy Sunday, hugs, Valerie
Very cute mural!
best... mae
I love this one Elizabeth, well spotted! We were watching a documentary series last week and it showed driving through part of Wichita and I kept looking for murals! Would love to do it for real with you! Hugs, Chrisx
A fun, happy mural.
I love this guy.It is too bad there is a gate in front of him, but with those bold colors, they do show through really well. He is perfect for a sunny Sunday. Hope you're having a nice weekend. I've been busy walking and doing yard work. You would think with all the exercise I would have lost a few pounds, but I am afraid to step on the scale and see. Ha-ha. Hugs-Erika
It looks like a logo for a business. Very nice find.
I love this one
He is so cute!
Some happy Pup, bet he´s spoiled and a real one is inside :-)
I love places where that kind of thing doesn't violate some let's-be-boring code lol This is definitely not boring!
i like this funny mural !
This is a fun one -- it makes me smile!
Pupper is def sending out some positive vibes! Love the color! very bold and bright!
...this fellows doesn't look like much of watchdog, he seems to be a friendly pooch! Thanks for sharing and I hope that you will have a great week.
What a cute mural! I rarely see such a clean, bright design.
Now that is one cheerful garage door! :)
A happy painting!
This is nice one.
Ladies and gentlemen: the KING!
It's wonderful, bright and cute.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Elizabeth.
So cute!
Very cute! I like it!
Very bold and bright! I love him! xx
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