Can spring be on its way? These are the green leaves that appear each spring.

Soon these green leaves will die back and Naked Ladies/Surprise Lilies (Amaryllis Belladonna) will appear in late summer.

Tulips seem plentiful this spring.

I may have a bumper crop this year.

It could be time to remove some and find new homes for them late this autumn. It may even be time to consider where to logically plant them (for a change).

These yellow tulips never disappoint.

There are other signs that spring may be on its way in my yard, too. I hope we don't get another hard freeze so I can enjoy these flowers this year.
Bleubeard and I are grateful you stopped by today. Bleubeard doesn't care about the flowers, but he wants to lie in the sun, something we didn't see for weeks on end.
17 thoughtful remarks:
I am always excited to see those first green shoots - and love saying that I have naked ladies in my yard.
I hope that spring IS on the way for you.
We have a few flowers and green shoots appearing, it's so exciting to see them, even though temperatures are still pretty low here. I have to break the ice in my bird baths most mornings.
Have a good week.
Alison xx
I always like to see your garden (and home). You are a very generous sharer of your life. I hope Bleubeard gets some nice sun to lie in when he is not doing blogging administrative duties.
I haven’t seen any shoots coming up in our yard, but we have a lot of shade. I vote for “logical planting” to mean wherever they get the most sun. They will be healthier and happier no matter the planting pattern.
Good to see green again! I will not be going home on Thursday, but will be transferred to a different clinic in the hospital for treatment of my pancreas, perhaps an OP, I don't know yet. Not feeling very happy today! Please link me later to T Day! Hugs, Valerie
Such a hopeful sign! We had a huge gathering of robins in our back pasture last week. I think they are heading your way! Spring can't be far off.
You will surely have a beautiful display of blossoms soon!
We just walked a few blocks to see a front yard where aconite blooms every year, and it was quite beautiful. The same yard also has lots of crocuses and snowdrops. Unfortunately, another yard that had a big patch of aconite was landscaped last summer and they covered the aconite bed with big ugly loose stones. A few escapee aconites were blooming in the grass. We also saw a couple of hellebores. I'll get around to posting the photos later this week.
be safe and enjoy the sunshine!... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
Wow, your Spring is so far ahead. We might see green things poking up next month
Looking good. I wish I had dirt in my yard and not sand. Have a great Monday.
DH just brought in the first spring boquet of Iris from our yard. THey are so reliable, they always show up and Im always delighted.
I am so jealous you have spring. And green popping up. How exciting. Winter here in NH is just too long, even though it is warming up, there won't be green for a bit. Your flowers coming up look great. And you mentioned my carving tools in your comment on my page. My set is really nice and I've had it over 20 years. My parents gave it to me one Christmas when I was in college. It's one of the few gifts I have left from my "youth" and I cherish it for the connect back to those days. Hope its been a good Monday. Hugs-Erika
Can't wait to see those blooms!!!!
I too am hoping mine don't have frostbite. AND I'm weeding again. Sigh.
Looks like spring is on its way! I've been tidying the flower beds and we have lots of green shoots peeking through like you 😁. Wishing you a lovely week! Hugs, Jo x
It's even feeling like spring up here for a few days! In the 50s! :)
Isn't it amazing what seeing those bulb sprouts can do for one's mood? It just makes you really believe spring isn't too far away.
Always nice to see the first signs of Spring.
All the best Jan
It's wonderful to see your green and growing things and hear your plans for them. Sweet :)
My potted daffodils showed promise but got bitten by our unseasonably cold February. I guess I should plant them in the ground...
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