Monday, November 23, 2020

T Stands For Thanksgiving


For those of you who live in the states, this Thursday is Thanksgiving.  It is my very favorite holiday of the year for several reasons.  First, you don't have to wrap any gifts.  Second, you get to cook all your favorite foods, and third, you get to spend time with friends and family you don't normally get to see.  However, this year, I fear all that has gone out the window.  I'll still fix all my favorite foods, I just won't be sharing them with anyone.  As I do every day since March 13, I'll spend it in isolation. 

Many of you who have visited before know I bring out this set I use every day between Thanksgiving and Christmas each year.  The set was collected by my Grandmother (grandparents raised me from birth) and she also used it between those two dates each year.
The set is called Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe and I think it reminded my grandmother of her roots in Great Britain.

I used to set formal dining tables, but it's been awhile, 

and I have forgotten which bowl, dish, and plate goes where.

I believe I even have the water and wine glass (which for me will be juice) turned around.  And of course, I still have the silverware placement to look forward to, also.
One thing I know is, I have every piece of china I will need for this meal.  On the back left is the soup bowl, which is small compared to a normal soup bowl.  I won't need a big one, though.  Once the soup has been cleared, a bread plate will take the place of where the soup bowl now sits.  There will be no fish course, so I will go straight to the entree.  Once it is cleared, I will have my salad, which is another small bowl.  Unlike most who live in the states, I prefer my salad after the entree, which comes from my British roots.  Finally, I'll have dessert which will be served on the small plate on the right, along with my coffee and water.
Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  In case you don't know the rules, please link any post below that involves some form of drink.   That drink could be made from art, sketched, digital, hybrid, or traditional.  It can be a time when you were out and about, or a drink you had at home.  It could be in the form of a book you read, a postcard you received, scrapbook page you created, or a movie you watched.   It doesn't matter as long as you can, in some way, tie it back to a drink.  After linking your post below (direct links only, please), Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be by to visit and enjoy whatever you choose to share.  And remember, as Bleubeard would say, your photos may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday.

I would also like to remind you it's time to dig out your Second on the 2nd, a post that you want to bring back to share with others.  It may be any length or any genre, as long as it has been published sometime in the past.

This is also Day 24 of AEDM.  Today I created and hosted a link up party where fellow participants shared a drink related post.

36 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Your table looks all set for the celebration, and I like the table ware from your grandma. My Mum had something very similar. Have a happy T Day, take care, hugs, Valerie

Mae Travels said... 2

That's a beautiful set of holiday china and delightful that it's been in your life for so long. I fervently wish that next year you will be able to set a table for more than one person!

A friend of mine (now deceased and sadly missed) once gave me a very old book about how to place all the special-purpose plates, bowls, glasses, etc. on the table -- also the many types of knives, forks, and spoons from those old silver chests. I don't have any formal china or tableware, though, so it doesn't come up in my life.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

best... mae at

kathyinozarks said... 3

Your dishes and table setting are fabulous-they would bring back smiles and memories for sure. We are eating Thanksgiving for just the two of us this year. I will make up some favorite foods and bake some pies, I have keto ice cream churning now.
Happy T and Happy Thanksgiving

Empire of the Cat said... 4

Wow your plates are gorgeous! I actually came over here at the weekend, got sidetracked looking at your antique furniture and forgot to post! I have also been in isolation since March, just me and the kitties :)

Eileen Bergen said... 5

Lovely reminiscences and dinnerware (I enjoy seeing it every year). We usually have a big Thanksgiving table with 10 to 20 friends. Not this year. We'll celebrate with three neighbors who are almost like family.

Happy Thanksgiving and and Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

Linda Kunsman said... 6

It's wonderful to set out such beautiful dishes and make it special-even if it's only yourself enjoying it. Good to feel special. Happy T day, and happy Thanksgiving!

Sharon Madson said... 7

Lovely setting. My mother had these. I don’t know what ever happened to them. A great reason to favor Thanksgiving , no gifts! Just sit around and eat and praise God for all our blessings! Have a great Thanksgiving!

Halle said... 8

I love your transferware dishes. We share that love of those. Mine will grace our table on Thanksgiving as well...even for just the four of us. It's tradition...and tradition is important.
Take care my dear friend. I am thankful for you!
Happy T day!

aussie aNNie said... 9

Beautiful setting and gorgeous table ware. xx

Rita said... 10

Always love your beautiful dishes. Glad you will use them this year. :) :)

Iris Flavia said... 11

Beautiful China. Hope soon you can put out more than this one set again! Will you put up a laptop and have friends on zoom or such?
Great idea to have it out all the days, too.
Now I really wonder what happened with my parent´s set? It had an East Frisia decor (white-blue), I hope my Brother has it. We near to never used it, not even for Christmas.
No turkey?
Isolation since March 13th sounds horrible. How do you manage, dear?

Kokopelli said... 12

So sad you won't have any friends or family over for this year. The dish set looks so nice and interesting. What heirloom pieces! I love that you follow the tradition of your grandma and bring out the set during this special time of the year. Enjoy your Thanksgiving meal and have a great week!

WendyK said... 13

Lovely table settings, sorry you have to be on your own for the celebration. Hugs Wendy

Anne (cornucopia) said... 14

I always love seeing your place setting for Thanksgiving. You're lucky to have those dishes. I'm feeling sad about not being able to see loved ones during the holidays, due to covid-19 precautions. Happy T-Day!

Let's Art Journal said... 15

As always, you have such a beautiful place setting for Thanksgiving! Loving those plate designs and having your favourite foods sounds perfect to me 😁. Have a lovely time over Thanksgiving and wishing you a Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

Nancy said... 16

Your table setting looks so inviting. Enjoy your feast.

Jackie McGuinness said... 17

WE spent our Canadian Thanksgiving in October on our own and I cooked all the fixings.
Looks like Christmas will be same here too. That's okay I'd rather be safe.

We went into a 28 day lockdown yesterday as our cases continue to rise.

How lovely that you will use these dishes for yourself, enjoy.

LA Paylor said... 18

how special that is!!! I admit I have a thing for dishware, and china and porcelain and crystal. A pretty table. Thursday I'll get out my Christmas dishes to use.

Divers and Sundry said... 19

Family traditions are important. We'll be just us, too, but still have food we like and use the good china :) At least I'm not used to a big gathering on the day. That'll make it easier. Happy T Tuesday!

Sami said... 20

Your grandparents dinner set is beautiful, so lucky you have it Elizabeth.
It's wonderful that you set it out for special occasions even if it's just for yourself, and why not you should treat yourself specially well!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Elizabeth and keep safe.

da tabbies o trout towne said... 21

this table setting is AWESOME; truly AWESOME Elizabeth. Even the coloring is amazing and I think if it was in any other "shade" it would
take away from the designs. I hope your day is happy; nothing going
on here either; even family have cancelled out; { not that there's that
many of us left anyway } ☺☺ !!

bleu and squiggles we hope ewe get sum pie and sum butter and sum pie and NOE bass terd turkee and heerz two a grate day !! :) ☺☺♥♥

craftytrog said... 22

What a lovely tradition your grandparents started, and that's a wonderful dinner service. I'll be thinking of you this Thursday Elizabeth.
Alison xx

ElizabethR said... 23

Thank you for staying home and staying safe! This is my daughter's favorite holiday, too, for the same reasons. She will spend it at her other parent's home, though.
You have inspired me to set a pretty table, too!
From one Elizabeth to another, Happy Thanksgiving!

CJ Kennedy said... 24

A very beautiful table setting. Happy T Day and Happy Thanksgiving

NatureFootstep said... 25

your table set is soo beautiful and what a pleasure to still have it in your possession. And gorgeous artwork on that china. :)

take care!

DVArtist said... 26

Those are really pretty dishes and everything looks wonderful.

pearshapedcrafting said... 27

I do so love this dinner service! Yes, this year will be different but we have other years to look forward to! Enjoy your day - i'm sure you will make it special! Hugs, Chrisx

Lisca said... 28

It is truly a magnificent set. I admire it every year when you put it out. I love the plate with the clock, and the toby jug in the bowl. I can understand why you never get enough of it. It's is a wonderful heirloom.
It's sad really that you have to celebrate Thanksgiving on your own, but in spite of all this pandemic, there are still lots of things to be thankful for, and so we celebrate...
I smiled at your salad after the entree. I remember when we were in the US we found it very strange to have the salad before. We would leave it on the table waiting for our main course, and of course the servers were waiting for us to eat our salad so they could serve the main course. Confusion!
Happy T-Day,

Leah said... 29

What a lovely set! So festive!!

Serena Lewis said... 30

That dinner set is something to treasure, Elizabeth...absolutely beautiful! While Thanksgiving will be bittersweet for you this year with no family joining you, I'm very glad that you are isolating and staying safe.

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here with it being an American holiday but...

Happy Thanksgiving Day to you. xx

one irrational bean said... 31

Your place settings are beautiful. Sending love across the miles. Stay safe, stay well. Happy Thanksgiving.

Linda Manning Findley said... 32

Beautiful table setting ... such wonderful memories ... Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Lowcarb team member said... 33

Your table setting looks wonderful.
Thinking of you this Thanksgiving week.

All the best Jan

Jeanie said... 34

Your table is incredibly beautiful. I love your china and the story behind it.

Thanks for your nice words. My computer time is very limited and I'm not sure I'll be by a lot for a bit or comment but I'll try.

SOS Booster said... 35

Zoom Thanksgiving activities are a great way for remote teams to interact and learn more about each other. This year Thanksgiving is on November 25, 2021 in the US. This holiday is also known as “Zoom Thanksgiving”.

ajaykr said... 36

Wonderful blog! What do you think of when you think of Thanksgiving? Personally, It is a way to spread happiness via food. Virtual Thanksgiving Ideas is the opportunity for discussion with your loved ones. With these ideas, we can share that spirit of gratitude with the other group you spend the most time with—your coworkers!