Saturday, September 19, 2020

Just a peek, a tag, and a journal entry

Some of you asked what I was doing while I had no access to my computer, I'll show you.

First, I finally got all these individual journal pages placed back to back in clear folders and added to my three-ring binder.  I wanted to add three holes using my hole punch to the pages, but decided to use clear binders instead.  Now I wish I had used my three-hole hole punch.  It would have been quicker, easier, and far less frustrating.  Now that it's finished, I will need another binder because this one is incredibly full and doesn't quite lay flat.

I've also been sewing.

Right now I'm working on a scrappy journal that will hold all pink background pages.

Although it will cover all seasons, it will honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Believe it or not, I have been cleaning my house.  Deep, deep cleaning.  Every room, too.  I even cleaned my refrigerator freezer from top to bottom, inside and out.  You wouldn't believe all the items I've allowed to spoil from non-use.

I've also taken time to make a tag for Valerie's theme, which is Farm Animals at Tag Tuesday.

I chose these pigs, which are red rubber wood mount stamps (very old from All Night Media) as the farm animal of choice.  Here I added ribbon and a message:
You are covered
front to back.
I colored the pigs using one of my handmade shimmering mists.  I grabbed my dye ink, instead of solvent ink, so the black ink ran when I added the mist.

Of course, I couldn't stop there,

I had to also create a page in my Challenges altered book.  It's obvious this is for Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey which is Texture, and Try it on Tuesday's latest challenge which is Scraps.

It's obvious the texture comes from

the corrugated cardboard and 

the fluffy rose fabric.  These are also scraps, left over from other projects.

Even the bits of German text is a scrap, as are the other two pieces I sprinkled on the page.

I didn't stop there, though.  The fabric ribbon I used on the pig tag is also left over from another project.

These pigs are so cute.  If only I could learn to stamp properly.

Here is more evidence of scraps.  Nothing is too small in my world.

I began by laying down a sheet of used pink printer/copier paper.  If you look closely, you might be able to see the printing on the back of the page.   I added the rose fabric to the corrugated cardboard I removed from a box destined for the recycle bin.  I added the assembly to the page, then added scraps of German text and finally, the pig tag.

What have you been working on?  Thanks for stopping by and seeing what has been keeping me extra busy these days.  I still have two more rooms to deep clean, so I'll be finishing that in my "spare" time.  I also hope to see you at Tag Tuesday, Try it on Tuesday, and Art Journal Journey.

19 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Grunt, grunt! Nice to see your piggies, I've got pigs on my blog today, too. We were evidently both wallowing in the same theme. Thanks for making the fun tag for TT, and also for joining us at TIOT, much appreciated. Have fun with the housew**k, not really my thing. Have a nice day, Valerie

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said... 2

It sounds like you have been keeping yourself extra busy Elizabeth nice to read you have had time to craft in between. A journal that is bulginging with work is much more inviting than one that's flat, it's a sign of intrigue & great artwork. Don't work too hard on the housework, we've been trying to get our outside space sorted before the weather changes, there's plenty of jobs to keep me going indoors this Autumn & Winter.
Take care & stay creative Hugs Tracey xx

Iris Flavia said... 3

Oh, you make me feel soooo bad!
I tried the sewing machine twice. Ingo had to watch on, I do not dare by myself, yet said I want to sew a skirt.
He said it´s like getting a driver´s licence and wanting a Ferrari. I should try with his old trousers first, but, oh, how boring!
The fridge is on my list for 2 weeks now. Argh! The floor.... don´t even ask.
I have so much fun stamps and colors and cannot make up my mind (have to do the taxes, theyy haunt me).

Love the piggy! But "Wilbur" needs Charlotte, too, no? (Charlotte´s Web)

aussie aNNie said... 4

oh love those piggies, front and back, so cute and your post is lovely again. as always. xx

nanskidrewski said... 5

Super productive with a journal bursting with pages. Cute little piggies. Have a lovely weekend 😚

My name is Erika. said... 6

Good for you. I guess it is amazing how much time the internet takes up and how much you can accomplish when you (or any of us) aren't on it. And I could stand to do some more deep cleaning too. I am doing bits here and there and hopefully by the time each little area gets done the whole house will be done (and then probably be ready to start again). MY next project is do clean out my hutch and pack away some things that I haven't used in a long while. Some will move to the basement where I now have some shelf room because I don't want to get rid of them and some will go to swap shop at the recycling center in town. ANyhow, enough about that. I love all your journaling work and I love your piggie tag and the page you made from it. It is perfect for Valerie's theme and also for your page you linked to Try It On Tuesday. If you wrote a 5 top things of your week your lack of internet might have not been a top but everything else sure is. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

Elkes Lebensglück said... 7

very nice the piggies and this Journal page , great idea!
You were busy cleaning the house, I also cleaned but not everything!
Have a beautiful Weekend, Elke

Tom said... 8

...a creative collection.

CJ Kennedy said... 9

You have been busy! Awesome projects. I really love your piggy stamp, and I think you did a great job of stamping. The piggy tag and is so cute with the sentiment you chose.

Let's Art Journal said... 10

Wow, you have been busy and I'm loving those little piggys, the way you coloured them is gorgeous 😁. The tag looks wonderful on your page too with all that amazing texture from the scraps. The fluffy rose fabric reminds me of the pig's curly tail (grin!). Thanks so much for using your scraps to join us at Try it on Tuesday and for sharing the beautiful texture over at Art Journal Journey too! Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

Luiz Gomes said... 11

Hi, good afternoon. All right? I am Brazilian, from Rio de Janeiro and I want to present my Blogger. New friends are welcome, no matter the distance. I would like to invite you to follow my Blogger.

Divers and Sundry said... 12

You _have_ been busy! I love what you did with the piggies :)

Rita said... 13

Great pages! You really have been busy. Cleaning everything must have felt wonderful when you were done. :)

Lowcarb team member said... 14

You've certainly been busy.

I do like your little pigs ... they are great.

All the best Jan

Karen said... 15

Too funny ~ I picked a hog for my tag! I love your little piggy image and sentiment. Good for you to be deep cleaning and working on projects that's terrific. ~ Enjoy the new week

Cindy McMath said... 16

Looks like you accomplished a lot without your power - wow, what next?! I hope everything is back to normal now. Love the piggy - very cute.

Sandra Wright. said... 17

That is a super rubber stamp...
Thank you so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday x

Meggymay said... 18

Your book journal looks fantastic and I love the page you have shared in this post. Those piggys looked so cute and cannot help but make you smile when looking at them. Thank you for linking this page with us all at TioT's as well.
Stay safe.
Yvonne xx

Joan said... 19

Fab pages and I do love those little pigs !

Thanks for joining in Try It On Tuesday Challenge
