Monday, June 29, 2020

T Stands For Egg Rolls and Tea

I'd like to begin by thanking those of you who told me you want to have an ATC swap again this year.  So far I have Erika, Linda, Kate, Karen, Divers and Sundry, Lisca, and possibly Eileen.  If you failed to let me know last week that you want to be included in this ATC swap, please do so this week.  I was hoping for a better turnout, but we'll do this regardless.

Do you long for the days when you could visit a Chinese buffet and eat as many egg rolls as possible?  Many Chinese buffet chains have shut down permanently due to the bad rep they got due to the corona virus, and due to the fact buffets are notorious virus spreaders.

Today I'm having egg rolls at my dining room table.  Coffee flavored egg rolls, that is.

I've placed some oolong tea leaves in my infuser and placed it to the boiling water in my Chinese tea cup.

My tea is now ready

and I will also eat these coffee infused egg rolls using my fingers.  I bet these three won't be the only ones I eat today, either.

By now, I'm sure you know the drill.  It's time to share your drink related post this week.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, magazine images, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post, not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday.  BTW, this link will only be live through midnight on the 1st, so linking today works best for everyone.

I would also be remiss if I didn't remind you to be digging out your Second on the 2nd post, too.  The only requirement is, it must have been published sometime in the past.

And PLEASE, if you haven't already, let me know if you plan to exchange an ATC for our 7th anniversary.

EDIT: I was using my weed eater this evening and a rock jumped up and hit me in the eye.  It may have torn my eye.  I have an eye appointment at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday and they will send me to a Vision Specialist at noon.  I may need surgery, so will be offline for awhile.  I have a hand made patch of gauze over my eye and Scott will take me to the eye appointments.  If you post on Tuesday, there's a good chance I won't be available to visit you.  Regardless, I will do my best to visit when I get home and hopefully can see again.

33 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Egg rolls are delicious, but I'd rather have mine with coffee! Here the Chinese restaurants are not doing buffets at the moment either, only service at table or take away. Happy T Day, and I hope that one day we can enjoy T Day without Corona. I won't join in with the swap, it's not easy for me to handle such small pieces. Valerie

kathyinozarks said... 2

I love your tea cups. I always wondered about some of the buffets-when we do go-it's been a really long time now-we get there right when they open so everything is fresh.
I don't do well with the atc size at all otherwise I would join in. Happy T

Eileen Bergen said... 3

I sure do miss going to Chinese restaurants. Thankfully our Costco has some really good frozen Chinese offerings. I learned how to make a credible sesame chicken and Mongolian beef. Where there's a will; there's a way.

Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

Susan Kane said... 4

We buy take-out for a family owned shop near us. It is okay, but as it goes in any take-out, nothing tastes the same.

Love your tea cups, esp. as they are laid out.

Linda Kunsman said... 5

what a beautiful teacup and saucer! And coffee egg rolls- oh yes please:)I'd eat more than three too;) Happy T day!

Barbara said... 6

Your lovely table setting is inviting! Makes me want to visit. 😄
I’m not sure about making an ATC. I like easier swaps, is this one of those?
Are there posts of them I can see somewhere?

My name is Erika. said... 7

Those look like yummy egg rolls to me. I've had a few cravings for Chinese food but I haven't had any since New Year's Eve. It will be awhile too unless something changes. I hope you enjoyed your cup of Chinese tea and your egg rolls. Happy T day Elizabeth. Hugs-Erika

Rita said... 8

Pretty teacup. Looks yummy.
Happy Tuesday! :)

Darla said... 9

I like the way you have provided such a pretty setting to serve yourself some tea. We should all take time to do that. I'm guilty of grabbing a cup while I read, not giving the tea my full attention.

Halle said... 10

I had to read that one twice...not the kind of egg rolls I was expecting. :)
Happy T day!!

Jeanie said... 11

That Chinese teacup is really pretty, Elizabeth. And those little cookie rolls look good too!

CJ Kennedy said... 12

Looks like you had a lovely treat. You Chinese teacup and spoon rest are so pretty. Take care and Happy T Day.

DVArtist said... 13

I love your post you already know that. I want to tell you that I am so sorry about your eye. Darn. I will light a healing candle for you. Just take it easy with this. Seriously, just rest until you visit the doctor.

Helen said... 14

I hope you enjoyed your egg rolls but I am so sorry you hurt your eye and I hope more than anything you don't need surgery and get better soon. Take care.

Iris Flavia said... 15

Uhhhhh. Oh, boy! I hope all goes well with your eye!!!
How horrible.

aussie aNNie said... 16

Lovely post and hope all goes well with the

Meggymay said... 17

First f all I was so sorry to read that you had injured your eye, I hope all will go well today when you have your appointments.
I will have to pass this time on the ATC swap, I cannot commit to anything extra these days and I wouldn't want to let anyone down, it it took time for me to make the ATC's.
The rolls you had with your cuppa looked delicious, I've not had coffee flavour, but the chocolate ones we can buy here are yummy.
Stay safe .
Yvonne xx

Lisca said... 18

You are right in avoiding buffets. A few Chinese restaurants have started doing this here (on the coast, where the tourists are), but I don't think it's very hygienic and would prefer to eat food straight from the kitchen, made for us on the spot. Now with Covid, there can't be any buffets, so I don't need to worry. Perhaps they will never come back!
Your coffee infused egg rolls with coffee look delicious. I remember my mum used to buy those.Very delicious. I would love to join you for that (but i suspect you have eaten the whole packet! (lol)) and also the oolong. Good choice.
Your Chinese cup is beautiful, I must say.
Happy T-Day,

Anne (cornucopia) said... 19

How horrible about your eye dear Elizabeth. I hope it isn't torn. I cringed with pain when I read what happened.

Those "egg rolls" look more like Pepperidge Farm Pirouette Creme Filled Wafers to me, but they look delicious, regardless. I like your tea cup. I miss getting Chinese takeout, and dining in. I'm still observing Lock Down rules, even though Connecticut started allowing 50% dining in on May 17.

Karen said... 20

What a pretty tea cup and infuser :) We still have takeout Chinese ~ Enjoy your sweets & your week ~

Karen said... 21

I saw remarks about your eye and had to go back to read what happened! I'm sorry to hear about your accident ~ I'll be praying for you today, take care

Mae Travels said... 22

Your accident to your eye sounds terrifying! I hope all will turn out to be well, and that you will be able to recover quickly without drastic interventions.

best of luck! ... mae at

Sandra Cox said... 23

Oh gosh, Elizabeth, I hate hearing that.
Sending all good thoughts.

RO said... 24

Well of course, we love the chocolate flavored egg rolls and I'm a serious fan of Oolong Tea because of the fat burning qualities. What I'm not a fan of is hearing of the pain and suffering you're going through. What a nightmare, and I wish I was there to help or fix you some soup. Take care of yourself, and we'll see you soon. Hugs, RO

Kate Yetter said... 25

The egg rolls look delicious. My kind of egg roll although I am used to the meat and cabbage filled ones. And your Chinese tea cup is so pretty! What a lovely afternoon tea you are having.
I am so sorry to hear about your eye injury. I pray it will not be serious and that it is easily fixed.
Take care and a Happy Tea Day,

Eileen Bergen said... 26

I must have commented just before youor accident. I'm so sorry to hear this, Elizabeth. Eye injuries are very painful. Good luck wi the doctors today.


Divers and Sundry said... 27

Oh! I'm so sorry to hear about your eye :( I hope you get a good report.

I miss Chinese and Indian buffets :( I wonder if we'll ever see them again.

Lisca said... 28

I just read about your accident and your eye injury. I hope it is not as bad as it seems, and if it is, I pray that they can sort it out surgically.
In the meantime I'm sending you healing thoughts and prayers, and a big virtual hug,
Thinking of you,

Let's Art Journal said... 29

Oh my goodness, I hope that you are ok and that your eye wasn't injured too badly - sending you get well wishes! I'm loving your Chinese tea day, such a beautiful table setting and sweet treats - perfect 😀. Sending you Happy T Day wishes and wishing you well! Hugs, Jo x

pearshapedcrafting said... 30

Good Grief Elizabeth! I do hope your eye can be repaired easily!
I thought I had said I would join in the T day Anniversary ATC swap - definitely count me in!!
I love the thought of coffee egg rolls!!
My Ex SIL and BIL have been to a Buffet restaurant twice in Poitiers. It is one of their favourite places and that just looked in to see how they were doing it and were so impressed they stayed and went back the following week!
There was no raw food to be handed to the stir fry area but the buffet was laid out with plenty of room and they were given their own tongs which they used every time they went to the buffet. Masks had to be worn all of the time they were not sitting at their table. Hand wash was to be used before buffet visits. Only one waiter was serving each small area and that was for drinks at the start of the meal. Plates were to be stacked on the table for collection after they had left the table and they kept their cutlery. They were given more tongs and a serving spoon for desserts. There was a clearly marked one way system. We know the restaurant and it is often busy but they said on both occasions it was very well organised!
I would say Happy T day but it sounds like a very unhappy one today! Take Care, Hugs, Chrisx

Linda Kunsman said... 31

Oh no! Sending healing love and prayers and hoping it isn't a serious injury. It must be painful:( Wishing you well and a quick recovery.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said... 32

Elizabeth i'm so sorry to read about your eye, how awful for you. I'm sending healing wishes your way keeping you in my thoughts that you and your eye will make a speedy recovery, take care of yourself and rest up.. and dream of those fabulous restaurants opening up soon, Chinese food is a firm favourite with my family but we have never tried those coffee rolls, they look delicious.
Take care and hope to hear positive news very soon Hugs Tracey xx
P.S Maybe one day i'll join in with the T Day party and join in with the ATC fun x

Dianne said... 33

Oh dear E I hope your eye heals quickly. It certainly must be painful, as I only scratched mine in the past and it was pretty awful. Sorry I couldn't link up today, I had to be out of town. I do hope you are better soon, enjoy those coffee infused egg rolls!