I still have a ton of photos from the Eisenhower Museum (like over 350), but I wanted to share these images from my yard instead this week. I'm finding it hard to smile in the wake of what is happening in our world right now, so I hope you will enjoy these photos of my yard and garden. After all, it
is Friday, which means it's time to join
Annie (at
A Stitch in Time) and the wonderful ladies at
Friday Smiles.

After the first time I mowed, I didn't have the mulcher part hooked up right. I think it made these robins quite happy, though.

They practiced social distancing.

Once again, I forgot to bring my chiminea to the patio.

I cleaned up the back area where I keep my recycling containers and my excess wood. I see my bird feeder needs food, too.

A lady bug was enjoying spending time on a piece of green wheat.

Fast forward three days, when my blisters weren't quite as raw, I mowed again, this time making certain the mulcher was hooked up. This is when I saw this bird.

From checking the internet, this looks like an adult male Common Grackle. The female has less blue on it.

I had thrown some old bread out on the back lawn and the grackle had already grabbed a big hunk. Per the internet, it makes sense, because they supposedly eat anything, including garbage.

Here, a young robin

decided to get in on the fun, but it wouldn't hold still for me to get a good photo of it.

Ahh, better.

I'll let you take my photo!

That was until this guy showed up and scared the robin away.

He had obviously called his friends because there were five of them in the yard, but all I managed to get in the shot were two.

It wasn't long until this bread was almost gone.

One final photo of the back yard before I put the mower away and went inside to shower. Note how large my Roma tomato plant has gotten.

Imagine my surprise the next morning when I went out to check my mail and found the first rose of summer.

Believe it or not, it's called Queen Elizabeth and that's why I bought it many years ago.

Several people couldn't understand why I have such displeasure of that fence. It cuts off my view of the neighborhood. My neighborhood doesn't have high wooden fences in the front yard like this one.

About the only thing I can see is this lovely flower in my front flower bed

when I sit on my front porch.
Now I want to share my ICADs (Index Card A Day). This was a short week, so I will show my first one again, along with my next four.
And so it begins |
Can I have your word on that? |
Many travelers stop |
The same but not equal |
Today is sponsored by the letter R. |
Tammy's 10th annual ICAD badge. |
Please let me know if you like any of these. Thanks so much for joining Bleubeard and me this Friday. If you know someone who is a blogger and is sharing their ICADs, please let me know and I will visit them. I have no way of seeing them on other social media sites.
Let's also head over to Annie's because she knows how to put a smile on faces. And whatever you do, please
don't forget to start your weekend off right with a few Friday Smiles
of your own. And remember, if you would like to play along, Annie will welcome you just as she did me many years ago.
28 thoughtful remarks:
It's fun to see the birds, your robin is so different to ours, and we don't have grackles at all. That fence is an eyesore! Lovely ICADS, have fun. I'm going back to bed, I have really bad headaches today, so will rest for a bit. Have a great day, Valerie
Sent you an e-mail
the fence is certainly huge! seems your neighbour is trying to hide away! Love the birds - your robins are so different to the European ones we have here. Great icads too. have a good week
You made me laugh with the over 350.
Boy, if digital cameras had been available for normal people in 1995/1999, when we travelled Australia for months... guess!!! LOL
Yes. We see your country in the news every day now, too. How long will it go on and what will the outcome be? How will it effect other countries?
Police here in Germany getting at coloured people who look like they´re on drugs get attacked, too. They also get on .... "other" people, that is OK. It´s a weird world.
Uh-oh. Bird feeder, yes, I have to take care about that, also!
Good on you giving bread, avoiding the poor fella turn to garbage! And ohhh, the Robin is cute. And wow, your yard is big!
Beautiful rose. It sure is a Queen, I bow :-)
That fence sure is a sign. Of... ignorance? Arrogance? Have you met the guys?
Ohhh, you have a porch! My dream! (our balcony is OK)
Life will calm down, it always does.
Thank you, too, for the memory lane to Sesame Street!
Love to see your birds and garden!!!
Yes this fence is weird!
Super ICADs wow! You always have the most personal ones... I love this ElizabethICADs
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Your yard looks great. It's nice seeing the bird activity. Recently in my yard, I've seen a black bird, possibly a Grackle or Crow, with no tail! I need to try to get a photo of it. I like your ICAD artwork.
So lovely to get birds in the garden. I love to see birds in my garden too and have a feeder so they keep on coming.
Your first rose is beautiful Elizabeth. It's sad that your neighbour erected such a huge fence in the front of the house.
The news from the States make me sad, so much violence, when will it stop!
Your yard is looking good. You must have a different growing climate or assortment of soil and other natural conditions than here in NH. I love the wheat with that red ladybug. That such a cool photos. is that wheat potted or in a garden? I've never known anyone to grow wheat, as it is not common around here. But I do also have a Queen Elizabeth rose in my garden. They have such huge gorgeous flowers, don't they? Mine has yet to bloom so I will enjoy yours. And I'm loving the ICADS. Especially the colored one with the fortune on it. I hope that life does calm down. But the events of late are making me sad also, which is maybe why I tried to make a happy tag and it didn't quite work like I wanted it to. Tough to get the mojo going again, just like when the corona virus started. Hope you have a super Friday and start to your weekend. Hugs-Erika
Refreshing to see the birds so happy in your yard!
I enjoyed the walk around your garden. Yup, that is a grackle. During the Fall we get herds of them in the yard. like 2 or 3 doz! Ink always loved the day when the grackles showed up. Your rose is very pretty and reminded me my dad used to cut the first rose of the season and bring it in to Ma. I rather like the privacy of a fence. I wish the Leaf Lady had put one up as tall as your neighbor's fence.Looks like you're on a roll with the ICADs. My favorite is the letter R
Hi Elizabeth. I'm late visiting today because I had a full day's sewing that needed to be done first. Love the photos in your garden...your robins really are a very different bird to ours. I love seeing the different birds and animals from around the world so thank you for sharing them.
Life sure is a rollar coaster right now but we need to focus on the highs and the thrill of the ride as much as we can.
Annie x
Apart from it's red breast I wouldn't have recognised those birds as robins. They are very different from the UK variety which we also see out here. The black one I would have said was a crow or raven, but again I have never heard of a grackle.
There is always plenty to keep us busy in the garden and I enjoy seeing everyone else's. You do a good job of keeping yours tidy.
I am glad you found time to do some art work too. Take care. Kate x
Hi Elizabeth, I am here but late due to stuff! The boiler decided to start leaking so we've had the plumber in today, then I was trying to sort out what was happening with my mum as we had a phone call yesterday from her social worker saying they were sending her home today which actually wasn't the case and then we had to pop out for some shelving for the new cabin but I'm here now! It's lovely to see your garden and all the different birds that visit. Loving the Index cards too. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx
I loved seeing your garden with the birds, your rose is gorgeous-I would not be happy with that fence either-sigh
Your roma is growing nice-we are hot and humid and rain that last couple mornings-so my tomateos are beginning to grow now.
loved seeing your latest art project-Happy Friday
How lovely is your garden Elizabeth!! You have lots of beautiful plants, trees and flowers... and robins too!! that´s the paradise. Your rose is Amazing, pretty colour. I don´t like this fence, as you and other people.
Your Icads are all gorgeous, different and special, great to see them.
Have a great weekend dear friend, and big hugs
Robins are delightful, grackles not so much ;) The tomatoes are coming along nicely. And that lovely rose! I always enjoy your ICADs.
I understand how you feel about that fence. It'd be perfect in a _back_ yard, but never blocking the view of the entire neighborhood. It's overtly unfriendly :( What was he _thinking_! I'm a bit surprised it doesn't violate code.
So lovely to see the birds visiting your garden and those pale pink roses are so beautiful 😀. We've had quite a few ladybirds (ladybugs) in our garden too, you may like to check out my post tomorrow ...lol 😉. Happy Friday and Weekend! Hugs, Jo x
I love seeing your yard. Great shots of the birds. You already know I love your art.
the ladybug photo is awesome !!!! nice capture :)
bleu N squiggles; heerz two a grate week oh end with lotz oh trubullz cauzin ;) ☺☺♥3
No doubt about it -- we need smiles despite all the really bad news.
be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
The first rose of summer, very special and quite lovely.
I enjoyed strolling through your backyard and birdwatching. It made me smile.
Stay safe. Stay healthy.
It's lovely to see your garden (nicely mown) and the birds that visit. Your robins do look different to the ones I am used to. They look larger and their red bellies are much redder. I have just googled it and Wikipedia says that the American robin is not related to the European robin, but the American robin has been named after its European name sake because of its red belly.
And grackles are a typical american bird, although we have many types of blackbirds.
Your ICADs are great. I can imagine you are enjoying making them as they are not too big and can be done is a short time.
Sorry I'm late. I've been out all day.
Have a lovely weekend,
Hello ~ Wonderful shots of the birds having fun in the yard ~ I'm with you on the smiles, I've been crying over the damage and threats in my area of Va Beach, I think it's just because of all the other things going on around me that this protest has pushed me over the edge ~ But, I'm keeping the faith ~ this too shall pass. Enjoy your weekend! With Love, Karen
That's what I have--robins and grackles. Also partridges and sparrows. Lovely shots!! :)
Brilliant post full of fun and nature's beauty..xx
Lovely birds, I've been watching the ones in our garden today. I watch them every day! Lol!
A great collection of ICADS too, I've been looking forward to seeing them :-)
Happy weekend,
Alison xx
Your yard looks great! Look at those fat, happy robins! The male grackle really is quite lovely. Plenty of wonderful beauty to share here!
So nice to see the birds … your robins are different to the ones we get in the UK. Your rose is a beautiful colour.
All the best Jan
so fun watching the birds isn't it.... those grackles can be pesty, noisy, and a bit nasty though. Love that you saw a ladybug. I have not seen any in my area. Though finally, last night the first fireflies appeared:)
Your rose is really beautiful too.
And the ICADs- thank you for mentioning your post of them in your comment to me ;) I quite like them all- each collage a bit different in style. the sewing is always a nice touch! And I am especially liking the minimal one with the three sewn circles today- even though the colors are muted and I tend to love lots of color. Looking forward to seeing your ICADs each week.
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