Monday, May 25, 2020

T Stands For Herbs and Gardening

Friday and Saturday were busy days.  It was still too wet to mow, but not too wet for planting and cleaning up after the storm.

However, I was easily distracted, especially when I saw the adorable brown squirrel quickly climbing the tree in my front yard.  In case you can't see him, I've placed my watermark directly below his long tail.

I'm fairly certain you can see him now.  But it was time to put the camera down and head to work.

Several of you wonderful readers and commenters suggested ways I could hide the ugly fence.  However, all suggestions involved me spending money.  Not my style.  After all, I am the Queen of Free. 

I did however, take your comments to heart and moved three Rose of Sharon bushes that were coming up on my property.  I'm hoping they will grow and help hide that ugly fence.  Note the water standing in the gutter in the street.  It just finished raining again when I took this photo.   Digging these holes contributed to my blisters on both hands.  It appears I am highly ambidextrous when it comes to gardening.

Not to be deterred by the blisters, before I left the front porch, I removed this spring wreath I made in April.  If you missed how I recycled everything on the wreath, you can check out how I made it here.

To honor Memorial Day, I hung my rusty house and my American flag in its place.

It was once again raining outside.  I had also taken a suggestion by Divers  and Sundry to add more plants to what I laughingly call my back patio.  It sounds crazy, but that is exactly what I did!  I'll show those on another day.  But for now, it was time to bring my dirty Wichita State mug inside where it was dry.  That was about 10 a.m. this morning.  Believe it or not, I had cleaned this area up on Friday, and it was a mess again today (Monday).

I looked out around 2 p.m. and this is what I saw from my laundry room window.  Too late to take more photos outside, so I'll turn it over to each of you and your T posts.  Please don't show me any blisters, though.  I have enough of my own.

By now you probably know the "rules," but in case you don't, please show something drink related. It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, tea cups, coffee mugs, a tea or coffee service, postcards, books, magazines, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, ATCs, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  I say that because sometimes it's hard to see where one post ends and another begins.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday, and not just this year.

I would also be remiss if I didn't remind you it's time to dig up your Second on the 2nd post. It can be any post, any genre, any length, as long as it's been published sometime in the past. 

26 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Your garden is looking good, sorry about the blisters though.... I haven't got any to show, but I do have some beautiful and colourful bruises where the door frame attacked my arm! The squirrel is pretty, I saw one today at the castle. Happy T Day, I will link tomorrow after TIOT. Valerie

kathyinozarks said... 2

I love watching squirrels they are always so fun. Here at the lake we have mostly these mini squirrels they are about 1/2 the size and are grey in color. I am so glad you decided to plant the rose of sharon in front of that fence. and pretty neat you already had the starts from your own yard. My brother had a really long fence on one side of his yard and he hung allot of things on it along with planting a huge flower garden in front of it. you might not be able to hammer things on their fence though.
I love Divers and Sundry's suggestion to add plants around your patio-will bring in birds and butterflies and make that area more cozy and private too. Happy T wishes Kathy

Divers and Sundry said... 3

More plants! You can never go wrong with more plants :) And I love the Rose of Sharons -Roses of Sharon? Rose of Sharon trees?- along that fence. Perfect choice!

Lisca said... 4

Squirrels, yes, they are so cute, but the last 25 years of my work at the hospice I have found them a real pest. They would not only steal food from patients' plate (cheeky sods) but they would come into the building. They did damage by chewing through cables in the garden to so with the lighting, and they generally did a lot of damage to the trees. But hey, they're cute.
I do like your garden and the Roses of Sharon to hide your fence is a good idea.
I'm sorry about your blisters. Aren't you overdoing things a bit? But I know the feeling: once you get going... etc.
Happy T-Day,

My name is Erika. said... 5

Gardening is hard work, isn't it? I've got those not so ladylike calloused hands-never mind the paint and marker from art time. I think your rose-of-sharons will look super when they grow out along the wall. It is too bad you aren't close as I have plenty of self sowing plants I could share. Of course our geographic differences might make a difference of what grows well and what doesn't. I do like the extra plants on your patio. I moved fresh dirt into my pots but got nothing planted. Maybe I'll get up early and go out in the morning to do that. Or maybe not. I love seeing your garden and your rusty house. It is looking good. Oh and happy T day. Hugs-Erika

Halle said... 6

UGH! Squirrels... they are just rats with bushy tails.

Kate Yetter said... 7

Looks like you make great use of your weekend. Your lawn is looking good! Blisters are no fun but hopefully they will soon.
Happy Tea Day,

Mae Travels said... 8

Your fence really doesn't look bad to me! One side of our yard has a chain-link fence: now that's ugly! We try to get ivy to grow on it.

I hope I understood the Tuesday rules: I linked a post with a bottle of wine being poured, but it was from a few days ago. If I'm out of order let me know and I'll stop linking.

be well... mae at

Rita said... 9

I hope the rose bushes will grow well for you there and he;p cover the fence. :)

aussie aNNie said... 10

Your brown squirrel is the cutest of all, we having heaps of rainy days here and too wet for anything but being inside...take care.x

Iris Flavia said... 11

Oh, a cutie-pie!
But that fence is still ugly. Maybe just the gesture, too. At least the wood itself is nice.
I had to do something similar due to a very nasty neighbour. Bet this one had other reasons, though ;-)

Your patio is beautiful indeed! And that table is art.
We´re STILL waiting for rain....
A happy T-day, dear host :-)

Helen said... 12

Hope the shrubs grow and cover the fence a bit and also hope the blisters heal soon

J said... 13

Hi Elizabeth,
Please to see your garden and hope the shrubs hide the fence eventually.
I love to see squirrels, we used to go to Centre Parcs in England and the squirrels were so tame they would come up to the patio for food.
Our weather is finally warm although today is cloudy but while this work is going on it's better as we don't have much shade at the moment
Have a HappY T Day
Stay Safe
Jan x

CJ Kennedy said... 14

I don't think the fence looks that bad. At least the neighbor put the nice side facing you. I do think it will be very pretty with the Rose of Sharon bushes in front. And gardening is like housework, it never ends. 😺Take care.

Halle said... 15

Not sure where the rest of my comment went. I know that I was a bit distracted while posting but wow...that was abrupt.
Hopefully, all your hard work will pay off with the plants along the fence. The wood is a nice could be worse!
I do enjoy that rusty house with the flag. Makes me smile.
Happy T day!

Lisca said... 16

Thank you for alerting me to the fact that I had linked the wrong blog. I hadn't 'published' my blog and I hadn't realized that. My apologies.
It's amended and I hope you will appreciate the cards, the stamps and the walk in the park.
Happy T-Day,

Eileen Bergen said... 17

The Rose of Sharon bushes are already good size.I hope they fill in quickly. Hard to tell from the photo: the wood isn't cedar which would age to a soft gray, is it? It looks like pine.

I love your rusted house plaque for the front door.

Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

Meggymay said... 18

A super post and photos. its good to plant things close to a fence, it will be a much better outlook as they grow and flower. Your grass looked so fresh and green, a pity the rain will have encouraged it to grow. Plus and a minus with no happy medium these days when it comes to storms. That squirrel looks happy climbing your tree, must be good to watch them about the garden.
I hope your blisters heal and you rest the hands, they must be painful for you as you are working.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth, stay safe.
Yvonne xx

Sami said... 19

I would have happily stayed out watching the squirrel, how cute :)
Your Memorial Day plaque is quite pretty.
Enjoy the rest of your week Elizabeth, hopefully without any more blisters :)

Let's Art Journal said... 20

Wow, you have been busy! The herbs are looking great and the roses look so nice against the fence, they will grow beautifully with all that protection 😀. That's a big tree and the squirrel is super cute too. Hope you're blisters are getting better! Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs,Jo x

pearshapedcrafting said... 21

What an abomination that fence is - I thought your area was open plan - must have misunderstood that! Rose of Sharon will do for a while - lets hope it grows quickly! Too bad you missed the sunshine! I really will be back for a very long catch up I think! Happy T Day, Hugs, Chrisxxxx

Linda Kunsman said... 22

It is all looking so nice and inviting Elizabeth. Sorry about the nasty blisters though. I'm sure your Rose of Sharon shrubs will fill in quite nicely. We use forsythia bushes to hide our fencing and for added privacy and nature:)
Oh yes, the squirrels- they can be quite entertaining but I am NOT appreciative of the antics they use to get at my bird feeders!
Love your rusty house door decoration, and you did a great job with your Spring wreath- it looks so fresh and new still.
Enjoy your patio, and happy T day!

Anne (cornucopia) said... 23

I'm very late this week Elizabeth...

Squirrels are cute, but I don't like them because they eat the bird seed in my bird feeder.

I know everyone seems to dislike the fence your neighbor put up, but I think it looks okay. Your yard looks very green and nice.

I'll be back later to leave comments for everyone else. Happy T-Day!

Jeanie said... 24

I really, really love your outdoor table! My palette! Good move on the rose of sharon. I have issues with those because they always seem to grow so close to the house so I rip them down because they are too rooted to dig out. I'm glad you could move yours!

Caty said... 25

OOh I´m sure your roses of Sharon with grow beautifully Elizabeth !! That´s a great work, and they will hide this fence. I have to say that your garden is precious, all green ahh !! Love this little squirrel, and the lovely house with the flag.
I wish you had a great T-day, let´s see if I can join you this week. and send
Big hugs,

Lowcarb team member said... 26

I always enjoy seeing squirrels, we had one in the garden today.

A good idea to move the Rose of Sharon bushes.

My good wishes.

All the best Jan