Today, much to the chagrin of some and pleasure of others, we're once again heading back to the Eisenhower Museum. Let's join
Annie (at
A Stitch in Time) and the wonderful ladies at
Friday Smiles and discover more of the museum.

Where we left off last time, Ike was about to come home from Manila in the Philippines.

Sorry some of these photos aren't all that great. I didn't have time to check that they weren't fuzzy because there were lots of people looking at the same exhibit as I. As you saw, the Philippine Army was on the path to independence. Both MacArthur and Eisenhower remained on active duty in the U.S. army while serving as military advisers to the Philippine government. Ike considered the Philippine defense budget as inadequate, and he
struggled to provide the army with modern weapons and sufficient

Ike had strong philosophical disagreements with MacArthur regarding the
role of the Philippine Army and the leadership qualities that an
American army officer should exhibit and develop in his subordinates.
This rift lasted a lifetime, although MacArthur gave Ike a very
favorable review for his final evaluation.

Mamie was uncomfortable in Panama and then again in the Philippines. She left Panama for a
few months and did not go to the Philippines for a year. But in both
cases she ultimately returned to Ike and remained committed to their

Jealousy raised its ugly head on several occasions. Mamie had socialized
in the year while she and John were in DC and Ike was in the
Philippines. Ultimately, there was never any evidence of unfaithfulness in their marriage.

One of the things Ike perfected was his ability to keep peace with MacArthur.

As noted above, separation was difficult for the Eisenhowers. At times it was especially hard on John, who missed his father who seemed more interested in his country than his son. I think this is a good place to stop this week, since I don't want to overburden anyone who actually doesn't care for this museum.
Now I want to switch gears completely and talk about something near and dear to my heart, as it should be to yours. This is NO LAUGHING MATTER.
Domestic violence is on the rise during this lockdown. This is from a New Jersey (USA) newspaper article.

However, if you think it's only a United States problem, think again. This is an image from the UK.

And this is an image from Asia. There are photos from all over the world showing how abused women are having trouble leaving. If you know someone and can safely get them out of this situation (like when their spouse is grocery shopping, etc), please either do so, or get police or other emergency agencies to remove the abused from the abuser.
I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, because this is supposed to be about smiling on Friday. Let's get the abused women you might know to safety, then they and YOU can smile, too.
Thanks so much for visiting today
. Now let's head over to Annie's to see what others are smiling about this Friday. Please don't forget to start your weekend off right by visiting Annie for a few Friday Smiles. She will welcome you just as she did me many years ago.
12 thoughtful remarks:
I had no clue about the backstory of Mamie and their marriage. Very interesting. As you know, domestic violence is my platform, so when people put a spotlight on the problems of abuse I'm thrilled. You're right, and it's frightening to know that it's happening all over the world and getting worse with the Stay at Home order. It's all so scary. I hope that more people are sympathetic and try to help those who are in need to get away and to not turn a blind eye. Thanks so much dear friend! Air Hugs and stay safe, RO
I always enjoy your museum visits. And this one is no exception. I am a little puzzled though why the Americans would get involved in Philipines army situation. It was a foreign power. Whe would the Philippine leadership allow that? But it did give Eisenhower a good insight in Asian military matters, which would stand him in good stead in WWII.
I agree that we ought to think about domestic violence and abused women( and men too it seems). I was once an abused woman with no way out. A horrible situation.
Stay safe and keep smiling,
I enjoyed the museum and learning about the rift between MacArthur and Eisenhower. I liked seeing the hotel used as the headquarters in the Philippines. I think Dad told me it used to be a hotel. Anyway, he was there with his hero MacArthur. Take care and have a good day.
When I visited the Philippines in Dec 2018 my daughter took us to a Museum where I became acquainted with the link between the US and the Philippines during their 48 year colonization. Apart from the English language there are still a lot of American influences there.
Domestic violence also happens in Australia unfortunately, and I feel sorry for those that had to be stuck at home with the perpetrator.
Have a lovely weekend Elizabeth.
Social problems of all types are getting worse because of the pandemic and the extreme measures needed to avoid more illness, more overburdened medical facilities, more infected medical personnel, more suffering, and a higher death rate. It's a good thing you are highlighting one of these side effects, and questioning if there are measures that can relieve the stress and the abuse.
be well... mae at
Abuse certainly isn't something to smile about sadly and the epidemic has def made things much worse for many I'm sure.
Stay safe Elizabeth...and try to keep smiling.
Annie x
That museum has so _many_ exhibits! Thanks for sharing about the plight of the abused :(
Another wonderful post Elizabeth, you know how I like these visits with you and the history you are sharing. The photos looked good to me, far better that my camera could do for displays behind glass.
I could easily join in with you on the subject of abuse during the lock down, the fear and trauma they have to endure at the hands of family and loved ones, is not acceptable in today's society anywhere in the world.
Stay safe and keep well.
Yvonne xx
It's the personal stories that intrigue me most. I can see why those times would have been hard on John Eisenhower. Maybe on everyone.
It is good to see you highlighting the problem of domestic abuse. It certainly isn't restricted to any one country, and it has been hard on those victims trapped at home at this time. My first marriage was abusive, but I eventual managed to escape with two small boys, helped by an older sister and her husband, so I have some small understanding of the sad situations some women, (and men) find themselves in.
Wishing you peace and strength to get through these troubled times. Kate x
Nice visit to the museum but so true about domestic abuse. Not just of women of course. It is one of the hidden parts to this virus. To people with unhappy home lives, whether abused or not, this must be horrible. Of course abuse is a big step over just unhappy, unless of course it is depression...but I could go on. Hope the yard mess wasn't too much. Hugs-Erika
Hi Elizabeth, you have no reason to apologise to me for being late life is all mixed up at the moment. I did a few visits on Friday morning and then everything kicked off as the Care Home where they have taken my mum said they couldn't find the clothes and other things that I had taken for her so we had to try and sort that out. Finally they did find the bag but wanted other things too so Saturday we drove to mum's and then on to the Care Home so by the time we got back home I had had enough so just trying to catch up with the emails from yesterday and Friday. You are so right there are people who are suffering in all kinds of ways due to the Lockdown and many of them go unnoticed. I hope you are sorted at home too as your message sounded a bit scary. We've had quite a lot of wind here but it doesn't sound as bad as yours. Take care and hope you have a better week, Angela xXx
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