Monday, March 23, 2020

T Stands For Sun Tea

I want to thank those of you who stopped by while I was offline.  You have NO idea how sweet your comments have been.  My heart was filled with happiness as each of you stuck by while I was offline.  I'm not sure (and neither is ATT) the problem has been fixed.  However, I'm back online hopefully for a few hours, at least.

There is no sun, there is no heat.  It's freezing outside and people are bundled up when they step outside their homes.  And yet,

here I am making sun tea.

It just goes to show you don't need sun OR heat to create this tea.  All you need is time and patience.

As I was setting up this shot, a man and woman I'd never seen before in the neighborhood were walking by in the street, each with a dog.  I waved and they enthusiastically waved back.  It seems the world may be getting kinder and more considerate as we social distance ourselves.

The tea, which by its nature is quite light, is finally done.  Now it's time to make art from the tea and the tea bags.

I consider myself quite lucky, even though I seem to be at the mercy of my internet provider (ATT).  I'm not hurting for food, or coffee.  The "boys" (aka Bleubeard and Squiggles) have plenty of food, and for the time being, plenty of litter.  Even though I won't be going anywhere anytime soon, I have plenty of things here to create art.  I suggest you join me by recycling or re-purposing art supplies while we are forced to stay home, or are on lock down.

I realize this is a bit early, but please be thinking about your Second on the 2nd.  It's a post you have shown in the past.  Please remember any genre, any length, any subject matter is fine.  The ONLY requirement is, it must have been shown sometime in the past.

34 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Nice to see you around again! I'm glad you have everything you need at home, for yourself and for your 'boys'. Have a fun tea day. I sent you a mail, did you get it? Valerie

Divers and Sundry said... 2

So glad you're back! In these anxious time this weekly gathering means a lot :)

Mia said... 3

Glad to see you back, Elizabeth. And what an interesting way to make a tea.
It is a difficult period of time, my friend, but this will pass too. As the whole world stays at home, we are lucky we have our art supplies and that we love crafting. Kisses!!!

Eileen Bergen said... 4

Glad you're back online, Elizabeth. I hope it lasts.

What you say is so true. Yesterday a neighbor wanted to come to us to pay her condo fees. She admitted she was nervous to get close. So she wanted to slip the envelope under our door. I said fine; but I grabbed my long BBQ tongs, hid them behind my back and walked to meet her.

As we got within 6 ft. of each other, I stopped and told I hoped I could make her laugh. I pulled out the tongs and reached over to take her envelope. It worked. We both laughed.

Then I'm sure we both went back to our house and disinfected everything - lol.

Happy T-day! Eileen xx

Anne (cornucopia) said... 5

This was a very enjoyable post to read, Elizabeth. I'm glad you got your Internet back, but I'm sorry to hear you don't have heat. Ugh. Your art tea looks good. One can only hope people in the US will become kinder to each other during this covid-19 situation. Time will tell. I'll be back tomorrow to post my tea link, which goes live at midnight tonight CA time (even though I'm in CT ;-) We go on Lock Down at 8pm tonight. NY went on Lock Down yesterday at 8pm. I've already heard from someone here in CT that when he was standing on line in the grocery store after work today, someone came behind him and stood right behind him. He said there were signs all over the store, saying to keep 6 feet away from everyone else. The manager told the person behind him to step back 6 feet, it is a CT Order. The guy said, "Oh, I didn't know." So we'll see which type of person represents the majority of Americans: the friendly people who waived to you, or the person in the grocery store who ignored both the news and all of the signs that said the CT Lock Down requires people to maintain the 6 foot social distancing rule.

Barbara said... 6

Welcome back, looking forward to your tea art!

My name is Erika. said... 7

Hurrah- you are back! I was worried that you'd be out for awhile, but I guess AT&T came through. You must be happy. And good for you to make some sun tea. We were coldy and raw today and right now the snow is falling hard. I say that because sun tea doesn't seem to fit the season but I do like to make sun tea. Oh spring and summer needs to be coming sometime. Hope you are feeling ok and not too stressed. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

Linda Kunsman said... 8

so happy to see you back on the internet and especially that you have enough supplies/food/litter/etc. for awhile!! Sun tea - good for so many things isn't it..happy T day and happy creating!

Rita said... 9

I'm glad you are back online. I am like you--Annie and I have enough for quite a while and I have things to do and create. Stay safe. I'm glad people seem kinder. :)

Cindy McMath said... 10

Glad you’re back online. Hope the sun comes out soon for you - it’s been very balmy here in Victoria. So much so that one of my friends was complaining that it was only 8C (46F) yesterday - I said some places still have snow! I will reserve judgement on whether or not people are going to be kinder - I’d love to believe it but I’m skeptical. Take care.

Kate Yetter said... 11

It seems like ages since I have joined you for T day! It is SO nice to be back.
Your sun tea is looking great. And it is nice to hear that people are being kind and considerate despite the social distancing. Unfortunately, fear keeps a lot of people from being kind and doing the right thing. I guess we can thank the news media for that. Stay warm!
Happy Tea Day,

aussie aNNie said... 12

Keep on the happy road and keep smiling...xx

DVArtist said... 13

Glad you are back on line. I think with all the students, and people working from home our internet is overwhelmed. I am surprised any of us are still on line. Personally I would be lost without it. OK, you proved it.No sun or heat and you still get tea. Brova. Can't wait to see what you are creating. Stay safe my friend.

Iris Flavia said... 14

Great to see you, fingers and toes crossed you stay online, too!
That tea looks yummy, too!.
Sun here, but cold!

Talked to my neighbour yesterday, with the distance you sadly need these daays. People passed us by totally close. Sad there are so many dumb ones!

Valerie-Jael said... 15

I have e-mailed you again, hope it arrives this time!

J said... 16

Elizabeth, forgot to say on my last post, sorry for popping I. Twice, forgot I was on my iPad and needed to copy and paste

Jan x

Meggymay said... 17

I am so pleased to see that you are connected to the net again,fingers and toes crossed that it lasts. I would feel totally cut off these day without the net and being able to keep in touch with friends.
I was interested in the sun tea, now this may sound daft but is it a blend you can drink as well as use in crafting.
I hope everyone everywhere does what our governments advise us these days. A little kindness and thought for others will go a long way.

Stay safe and well
Yvonne xx

J said... 18

Dear Elizabeth, I’m not having much luck this morning, it seems my first post didn’t go! Anyway it was lovely to see you back, hope it stays that way, we all need to stay online as for many of us it’s our only link to the outside world, thanks for your visit last week, it was lovely to see you,
Happy T Day, jan x

Karen said... 19

Sun tea sounds good and brings back memories of a college roommate who use to make it. So glad your internet is cooperating so far. Sorry you don't have heat, put on warm toasty socks and snuggle with Bluebeard. Thank goodness for art and people who smile, wave, and keep their distance ~ Blessings on your day!

RO said... 20

OMG Elizabeth, you are really going through it these days, and my heart goes out to you. I know exactly how you feel about the loss of Internet. That's happened to me with the loss of my computer, and when a tree fell on lines and knocked out power a while ago. I'm really concerned that you have no heat and hope you have small temporary heaters possibly? be safe, and I love that tea idea. I normally do mine at home in a pot and boil it on the stove.(lol) Your way looks a lot more interesting. Hugs, RO

Darla said... 21

Hello, hello. I am happy to see you posting and delighted that the Tea Party community is showing up. It is so meaningful to be able to connect with my online friends at this time. Isolation is hard. Hoping everyone stays well.

Let's Art Journal said... 22

Glad you are back online! You know how I love green tea so I would happily join you for a cup today and what a fun way to brew it too 😀. Yes seems people are happy to say hello when they see each other, which is lovely! Take care and sending Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

CJ Kennedy said... 23

And here I thought you were brewing tea to have a cuppa. I should have known it would be used to make art. 😺 Take care, and Happy T Day

Sami said... 24

Nice to see you back Elizabeth.
So nice of those strangers to wave at you, I'm glad some people have become kinder.
Stay safe :)

pearshapedcrafting said... 25

So pleased to see you have everything sorted now - fingers crossed! The colour of your sun tea looks wonderful! Now to wait and see what you make! Hugs, Chrisxx

Halle said... 26

Being disconnected these days is so frustrating! Hope things are well otherwise with you!

froebelsternchen said... 27

Fingers crossed for your internet connection now dear Elizabeth!
Good you have all you need at home hopefully this internet problem is really over from now on! You are right it really seems the people are getting kinder and more considerate these days. Here the same!
Stay healthy and creative... such an interesting way to brew tea!!!

Big hugs, Susi

Linda Kunsman said... 28

Elizabeth, you mentioned in your comment to me about Instagram. I'm sure you can sign up and join via your computer because that's how I started. You should then be able to view and find IG friends like Patty. I sometimes look at Instagram on my desktop so I can see the images much larger;).

Lisca said... 29

Good to hear you are back online. I hope it stays that way and no more gremlins sneek in.
Sun tea is a new one for me. I had never heard of it. I assume you make it with cold water. We can buy special cold water infusions here which we use in the summer. Similar idea.
I'm also very glad you have enough stock of all the things you need. Then you don't need to go out.
I make sure I need something every day, so I can go for a little walk, even if it is only in the village. I need the exercise and I want a bit of fresh air. The weather is foul, but I will still go out. Yes, I am very careful. I wear gloves and don't touch money or door knobs. In fact the shops have their door open for that reason. Only one or two customers at a time in the shop (depending on the size of the shop).
Happy T-Day,

Anne (cornucopia) said... 30

You were right, Elizabeth: I didn't understand you meant you didn't need heat to make the tea, just sunlight. I thought you meant you had no heat in your house. I probably misread your writing. My brain is partially mush due to my elevated stress level. I've been finding myself making grammatical mistakes now, too, in my writing / comments. :-(

Jeanie said... 31

You have no heat in your home? Oh no, that's not good at any time of year but especially right now with the weather and the virus. I hope they can take care of that soon.

Glad the computer is back. And that tea looks really good. I might have to go out and make a cup right now!

craftytrog said... 32

That's a cool technique! Looking forward to seeing your tea art! xx

Mrs.B said... 33

It must be so frustrating to loose internet connections, especially when we are all 'social distancing'. Sun tea is something new to me, looking forward to seeing your art using it.
Stay safe and hopefully connected.
Avril xx

Caty said... 34

Dear Elizabeth, I´m so glad to read that your are fine, as well as your little boys. I´m fine too, here in Spain, we stay at home from Sunday 15th, and we go to the supermarket once a week, my son goes out with our dog every day, of course, but we are fine.
however the number of deceased people increases every day, it is a real shame. They say this situation is going to continue for a while, I wish it would happen as quickly as possible.
Excuse me for joining the T-day so late, I hope you had a good time. That sun tea may be delicious. And, you are right, we can be very creative and use all the beautiful material we have at home to create Art.
Take care yourself a lot. I send you biiiig hugs