EDIT: I DO KNOW this is week 525, not 255! Once again, I'm linking to the Queen of Deskers herself, Julia at Stamping Ground. I know Julia likes to keep things short and sweet, but I have to let you know my WOYWW posts will be on hiatus during July. Although my regular readers and followers already know, I have three children (now they are two teens and one tween) who will be staying with me for the next couple of weeks.
I've never shared this with deskers, but I have shared it with Friday Smiles. I had a friend who died in May, 2017, after being diagnosed with cancer shortly before Christmas in 2016. She left me in charge of her three children, who at the time were two tweens and one teen, until their aunt could arrive from California to take them to their new home. A nasty and very quick divorce with the father relinquishing his parental rights, put me in charge of them, acting as their guardian on a temporary basis. It was the last thing my friend did before she died. We were all at the Cancer Center where she died not long after giving me temporary custody of them. It may have been the worst day of my life, other than losing my grandparents (who raised me from birth). I can't even begin to imagine how deeply it affected the children.
Fast forward two years and they are now well adjusted two teens and one tween, and enjoying life to the fullest with their aunt who has now legally adopted them. They have already informed me they will be here at the end of the week. I can't wait to see them again, although I have nothing planned this year for them to see and do. They were here last year for over a week, and I can't wait to see how much they have grown. Even though I promised to be back on July 3 for WOYWW, at the time, I had no idea these young friends would be here then. I do hope you understand and I'll be back in August.

Unfortunately, I have yet to receive my PIF book mark from Sarah. I haven't given up hope, though.
This was a longer post than I planned when I started. Thanks for stopping by today. Please leave your number if you are coming from Julia's.
34 thoughtful remarks:
Glad that you are having a visit from the youngsters again, I am sure you will find things to do with them, unplanned is often best! Great gifts. Happy WOYWW Helen #2
I am so sorry that you haven't received my PIF Elizabeth. I will get another tag out to you tomorrow and hopefully this one will arrive. Not sure whether it is the UK or US post that was the problem. It was sent via airmail the day after the anniversary so five weeks ago tomorrow. Glad you did receive some goodies at least (I haven't received anything from my PIF in Australia either so perhaps I am jinxed! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3
Wonderful gifts. Enjoy, the things are all so pretty. Have a great day, hopefull with plenty of electricity! Valerie
I remember when I was your PiF it took forever for my atc to arrive. I can well imagine it will be there one day.
How lovely to be seeing your family once more. At first I was trying to work out the ages of cats and then realised (it is early here in the UK) that we were talking three not two people/cats. Here's to a wonderful time, sharing memories and making them.
Hugs, Neet 6 xx
It doesn't seem to long ago since the last time the children visited, how time does fly Elizabeth. Nice to see those packages open, always a delight is the feeling to see what's inside. People really are so thoughtful.
Wishing you happy days ahead & Thank you for sharing WoywW Tracey #17(?)
You must be really excited that your little family are coming to visit again, sure you will all have a great time. Great collection of goodies through the post too, nothing better than happy mail. Happy woyww, Angela x11x
have a wonderful time with the youngsters I am sure they are looking forward to seeing you,
Lilian # 19
Have a wonderful time with the youngsters. Family always comes first and they will always be your family. When you come back, you will have so many lovely memories to share with us. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #9
Looks like a super time ahead .... I love seeing the world through younger eyes.
Had to read your earlier post to find out about the teacup, that is one gorgeous creation..... I would not use it either but the pleasure I would get from looking at it and holding it would be priceless .....
Have an exciting few weeks
Christine #22
What a lot of happy mail, and it sounds like you've got happy times ahead with your young friends. Hope you have an amazing time!
Alison x
What an amazing thing you did for your friend, she passed away knowing her children were safe....I know friends would have done fthat for me too. It does seem that things take their time getting to you, I've sent you an ATC and that hasn't arrived either by the looks of it! Still, fingers crossed that it'll turn up at some point.
Hugs LLJ 10 xxx
It will be so nice to see your young visitors again and get caught up on all that is going on with them. You will find plenty to do I'm sure and often no plans are best! Lovely gifts you have received!
Glenda #23
Hi Elizabeth, and ear scritches to Bleubeard. You can get Visible Image stamps in the US from Simon Says Stamp- these were only released a few days ago, so may not be in stock yet, but they will have them. I think they have a few other stockists now, but that's the only one I can call to mind for definite. What an amazing story about your friend, and a tribute to all of you who stepped up that they've turned out so well. Fab goodies from the other WOYWWers, everyones work has been fab.So many rocking horse vintage images, they're fab. Have a lovely few weeks, see you in August, Hugs, Shaz #4 X
I'm so glad your parcels made you smile....just a little love from afar. I hope you have a wonderful time with the children....you are a special friend to have taken on the responsibilty of them so bless you for that...I'm sure it made such a difference to your friend.
Annie x #16
Enjoy the children when they visit-sounds fun. awesome gifts-enjoy! Kathy
Enjoy the visit from your 3 friends. It must have been so sad to lose their Mother at such young ages. They are lucky to have you and their Aunt as their mentors.
Beautiful gifts too :)
A _felted_ ATC! Oh, my! That would be fun :) So many lovely gifts. Your mail carrier must enjoy delivering such treats instead of the usual bills and ads.
I'm so pleased that the WOYWW parcels both arrived! How wonderful to have a visit from the three children - enjoy every minute with them, it is so precious. Look forward to seeing you and hearing all about it when you are back in the land of blog! Happy WOYWW. Have a lovely week. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#15)
Lovely to receive post these days and your deliveries are great. You are in for a great summer enjoy every moment and sometimes planning never goes to plan. Ani 18
More lovely goodies you received in the mail. (I hope your electricity doesn't go out while the children are visiting. Ugh.)
enjoy your visit Elizabeth; I bet the kids are anxious to see you again also .....what fun you all will have !! ☺☺☺♥♥♥
Kudos to you for stepping in and helping the kids. That had to have been such a difficult time for everyone. I'm so glad they are coming to visit and are in a good environment.
Your gifts are lovely.
We'll leave the light on for ya.
What a lovely thing you did for your friend and her children. I hope that you have a wonderful time together. Hugs Anne X 14
Lovely gifts.
Wishing you a wonderful time with the youngsters.
All the best Jan
What a great batch of goodies! You are blessed!
And have a GREAT time with the kiddos!
Carol N #25
Hi Elizabeth, How sad to lose your friend, but she obviously thought the world of you to leave her children in your care, until her sister could get them.
Have fun with them on their visit.
Lovely to get such wonderful mail.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Sue #8
For a friend to trust you with the safety and love of her kids is pretty phenomenal, and once again shows how magnificent your heart is. What a powerful blessing for the kids, and the lady you helped get out of an abusive relationship. I hope she is well, and I'm looking forward to seeing the kiddies and all you have planned. Perhaps a festive cheeseburger restaurant is in your future?(lol) What lovely gifts to celebrate your 10th anniversary. Isn't it just so cool to get unexpected goodies in the mail?!!! Hope your day is wonderful and sending some hugs your way! RO
Wonderful gifts you received. I loved looking at all the goodies. Enjoy your time with the kiddos. What an amazing story and I am happy to hear they are doing well with their aunt. That's a feel good story..for sure. Dorlene #27
What a heartwarming post, Elizabeth, and what an incredibly loving thing to do for your dying friend, to take her children in. I found your story very moving. I am sure that you will have a very special, and lifelong relationship with those three, and I expect their upcoming visit will bring joy to you all. Thank you for sharing your story.
I love all the gifts you've received! What a lovely package that was. I love all your little rocking horse pictures too!
Thank you for your visit, and I'm glad you enjoyed seeing Lily and Ruby inspecting my new monster wheelchair! As for my other monster machine, I tried it out today after taking a trip down to the shops in the first monster, and I did some air fried chips (French fries) and some veg crisps (chips) and some kale chips too. Variable degrees of success! I shall improve once I get used to the machine as I've never done air frying before. As for the finger-protecting strategy, I like thinking outside the box and using tools for purposes other than what they were intended for! It works a treat.
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #28
Although it started tragically, I'm glad to hear that your friend's children are doing well. May their lives be filled with blessings. I enjoyed perusing through your photos, and by the way, we have a set of that depression glass dishware. However, ours are the ones in amber. Blessings!
Thanks for sharing this story with us Elizabeth, you are such a wonderful lady - enjoy the children's stay to the fullest! Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog last week, I am late with my visit due to tropical days in the Netherlands (too warm to sit at the computer in the atelier - too hot to do anything really...) Warm hug from Holland, Marit #7
What a lovely heartwarming story. I'm glad the children have adjusted and that you get to see them, I'm sure you will things of lots of fun things to do together. Lovely gifts - aren't you lucky! Every time I see a rocking horse now, I think of you! You have a wonderful July, and we will see you in August. Give the kitties some lovin' from me! Lindart #26
OOhh those gifts are really Gorgeous all!! Amazing, enjoy them.
You are a very good woman Elizabeth, your children´s friend are a treasure, and you´ll spend very happy days with them for sure. Enjoy life!
I wish you a very nice afternoon,
Big hugs dear friend.
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