Friday, June 14, 2019

Friday Smiles 325: Go Fish

Today I'm joining Halle at Halle's Hobbies, who is our host this month at Art Journal Journey with her theme Words to live by.  I'm also joining Annie (at A Stitch in Time) and the ladies at Friday Smiles.  There will be no museum visit today, because I want to share a journal page I think you will find humor in.  But first, here are a few funnies I found in my office when I cleaned it last year.

A photographer was hired to take pictures at a lawyers' convention. When he lined up his subjects, he got them to look their best by shouting, "OK, everyone say, Fees!"

A gang of robbers broke into a lawyer's club by mistake. The old legal lions gave them a fight for their life and their money.

The gang was very happy to escape. "It ain't so bad," one crook noted. "We got $25 between us."

The boss screamed: "I warned you to stay clear of lawyers.  We had $100 when we broke in!"
Now for my art inspired "funny" today.

I love this quote by Albert Einstein.  

Can you believe I actually stamped that fish directly on the substrate?  I was either quite brave or very foolish.

Here is the quote by Albert Einstein:
Everyone is a genius. But, if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.
For this entry, I had the quote first, then found the incredible trees in an old, old calendar.  Next, I stamped the fish (a red rubber wood mounted fish from River City Rubber, a rubber stamp company no longer in business) and was thrilled that I had stamped it reasonably well.  Finally, I colored the quote using water soluble crayons that I thought would mimic the colors of the leaves.

Thanks for visiting Bleubeard and me today.  I hope you will join me at Art Journal Journey with your own art inspired by Words to live byAnd please don't forget to start your weekend off right by visiting Annie for a few Friday Smiles.  We would love to have you join, also.

19 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

You used a wonderful calendar page and quote for your page. Have a fun Friday, Valerie

sirkkis said... 2

Your page is great and the quote makes me smiling, it's wise and hilarious.
Happy weekend xx

My name is Erika. said... 3

Hee-hee-hee. This is genius. What a fun page for the quote. Funny, I have been stamping fish lately. But my fish are not climbing trees. Happy Friday. hugs-Erika

Annie said... 4

Love the fish page Elizabeth....the quote says it all I think. Just like children...each one has it's talents.
Annie x

CJ Kennedy said... 5

I like how the fish is sort of camouflaged as the sky between the branches. Love the quote, too.

Felix the Crafty Cat said... 6

Hi Elizabeth, that is a great quote and I love the way the fish is only just visible in the trees. Of course your funnies are as brilliant as ever, very clever too. Have a lovely weekend, Angela xXx

RO said... 7

the great Albert Einstein was definitely on to something! (lol) Hugs and Happy Friyay! RO

Let's Art Journal said... 8

Great funnies and I love your page! The Einstein quote is fabulous and you depicted it perfectly with the beautiful tree image and stamped fish 😀. Wishing you a happy Friday and weekend! Jo x

Divers and Sundry said... 9

Brilliant quote, and the size and orientation of the fish are perfect against those trees. That must've been a beautiful calendar!

Lisca said... 10

That's a great page you made there. The calendar pge is beautiful and the fish stamp turned out so well and goes perfectly with that wonderful Einstein quote.
The lawyer jokes had me giggling!
Have a lovely weekend,

Halle said... 11

I love that quote. It rings so true in the world of education. Don't tell kids what they can't do...tell them what they can...lift them up. Not in a crazy helicopter parent way of entitling them but in a supportive loving way. There is a place for everyone in this world. the soapbox. Anyway...the quote with the image you chose is powerful and perfect.

Meggymay said... 12

The tree canopy on your page looks beautiful and you have to look close to see the wonderful stamped fish image, it blends so well into the scene.
The quote is a really good one too.
Yvonne xx

Rita said... 13

I love the quote!! I know I heard that a long time ago but forgot all about it. Sweet! :)

aussie aNNie said... 14

Fabulous page and love those autumn colours with that purple fish...have a great weekend.x

aussie aNNie said... 15

No message has come through via blogger, maybe as I had it set on moderation? Have taken it off until I hear from you..

mamapez5 said... 16

Love the fish page. he is perfectly visible while being perfectly camouflaged.
It is a great quote and a powerful reminder to accept everyone for what they can do and not for what they can't. Kate x

Birgit said... 17

This is great because a fish is swimming amongst the trees. I love the page and the orange around the page. The fish gives the extra oomph and it’s fun to see it.

froebelsternchen said... 18

A gorgeous creation and the quote is wonderful! Wow!

craftytrog said... 19

Those trees look stunning, and I love the quote too Elizabeth.
Thanks for the funnies too.
Alison xx