Friday, April 19, 2019

This book is for the BIRDS, part 2

If you haven't seen yesterday's post (Birds part 1) please go here.  I'm also sharing this with Annie (at A Stitch in Time) and the ladies at Friday Smiles, as well as Wendy from Wendy's Art and Craft Journal, our host at Art Journal Journey this month with her theme Having Fun.  I thought Annie and Friday Smiles friends might enjoy seeing the fabric paper book I created, since I showed the four completed pages that had not been decorated or assembled last Friday.  There are no funnies this week, just a lot of photos of a project, now completed, that is really making me smile.

Yesterday I showed the outside cover.  The front cover I'm calling Page 1.  What you are looking at are Pages 2 and 3.

Details of page 2 show birds throughout the four seasons of the year.




and winter are represented.

The images are sewn on flowery fabric paper and were taken from an old pocket calendar dated 2014.

Page 3 is represented by cardinals. I thought that was appropriate, since the fabric paper was dominated by a beautiful cardinal, too.

All images were gifted me and have been in my stash so long, I don't even remember who sent them.

I knew I wanted Pages 4 and 5 to be the center pages when I first started this project.  Page 4 is also the only page that has a three dimensional embellishment.

Originally, every embellishment I had planned for these pages was in browns and blacks.

It didn't take long, however, for me to realize all the browns were getting lost in the brown of the page.

Luckily, the calendar I had chosen the Page 2 images for still had more I could use.

First, I attempted to draw around the little bird, but even that didn't set it apart.  That is when I outlined it using variegated thread.

The feathers, recycled from a deconstructed cat toy,

were attached using a glue dot and E6000 adhesive.

The only embellishment on Page 5 was a die cut bird I colored using walnut ink before sewing it in place.

A final look at Pages 4 and 5.

Pages 6 and 7 showed a mixed bag of birds.

Five birds are represented on this page.

There is a swan at the top,

but I couldn't find any images on the internet that even came close to identifying the yellow bird.

The top one in this photo is a woodpecker, and the lower one is a bald eagle.

At one time I knew what this was, but an internet search provided nothing.

Page 7 got the images I had intended to use on Page 5, but realized they would be lost on the beige, brown, and black fabric paper.

Washi tape became important on this page.  I like how you can see the flowers through the tape.

If you saw my Second Thursday Tutorial, you saw the eye was protected by faux Micro Glaze.  I thought the image above the eye looked like a bird in flight.  The bird, gifted, was attached using E6000, because I didn't want to sew it and take away its beauty (since I have no feed dogs that drop and no way to use free motion stitching).

I changed my threads a lot when making this book.  The bird was colored using walnut ink.

The final elements on Page 7 were a new TH Snippet purchased last year with birthday money, and a bird cut out of left over sandpaper.

For Day 19 of 22 leading up to bEARTHday, I recycled or repurposed most of the embellishments I used in this fabric paper book.  There were just too many birds and recycled items to mention!

Thanks for joining me in my quest to recycle items that so many would place in the recycle bin.  Also, please join me at both Friday Smiles and Art Journal Journey.

24 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Beautiful pages in your bird book, you have put in a lot of hard work. Valerie

RO said... 2

Wow! Such beautiful and vibrant work you've done with your journal! Hugs and Happy Friday! RO

My name is Erika. said... 3

This book is amazing Elizabeth. You have outdone yourself. I love the seasonal approach. I also love how you made these pages. They have a lot of depth and details to look at. It took me awhile to get through the post-not a bad thing--as I enjoyed seeing these a lot. Happy weekend and Happy easter to you. hugs-Erika

WendyK said... 4

Wow what a lot of photographs of your lovely pages, the book is looking great.
Hugs Wendy

R's Rue said... 5


Felix the Crafty Cat said... 6

Oh Wow Elizabeth! This is amazing and maybe I should get out all the stuff I keep collecting and do something with them. You are so inspiring. Have a lovely Easter weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

Annie said... 7

I'm a little late getting to read the blogs today but it was worth my visit. You book is really lovely Elizabeth. Hope you have a lovely Easter.
Annie x

CJ Kennedy said... 8

Wow! Thoughtfully planned book and beautifully executed. My favorite pages were the ones with cardinals.

mamapez5 said... 9

That was a lot of work, but I love that your crafting makes you smile. All the work is worth it when you are happy with what you have made. All those little birds are delightful, as is the fabric paper you made to put them on. happy Friday smiles and happy Easter to you. Kate x

froebelsternchen said... 10

Just WOW! I cant' say it any better than Erika did above! You have worked your artistic magic on these pages - I LOVE LOVE LOVE this journal!
Fingers crossed you get all organized and fixed ... I am thinking of you the whole time and sent some healing thoughts to blogger for you.....
Susi xxx

Divers and Sundry said... 11

Your backgrounds are gorgeous, and I love your choice of birds and the stitching. Might that bird be a painted bunting?

Jeanie said... 12

Your pages just scream SPRING but the ones I love the most are the brownish-sepia ones. SO beautiful. I know this had to be a ton of work from start of making the papers to finishing but it looks well worth every bit of time you spent. It's beautiful.

Halle said... 13

This is gorgeous!

Lisca said... 14

Absolutely amazing! Especially the middle page. A real work of art.I love it with all the stitching.

pearshapedcrafting said... 15

I absolutely adore the texture and colours in these pages! I have so enjoyed my catch up Elizabeth...I really did get way behind!! Hugs,Chrisx

Rike said... 16

Your fabric paper book is absolutely amazing!!! I am thrilled about all these fantastic details and it was a pleasure to scoll through all your photos!
Wish you the best for your blogging problems! Rike xx

Helen said... 17

I am late visiting so have now seen the issues you are having with this blog, so was worried I wouldn't be able to find this post I knew I hadn't seen yet. Love your birds, part 2 project. Hope the blogger forums help you get back connected here again.

RO said... 18

Peeking in to let you know I visited here too! Hugs...

Words and Pictures said... 19

These bird pages are just stunning - amazing textures with all that stitching and the wrinkles, but none of that texture gets in the way of the eclectic collection of avian images and ephemera. I do like the sepia centrefold, but I think my favourite is the 2/3 page spread. I love the seasonal shift across the pages. Beautifully done. I'm looking forward to seeing the cover next.
Alison x

Mia said... 20

The most beautiful book for the birds in the whole world!!!!!!!! You always amaze me, Elizabeth. Kisses, my friend.

Dianne said... 21

I don't know if you will be able to view this comment or if it publishes automatically, but these journal pages are GORGEOUS!! love all the vintage bits, birds and stitching! the fabric paper is stunning...wonderful.

da tabbies o trout towne said... 22

on a cellular so please forgive reply shortness, Am on your original blog as of 4.20.19

kathyinozarks said... 23

i am in love with your book!! Happy Easter or Passover

Meggymay said... 24

Wow, I am late calling in, as I've had no internet for a few days.
These pages are Fabulous, so much work in each one. This book is a treasure of awesome art.
Yvonne xx