Thursday, January 3, 2019

My annual acountability post, my December calendar page, and my word for 2019

Due to both welcoming Art Journal Journey's new host and Second on the 2nd, I had to push this post back until today. 

It's once again time for my annual accountability post.  This is the one where I see how well I did the previous year, and how well I think I might do in the coming year.

Let's begin with my word for 2018, which was Concentrate.

I justified it because I felt I hadn't been focused in 2017.

I thought long and hard to find a word that would sum up my art intentions for 2019.  I've been so busy meeting (often self-imposed) art commitments,

this year I want to Play.

There are over 100 definitions for the word Play, but for me, it all boils down to taking time to have fun experimenting with different techniques and hopefully taking my art a bit further in 2019.

Although I normally list the nouns, verbs, etc., this year if you are interested, I suggest you look the word up and see how many uses there are for it.  There are nouns, verbs, both transitive and intransitive, and idioms.  There are well over 100 definitions at any encyclopedia site you choose to visit.

As for accountability, let's see my accountability intentions I made on January 3, 2018 and how well I did.

1. Continue to make art that I hope some will find meaningful and show the process along the way.
Old habits die hard, so this one I tried to adhere to, but sometimes I made art late at night and the craft room was so dark, it was hard to take process shots.  Whenever I could, I showed the process.  Whether I showed the step-out photos or not, I always explained how I created each page, tag, or object.

2. Create at least one tutorial each month.
After reading others wanted me to make these each month, I continued my monthly tutorials on the second Thursday of each month.  During April, I created several tutorials because I was often working with materials I don't normally use.

3.  Interview one artist over the course of the year. 
It didn't happen.  I keep forgetting to ask people if I can interview them.  Unlike some who interview using standard questions, each of my questions is tailored to the individual I'm interviewing.  If you know anyone who would like to be interviewed, or if you would, please let me know.

4. Continue to dye fabric in my own different and unique way
This was another no-brainer.  I love dyeing fabric and I'm always on the lookout for new ways to dye fabric using nontraditional eco-friendly dyes.

5. Sort, sort, sort.  
It's an ongoing process, but a flood in my basement caused me to get rid of a lot of wonderful old (but not priceless) books.  It also forced me to decide what I want to work with in the coming years, so I got rid of all my crochet and knitting materials.  I also got rid of a bead loom and my melt and pour soap making kits.   Finally, I got rid of container after container of fancy jars I saved to make herbal vinegars and oils.  I saved only the best and most beautiful or unique, which freed up a great deal of space in my basement studio.

6. Create four abstracts. 
When I wrote that, I had NO idea I would be making lots of abstract art this year, especially when I signed up for the 365 somethings.  For once, I was able to fulfill that one quite easily.

Out of six different objectives, only one was unfulfilled this year.  I was very pleased.  Now it's time to go for all six!

That is exactly what I have decided to do this year.  I hope to hold myself accountable to these same six goals I set in January, 2018.  Plus, I plan to add a seventh goal.

1. Continue to make art that I hope some will find meaningful and show the process along the way.
I don't think I'll have any trouble living up to this one.

2. Create at least one tutorial each month.
I will continue to create a new tutorial each month on the second Thursday, although it is getting harder and harder to come up with new ideas given my limited tools and products.

3.  Interview one artist over the course of the year.
This was my big failure in 2018, so I'm going to try my best to accomplish this in 2019.

4. Continue to dye fabric in my own different and unique way
I keep watching for different ideas on ways to rust, but there are only so many ways you can rust fabric.  I have created a lot of resist dyed fabrics.  But I must learn different ways to use products I have on hand or ones that are easily available to me in order to come up with new ways to dye fabric.  Suggestions are always welcome.

5. Sort, sort, sort.  
On my list of items I might possibly get rid of this year include polymer clay and paper cloth ribbon.  Although I hate to give up poly clay, since I have so much invested in it, including a dedicated pasta machine and a dedicated toaster oven, I either must use it this year, or it will have to go.  It seems I never use the ribbons I have purchased over the years, so they will have to be used or they will have to go, too.

6. Create four abstracts. 
I realize I won't have 365 somethings to work on in 2019, so this will need to be a priority.

7. Redo my gardens. 
I need to spend some quality time in my flower bed, my dead veggie garden, and finding places for my herbs this year.  This will definitely take away from my computer time, and also from my art.  But I hope to have something to show for it at the end of the year.

Of course, you'll have to wait till January, 2020 to see how well I did in 2019.

And because this is the very last page in my yearly calendar,

sadly, I must now say goodbye to this journal style book I've kept my calendar pages in since 2014.  Oh look Valerie, I got it right on my calendar, just not on my blog.

As a wrap up, 

I'll even share the ones I made this year.

Many of you remember how I lamented about the book I found in my stash I thought would be perfect for keeping my calendar pages in, then found out it was not the right size.

Because these pages can't be scanned if I want to show the entire page, I have to photograph them.  I finally got this one photographed a few hours ago.  Additionally, since the poorly stamped snowflakes are hexagons (the larger ones contain squares) and the snowman contains circles, I am also joining Alison from Craftytrog's Arty Adventures and her inspiring Geometric Shapes at Art Journal Journey

As always, I appreciate your continued support of my projects.  You and your visits make this all worthwhile!  Here's to a creative 2019.  Hopefully I'll find time to play this year.  I hope to see you at Art Journal Journey too

18 thoughtful remarks:

Helen said...

I am sure you will achieve more of your goals this year and we will join you along the way. Have fun playing too!

Valerie-Jael said...

You have a very methodical approach to things. I don't make plans, or have a word, I just like to do what I feel like when I feel like it. Which means I often just take a break and do nothing, but that's okay, as for me it wouldn't be fun anymore if I had to follow a plan like all those years at school. Have a great day, Valerie

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Elizabeth you have committed yourself to so much this year, reminded me of my past long term planning for work. I do hope all those to do's will not drag you down. Make sure you go back over your list and evaluate it often as it will refresh your train of thought and maybe give you a realistic look at what may or may not be achievable.
I love how you take time to give and tutor, kindness and creativity for free. I'm looking forward to seeing how this year guides you.
Take good care and grab a moment for yourself every now and then. I'm hoping for much creative playtime this year.
New Year hugs Tracey xx

froebelsternchen said...

I am looking forward to joining you along the way Elizabeth!
Fantastic goals and I hope your art will be full of surprise and joy in the new year. May You be blessed with ideas and everything else you want in life and art.
A great entry for the Geometric Shapes theme at Art Journal Journey! Super well done! You are such a smart artist!
Happy Thursday my friend!

Hugs, Susi

craftytrog said...

Interesting to read your goals Elizabeth, I would never be able to keep any I made! Lol! I do love your new word 'Play'. It's a great one!
I know that you always lament that your calendars can't match mine, but we have different styles, and I love the little pictures and sketches that you put on yours. Mr Snowman looks fun on January's page. Thanks for linking up to my challenge :-)
Alison xox

My name is Erika. said...

I like seeing your year worth of calendars all together, and I like the new month too. I think the snowflakes and snowman look more realistic-not maybe as individual snowflakes but when you look outside at the snow coming down (like I can right now), this is how it looks. Lots of flakes all blurring together with your eye only catching bits of clarity. but creating a pretty flurry of snow. And wow, you have some lofty goals. I am impressed. I have a hard time following year long goals so I make shorter monthly goals. For me that's more manageable. I do like to pick a "project" goal for the year, last year mine was purging and cleaning out. I have no idea what mine will be for 2019 but it will come to me as the year gets rolling. I could continue the cleaning out truthfully. Hope the year is starting off well for you. hugs-Erika

CJ Kennedy said...

I think you did exceptionally well in sticking with your goals. Your pages and creations during the year certainly showed how much fun you had creating them.I always enjoy my visits to your blog. Here's to another creative new year.

Cindy McMath said...

Well I’m very impressed that you made goals and stuck with them! I’ve done the word of the year a couple of times but haven’t stuck with it at all so I’m not picking one this year. I like your word for this year! I hope you get to play around with many things, and I’m glad you’ll show us what you do! I’d be happy to be interviewed by you any time.

Jeanie said...

I would say you rocked your word in 2018. Accountability is a good one. And you have ambitious goals but I think you'll have no trouble in achieving them. And I'm pretty sure you'll have a fun creative year as you do so!

Divers and Sundry said...

Your garden will count as art and will be inspiring, I'm sure. I'm looking to make some changes on my patio this year, and I look forward to your gardening posts and photos.

RO said...

Wow! I wish I could be s organized as you are, and I would definitely get more things done! I like the idea of setting goals which are important for growth. I like that word "Play" a lot, because as I get older, many think that older people aren't capable of doing it. Very cool to look at your calendars too! Happy Thursday and Hugs...RO

Sandra Cox said...

I had a lovely surprise waiting in the mail for me yesterday. Thank you so much, dear Elizabeth. It meant a lot. The Heal is subtle, purrfect and hanging on my wall.

LOVE the Play piece.

kathyinozarks said...

I have learned new things from you so I do look forward to your tutorials-I really enjoy your posts and seeing what you are creating with your art. one of the reasons I have always enjoyed blogging friends-hugs

da tabbies o trout towne said...

playing is a good thing; if we all did more of it; the world
wouldn't be the stressed out mess it's in. While admittedly
I really don't understand most of what you and your fellow art bloggers "do", I enjoy the end result and I guess that's all that matters !! the gardening, that I can relate too and am looking forward to getting back outside and digging around in the mud !! ☺☺♥♥

Meggymay said...

I am with you on your chosen word for this year 'Play' is something I have promised myself to do as well.
This past year your creative projects have been so inspirational, you certainly helped me to look at things in a different way and your tutorials are so detailed .
I am looking forward to the year and thank you for the friendship you share with us all as well as your creative projects.
Yvonne xx

pearshapedcrafting said...

I do wish I could make plans with such confidence Elizabeth! I can make daily plans, weekly plans, monthly plans but can't imagine making a year plan! It clearly works as you fulfilled all but a really difficult one!
I love the new calendar page - suitably cold looking too! Hugs, Chrisxx

Rita said...

You did really well on your goals!
Play sounds like a wonderful word for the year. :)
I hope you show us your new calendar.

Eileen Bergen said...

It was interesting to re-read your 2018 goal and intentions, Elizabeth. I would say you got an A for the year. Your intentions set the bar quite high and you hurdled most of them easily. I just had a word of the year - bloom; but it worked for me. I'm still winnowing for my 2019 word. I wouldn't mind being interviewed but I'm afraid I would be too intimated by the much more qualified interviewer ;-)