Today I'm joining
Chris whose blog is Pear Shaped Crafting with her Art for art's sake theme at Art Journal Journey.

I have always been in awe of people who can create intentional white space and make it look intentional. When I leave blank spots on a page, it looks like I didn't pay attention to, or care about, the background.

Today, however, I intentionally attempted to leave "white space," even though the background is pink.

This is a true mixed media entry,

because I used so many different mediums.

The sentiment reads "Creativity takes courage, be open to new possibilities."

I started this in my large art journal by laying down blue card stock I first ran a stamp roller over. Next came a crumpled mop up paper (kitchen) towel. It didn't match up perfectly, so I added washi tape. Next, I got out my blue shimmering mist and rather than spray it, I lightly tapped the mister and got bits of spray that went in all directions. I liked the effect and did it a second time, then a third. I then colored the blue card stock with dark blue ink and used a black pen to make the squiggle lines. Next I added the computer generated words, and because I felt something was lacking, I ran the stamp roller over part of the top and bottom areas of the spread.
I'm still not sure I got an effective white space, but I'm happy with how it turned out.
Thank you beyond belief for visiting me today. I hope you will join me at Art Journal Journey, too.
23 thoughtful remarks:
Wonderful journal page, very interesting composition. Have a nice day, Valerie
Your art is always well thought through Elizabeth.
I've seen a huge blank canvas as "art" in an art gallery, which to me is just BS!
Hope you had a lovely 4th of July.
Absolutely adore this Elizabeth! I know what you mean about white space - I wish it came naturally! You certainly have made this work and I thank you for another great page for Art for Arts Sake!Hugs,Chrisx
Always interesting to view and read your work of art...amazing lady.xx
This is just wonderful - everything about it makes you look and look again :) And who says white space can't be pink?? Really like that idea!! Hope you're enjoying summer where you are, and that the cats are too!
A lot of fantasy here ! Inspiring indeed
You certainly opened yourself to new possibilities. Well done.
I love your page Elizabeth-very soft looking and inviting to stay and admire
Very very cool piece today. I love your experimentation. Hope you had a great July 4th. Hugs-Erika
I really like this Elizabeth. I think you met your objective of effective use of white (or pink) space.
This is great. The contrasts just came together beautifully didn't they.
This is intriguing, to say the least. I like the substitution of pink space for white space. I don't think it would have been as effective with white space — too stark. This made it warm, which fits the theme of creativity, courage, and openness. A really nice share. Thanks.
Love this collage, I noticed it right away on my bloglovin feed! Bravo!!! xox
I think you should be happy with the space, pink or white! And I love the quote, too. It comes together very well.
I think this is a nice piece Elizabeth; and how true the words; we often
hide our creative efforts from others, I think, regardless of the medium, for fear of critique....
hope you had a nice 4th and it was a relatively quiet one for the cats ~~~~~~ ☺☺♥♥
Fabulous inky mixed media, I love the space, you are really drawn in to the colour and details.
Yvonne xx
I find your "pink" effective. It's easier to fill in than it is to creative space, I think.
Beautiful page, Elizabeth. Lovely design on a gorgeous pink background. Kisses, my friend.
I like your pink space! Very pretty and like the textures. :)
Hello Mrs. Elizabeth - Queen of Mixed Media! I am in awe of this creation and I can tell that you should do more with white(pink) space - this just looks ARTSY and is really some gorgeous abstraction!!!
A fantastic entry for Chris's theme ! Thank you dear Co.-Admin for just amazing ideas already for this month's theme.
I am a bit out of time just now with many nice things to enjoy here.
A Vienna shopping trip with my girlfriends yesterday and some highligts for the upcoming weekend planned!
So I must apologize for my lack of visitis and comments!
Happy weekend my friend!
Hugs to you and the boys!
I personally love white space (or "empty space") and most of my pages have it somewhere. So of course, I love your page here! And also the paint spatters are cool, mine never come out looking as good.
I know what you mean about thoughtful white space. The instant I saw your page, I thought, "Wow, that's very minimalist for Elizabeth!" I also think it's a wonderful page! Your words are always perfect and befitting the page, so I won't even mention those ;-)
Oh yes! You totally rocked the "pink space" This is exactly the way I saw your page when I looked at it, intentional white(pink)space. Elizabeth, I love your page!
Jackie xo
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