Sunday, July 1, 2018

365 day art challenge: Week 26, ICAD week 5, and more


Here are my collages for Week 26.  This 365 something project was created in part and hosted by Hanna at i Hanna

Additionally, for the next two months, I am sharing my Index Cards or ICADs that are hosted by Tammy at Daisy Yellow.  The collage cards will always come first and the ICADs will be second.  

In case you missed them, here are Week 25's cards.  As I'm sure you know by now, I post every Monday morning for the previous week.  However, tomorrow is the 2nd of the month where we share a post that we have shown in the past, so I am posting these today.  All my collages are 4" X 4" (10,16 cm X 10,16 cm).  All my index cards are 3 x 5 inches (76.2 x 127 mm).

Snowmobile prototype


Sing me a song

Boundary dispute


The start of a crossword puzzle

The I's of March

These are my ICADs for Week 5

Day 25

Day 26

Day 27

Day 28

Day 29

Day 30

Day 31
Here are the ICADs I made in June:

June, 2018

We also have a new host beginning today at Art Journal Journey. Please welcome my dear friend Chris whose blog is Pear Shaped Crafting.  Her theme is Art for art's sake.  She wants us to focus on various techniques.

After finding these futuristic robot images in a slick (magazine), I realized the technique I had to revive.

Both the images and the technique show resistance is futile.

It's been awhile since I created the peeling paint technique.  In case you aren't familiar with it, it was made popular by Claudine Hellmuth in her book Collage Journey Workshop.  However, there are many tutorials of this technique on the internet, so I will only briefly cover it here.

I began by laying down several book pages onto a substrate that would later be added to my large art journal.

Once the pages were in place, I used a paint brush and placed a few bits of Petroleum Jelly (aka Vaseline in the U.S.) on several parts of the pages.  I next painted the entire background with cobalt blue acrylic paint and allowed it to dry.  With the petroleum jelly still in place, I added more of it in other spots over parts of the blue paint.

Finally, I applied the yellow paint, and when dry, used baby wipes to remove the paint that didn't stick, along with and petroleum jelly.

I added the images I found in a magazine

that reminded me of robots taking over the world.

I hope you like this first technique, which is peeling paint, and the resulting "Resistance is futile" spread I created using a resist technique.  BTW, I had NO idea Chris created this same technique until I saw her page today!  Talk about being on the same wavelength.

Thank you beyond belief for spending time with me today.  If you are playing in Hanna's 365 Something project, or Tammy's ICAD project, please let me know and I will be by to see what you are making.  Please let me know if you like any of these.  As always, I am extremely grateful for your continued support of both projects.  I also hope to see you today at Art Journal Journey.

17 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Wonderful collages and ICADS, such a huge variety. And a very interesting journal page. Have a great day, Valerie

froebelsternchen said... 2

The collages are pretty again this week - my favourite is "Sing me a song" ! And I adore this week's ICADs! You even drew a bird as I can see and it turned out so lovely and they are all so happy and fresh!
And to the first page for AJJ: I love how your peeled paint background looks like the earth and this images are so well fitting. It seems like they are in a spaceship ! Gorgeous!
Happy start of July dear Elizabeth and a happy month of AJJ for us all !
Hugs, Susi

pearshapedcrafting said... 3

I must say that as well as really enjoying seeing your collages you really crack me up with some of the titles! I can't really say whether it is the title or the art that makes me love Snow mobile prototype and The I's of March but I do know that Sing me a song is my favourite.

Your I-Cads continue you to amaze me as to how you add your hearts - they are all fabulous but I must say the little bird you begin with is my favourite!

Wow! Your paint peeling is really spectacular - love how you got two layers of peel! Your images are interesting to say the least but then I read that are from a magazine and guess that the article they accompanied explained all!
How funny that we both chose paint peeling as our first technique!
Thank you both for inviting me to be guest host this month!
Big hugs, Chrisx

Helen said... 4

so funny that you resisted the same time as Chris, ha ha! just come from her blog.

Gibby Frogett said... 5

Fabulous collages and ICADs Elizabeth - some of the titles made me smile 'Boundary dispute' :)
That peel painted technique is cool! Fabulous page - I love that imagery you found in the magazine - very sci-fi.
Hope your weekend going well.
Gill x

craftytrog said... 6

Another great collection of collages(great titles!) and ICADs! And I love your robot page, such a brilliant idea and technique!
Happy July Elizabeth!
Alison xxx

CJ Kennedy said... 7

My favorite collage is the I's of March. The I's look like birthday candles to me because this is birthday month for my girlies. My favorite icad this week is the blue heart with the quote coming from the heart. Works for artists too. I also like the colors and images on the resist page. Enjoyed reading about your technique.

Let's Art Journal said... 8

Such fabulous collages and your imaginative titles always make me smile 😁. What a great technique you used for the new theme over at AJJ! I love your colour choice and reading about the technique that you used 😁. Thanks for the inspiration and Happy Sunday! J 😊 x

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said... 9

These are fantastic. I love the robotic collage. Well, I liked so many, but the that piece was especially evocative.

Meggymay said... 10

Fabulous art to start a new month. Again I loved the names especially this weeks boundry dispute.
Its a super new AJJ theme as well. I am having a few problems at the moment but will 'overcome' as they say.
Yvonne xx

Cindy McMath said... 11

Wow, what a terrific bunch of work Elizabeth! I will begin at the beginning, with your 365 Somethings that I’m loving this week. The bold colours and clever titles really grabbed me. Some stand-outs - Snowmobile prototype (because, blue and red!), the I’s of March because I love the pattern and the title - so funny - and The Start of a Crossword Puzzle. I like crossword puzzles and I’d like to see an artistic one Ike that! Now we will move on to your ICADs. The bird is an obvious favourite! So sweet and that little heart! The one with the two green hearts is also fabulous. Now onto Resistance is Futile. I love that you have picked the title that goes with your subject matter and your technique! I haven’t done any peeling paint for ages - thanks for reminding me of this fun technique. Also I love the robot images you found and how you’ve used them here. Thanks for sharing all of these fantastic pieces! I hope you have a big turnout for your T anniversary.

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 12

The collages are great this week, Elizabeth. It seems to me you were a bit more "abstracted" than usual - lol.

Great "resistance is futile" page. You find the perfect magazine photos no matter what the subject! I think if I tried to do that, I would end up spending hours reading the mags and not getting any art done - lol.

My name is Erika. said... 13

Somehow I missed this yesterday. I'm bad. But I always enjoy looking at your ICADS and collages. AND, I haven't used that vaseline technique in forever either. I forgot how great of a background it makes. You added a cool image and I do like your latest journal page a lot. Hugs-Erika

Divers and Sundry said... 14

I had trouble selecting a favorite collage of these, so I'll pick snowmobile. Or Dot Dash Dot. Or Start of a crossword puzzle. ... You have me stumped today :)

I've never used Vaseline in art, yet I always have Vaseline here. Cool technique! And the "Resistance is futile" title has definite appeal :)

Jeanie said... 15

As always the hearts but I do love the i's of March and the snowmobile especially!

2amscrapper said... 16

the resistance piece is amazing

Caty said... 17

Love love your collages Elizabeth!! they are all so wonderful!! very creative, as always, great ! the icads are gorgeous too. Fantastique for my eyes.
The Art Journal page is magnifique!! This technique is so beautiful, just amazing!
Very happy afternoon, hugss, Caty