Monday, May 28, 2018

T Stands For Memorial Day Tea

 Here in the States, we are winding down Memorial Day as T Stands For Tuesday goes live.    I want to take you back a few days to what I call "Mowing Day," which was actually last Tuesday.

To cut down on scrolling, I have created a mosaic of the day.  Although I spent a LOT of time mowing, cutting, and raking, I was most proud of how the back patio is shaping up.  I cleaned it to within an inch of its life, brought the chiminea out, planted the last of my herbs, purchased and installed a new umbrella stand, installed the umbrella, and brought the hose I purchased to water the veggie garden around to the patio because every one of my veggie plants died.

I nearly cried over what I fear is the loss of my rose bush, when a landscape expert friend told me it had gotten some disease I forgot to remember.  I've had it for nearly 18 years, and it will be a devastating loss if it is truly dead.   I removed the water feature, which had become a mosquito magnet I had to treat every two weeks, and purchased a new set of wind chimes that sound like tubular bells.

Fast forward to this morning, and I have set up art supplies on my back patio.  It has rained every day since I mowed, so I am surprised the grass isn't taller than it is.

Granted, my patio will never look as good as Divers and Sundry's, but the only things that I purchased were the chiminea, the chiminea "hat," the herbs, the black birdcage, the umbrella and stand, and the blue plastic chair.  Everything else is a hand-me-down.

I want to explain the window AC is for my office.  The office has eight windows all the way around it, and the electronics need to be kept cool.  I have a whole house AC as you can see under the guest bedroom window, but the one in the office keeps my electronics and my cats cool in the summer. 

I've started a fire in the chiminea so I can cook foil wrapped veggies when the fire turns to hot coals.

I forgot that the piece I'm working on is for a friend who occasionally reads my blog, and I don't want her seeing it on the off chance she should drop by (even though she never comments online, she sometimes calls and tells me she saw something on my blog).

I can't believe, when completely open, how well this umbrella shades the table and chairs.

The chiminea cover or "hat" doubles as a tea light holder, once I remember to bring one out.

Today I'm drinking iced tea with lemon.

I am really pleased with the new umbrella stand.  It is quite sturdy and solid.

It looks like the ice has all melted in my coke glass.

I'm off to finish this gift, get more ice, more tea, and check the coals for my Memorial Day meal.

Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  Feel free to discuss anything, as long as, in some way, you can relate it back to a drink, any drink.  Then, please link your story below.  The photos don't have to be taken on Tuesday, and can relate to anything with a drink.  Please use the direct link to your T post, not your blog in general, so we can find you easily.

EDIT:  As I've done in the past, I started to add names and links for those who are not able today.  However, in order to do so, I am apparently violating the new laws that state I must adhere to the new policy put out by the EU.  That means I must accept this policy for someone other than myself.  Consequently, from what I read, I can NO LONGER add names to the list other than my own.

Since this is the final Tuesday of the month, I want to remind you to dig up a Second on the 2nd post.  It can be anything, any genre, any topic, as long as it has been published in the past.

27 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

You've done a lot of work and the patio and garden are looking good. Have fun using it! Happy T Day, Valerie

johanna said... 2

oh, i hope your rose gets a second Chance! maybe cutting back helps? your work really turned out successful... i like the blue sun umbrella, will be a good place to sit and make artwork:)
happy t-day!

jinxxxygirl said... 3

Your yard looks FABULOUS Daaah - ling... lol Love the blue umbrella and chiminea .. I hope your rose bush will survive.. Its easy to get attached to plants when you've had them that long.. I get attached to Christmas Cactuses .. go Sure looks hot out there to be doing art.. even in the shade! Stay cool!! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 4

Happy Memorial Day, Elizabeth! I can't express how much I appreciated seeing your Memorial Day history post this very day - being so far from my native home.

You're amazing! I can't believe all that you accomplished with your patio and all the manual labor you put in. Phew! I'm exhausted just reading it. That's a terrific umbrella, judging from the ample base and the amount of shade it provides.

I recognize a couple of crafts from my second country - my current home. I have the same "circle of friends" tea light holder that you use for a chiminea "hat."

I also have a wonderful chiminea story to share. It has become family lore - the chiminea bought by my brother and s-i-l that traveled by car with local friends (because brother & s-in-l couldn't take it on the plane) to OK.

Problem was b & s-i-l lived in WI. Thus began a year-long odyssey including a road trip and making new friends in OK to get the prized chiminea from there to WI.

Then there was the new landscaping and new patio my brother had to build to honor this prize. They enjoyed the chiminea immensely - in large part because of all the adventures involved ;-)

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said... 5

Hope you had a great day Elizabeth, you have worked so hard in your garden. Sad to hear about your veg garden and I do hope your rose pulls through as you have nurtured it for so long.
I love creating outdoors under my parasol, looking forward to seeing what you create in that wonderful outdoor space.
Happy T Day.
Creative wishes Tracey x

My name is Erika. said... 6

Isn't it exciting to get the patio set up? Yours is looking fantastic. Sorry about your rosebush. Some plants are just like pets, especially when you've had them a long time. I grant you they aren't sociable like a cat or dog, but they are a part of your life. I love the rusty bird cage too. It's a nice addition. :) And your umbrella works perfect and I think your patio is the perfect way to spend a nice afternoon and enjoy those roasted veggies. That sounds yummy. Hope you have a fantastic T day. Hugs-Erika

Linda Kunsman said... 7

I do hope your rose bush can be saved. What a lot of work you have done and it shows! Lovely spot to sit and rest in- in the shade when needed:):)
Having trouble getting to link - hope I can get it working later.

Kate Yetter said... 8

I sure hope your rose bush doesn't die! I totally understand how devastating it can be to lose a plant. Especially one that you pour your time and sweat into. I love roses. Our rose bush is beautiful and was already established when we moved in.
I really like your outdoor area. The rustic appearance to your table is perfect against that pretty blue umbrella. It looks like a great place to entertain!
Happy Tea Day,

CJ Kennedy said... 9

Wow, you did a lot of yardwork. Everything looks great and your patio looks like such a welcome oasis. Love your birdcage, windchimes, and the chiminea hat. Like ring around the rosie. So cute. Sorry about your rosebush. I love roses, but have given up on mine. They are just too fussy and all they do is attract Japanese beetles. Maybe you'll have better luck and your rosebush will come back. Hope you enjoyed arting outside and your veggie foil packet. Reminded me of cooking chicken, potatoes, and carrots in foil packets at camp. Happy T Day!

kathyinozarks said... 10

All of your hard work has paid off-everything looks wonderful-and I know you will enjoy your patio space for crafting and also for cooking too-love it!!

chrissie said... 11

How lovely it all looks Elizabeth and very inviting for you and your friends to enjoy times together.

Have a very happy T Day

Love Chrissie xx

pearshapedcrafting said... 12

Oh My! You did work hard but what great result! Your patio is well set up now too with your lovely blue umbrella! How I would love to sit outside and craft (with you would be even better!) I did try at the caravan the other day but although it was really warm there was such breeze I had to weigh everything down - spoilt the fun a bit soI went inside again! We don't do air conditioning much in the UK - at least not in private homes, although my youngest and his partner do - so lovely in hot weather, which I suppose we don't get so much of! I don't recall seeing the view of your grass before - that's a lot of mowing - lovely shades of green though, good to look at! I hope your rose recovers and that you still have time to catch up with the veggies! Happy T Day! Hugs, Chrisx

froebelsternchen said... 13

You have worked so hard in your garden! Well done - it looks amazing! Happy T-Day my friend!

Caty said... 14

Wualaaa Elizabeth !!!You have worked a lot !! And your garden looks so beautiful !! I wish your rose bush will survive. I understand you perfectly, I also have plants that have many years, for example, a small ficus of about 12 years, in a pot, and I have to transplant it now.
That umbrella is great, and it gives a lot of shade. The iced tea is delicious, and your project is going to be great.
I wish you a very happy day, big hugssss, Caty

RO said... 15

Hello There Dear Elizabeth and hope all is well. I just need to throw it out there that I love your sidebar because there's always something really neat to look at. Very cool to see the frequent commenters, who clearly have been around for some time, and I love that. One thing that I never do is yard work,(lol) so you deserve major kudos for the time and energy you put into your yard, and it looks lovely. I've been drinking lots of Diet Green Tea with mango from Turkey Hill because it's supposed to rev my metabolism. We'll see.(lol) Hugs...RO

craftytrog said... 16

Your patio looks great, and a wonderful place to craft with the inspirations of nature. Hope the veggies tasted good!
Alison xxx

Let's Art Journal said... 17

Wow, you have been busy! Your garden and patio looks wonderful and I'm loving those beautiful bird cages too 😉. I'm in the market for an umbrella and stand and the one you chose looks very sturdy and offers a great amount of shade - perfect! I bet your iced tea with lemon was very welcome after all your hard work too - Happy T Day! J 😊 x

Darla said... 18

You created a nice shaded work space for yourself. I imagine you will put it to good used this summer - provided the days aren't too hot. I love the idea of roasting your veggie dinner while you work.

Sandra Cox said... 19

Everything looks wonderful, Elizabeth! Your hard work paid off.

Meggymay said... 20

Your garden looks lovely and so green with the new growth, all your work is repaying you with how welcoming the garden looks.
I love your new umbrella stand it gives a super shady area and I'm sure your vegetables will have tasted delicious when they were cooked.
I hope your rose recovers, sometimes a good cut back when all else fails could help.
Happy T day wishes.
Yvonne xx

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 21

Hi again, Elizabeth. I saw your GDPR comment on Johanna's blog and left a rather looong reply. I'll leave the info here as well. I hope it's helpful.

I get a lot of info on GDPR because my blog is a for-profit blog. We bloggers in the U.S DO have to comply (personal blogs and commercial bogs alike) IF we collect data from European readers.

The way we collect personal data is through comments. Blogger and Word Press help their bloggers avoid spam by requiring a valid e-mail for every comment. That's personal info.

Word Press and its plug-in providers have released notices we can use to let readers know what info is being collected. Then readers can decide to comment or not. I'm sure Blogger has similar notifications available.

I got my notice from Akismet - my spam protection plug-in. "To help your site be compliant with GDPR and other laws requiring notification of tracking, Akismet can display a notice to your users under your comment forms."

All I had to do was enable this new feature.

You now see this message below the comment form on my blog and the website.

"This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. [Click to] Learn how your comment data is processed."

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 22

P.S. I just read your notice. As long as you have permission of the author to post their info, you can continue to do that. GDPR is about disclosure of what information you're gathering.

Lisca said... 23

Wow, you certainly done a lot of work on that patio. I love the umbrella. I can imagine you will enjoy working there. With a cool glass of tea and something cooking on the chiminea.
I hope your rose can be saved. Do you know what treatment to give it?
Sorry I can’t link up. Can you link me if I give you permission? I hereby give you permission! Otherwise I’ll leave it until next week.
Have a wonderful T-Day,

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 24

Thank you for sharing your blue chair story, Elizabeth. I did enjoy it. That was quite an odyssey too! You should stencil "Queen Elizabeth's Throne" on it.

Jeanie said... 25

I would love a patio like yours. It's wonderful -- what a haven for art. All that mowing and raking served you well; it looks terrific! Good luck with your rose, though.

Dianne said... 26

Sorry I've been 'missing in action,' things got busy and I haven't been in front of my computer much, except to do work-related things. Love the view of your patio and your new umbrella! looks like it will keep you cool(ish) on the summer days coming up. I swear, we went straight from winter to summer heat! I missed having balmy Spring days...without mosquitoes! I sure hope your rose bush sad when that happens. My Mom has a terrible time with Japanese beetles eating her roses...I love flowers, but have to admit I'm not very good at keeping them alive myself. I barely remember to water them. Sorry I missed T day...hope you have a marvelous week of creating. Love your ICADs! ♥ ♥ ♥

Divers and Sundry said... 27

I love your patio! That umbrella is a wonderful addition, and I love how the height of your chiminea puts it at a good level for cooking. Mine's on the ground, which means you hafta squat to cook in there.

Thanks for the compliment :) We do love our patios :) Such cozy, welcoming places!