Monday, March 26, 2018

T Stands For Sun Tea in the Rain

It's raining and I couldn't be happier! 

I'm making Sun Tea without the sun.       

I didn't realize my lens had fogged over,   

so a quick lens cleaning was in order.   That was when I noticed    

more of my hyacinths were in bloom. 

This tea will be used to make art and dye fabric in a day.

Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media art, drawings, paintings, tags, teabags, teapots, cups and saucers, mugs, scrapbooking, or any other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink. Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.  Bleubeard wants to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time.

Since this is the last Tuesday of the month, I would be remiss if I didn't remind you to dig up your Second on the 2nd post.  It's one you have posted sometime in the past and want to share again with others.  Any genre, any post is acceptable as long as you have published it in the past.  The link will go live on the 2nd.

24 thoughtful remarks:

My name is Erika. said... 1

Hurrah for rain!!!! You must be so excited. And a nice cup of tea is the best thing on a rainy day. Good thing you don't need sun for sun tea.. :) happy T Day. hugs-Erika

CJ Kennedy said... 2

I'm so glad you finally got some rain. Though your hyacinths seem to have done well without it. I'll be interested to see what green tea dyed fabric looks like. Happy T Day!

Linda Kunsman said... 3

Happy for you for the rain! Love the connect to nature with the sun tea. I'm sure your tea dying is going to produce great projects! Oh and to have hyacinths or any springtime blooms... my lilac bushes have just itty bitty budding leaves, and our forsythia which normally would have bloomed with yellow flowers by St Patrick's Day haven't shown anything yet:( Thanks for sharing your spring and happy T day!

kathyinozarks said... 4

So glad you finally got some rain-we are getting bunches of tonight and tomorrow. I can't wait to see your dye project
Happy T Day

Kate Yetter said... 5

I made sun tea once and I didn't think it was anything spectacular so now I just stick to iced tea on the stove. Maybe I just made it wrong...
What a great idea to use it for dying fabric. Of course, we want to see the results of your project.
Hope your computer is treating you better this week.
Happy Tea Day,

Halle said... 6

It's been raining here least this afternoon. It was snow then ice rain. Crazy weather.
Love your flowers. Nothing like that around here yet.
Happy T day!

froebelsternchen said... 7

Oh well it arrived - I have sent the rain as you know! ♥♥♥
Would be great to drink a cup of the "rain without sun green tea" with you to celebrate the beautiful hyacinths!
O.k. you use the tea just for dying - looking forward to the fabric things going on then!
Good luck with cleaning my friend!
Happy T-Day!
oxo Susi

Valerie-Jael said... 8

Glad ou got some rain, that must be a relief. Happy T Day, valerie

Meggymay said... 9

Pull up a chair and watch your long awaited rain. I would be tempted to take a cup of tea from your pot before it gained to much strength and then let it brew for your fabric dying
The clump of hyacinths look so pretty as well.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx

pearshapedcrafting said... 10

So pleased you have rain at last - here's hoping that it lasts long enough to let things recover but not so long that you want it to stop!!! Your Hyacinths look lovely - I should get to see the caravan garden this weekend!!
Happy T Day, hugs Chrisx

Lorraine said... 11

Hope your feeling better this week. I thought that was a frog in the teapot but realise its a green teabag! hope you have better weather soon..its raining again here too today after such a lovely day yesterday

Bailey Jones said... 12

A misty grizzle of a day but your hyacinths bring a touch of spring. I have never heard of sun tea but I am sure it had magical properties.
Joan x

Bailey Jones said... 13

Or rather has magical properties. Have a lovely Tues. It's wet and overcast in North West England too.

Sami said... 14

We had some rain yesterday too but not enough to water the garden well.
Your hyacinths are looking beautiful Elizabeth.

Let's Art Journal said... 15

So glad you got some rain and celebrated by making Sun Tea 😉. I can't wait to see the art you create with it. Those blue and white hyacinths look so pretty in your garden and I'm sure they enjoyed the rain too 😁. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊 x

RO said... 16

What a great idea to make your tea outside, and I see you went healthy with the green tea. Ironically, I posted this really neat teacup on my Instagram and Facebook pages of a really lovely teacup, so we're sort of thinking about tea.(lol) Happy Tuesday and Hugs...RO

jinxxxygirl said... 17

Raining raining raining here... last night and all day today predicted... So glad i live on a We need it though.. badly as i know you do too.. even worse than i.... No matter where i live it always seems to be feast or famine with the rain.. Theres a little rumble bumble thunder thrown in but thank goodness nothing bad... knock on wood..

The heavy cloud cover does mess with my satellite signal for the computer so it might be touch an go with the T party today.. Earlier i had no signal then i thought i'd check again and BAM i have signal.. might have to keep doing that all

You know i have never tea dyed anything... will you do paper or cloth?? Happy T day Elizabeth and thank you for being our lovely host.. Hugs! deb

Divers and Sundry said... 18

I know y'all needed rain. Hoorah! Your hyacinths are lovely, sweet signs of spring. I look forward to seeing how you use the green tea.

Dianne said... 19

I love the smell of hyacinths! your clouded lens made me smile... happens to my glasses quite a bit. Hope the rain is just enough for your garden, but not too much! Enjoy your sun-less tea and know that your many Tea/Blogger friends love you and are thinking of you! Happy T Day dear friend!

da tabbies o trout towne said... 20

bleu N squiggles......we haz fish on de brain.....look close lee at fotoz
one....looks just like an angel fish swimmin due east.....and himz a bit closer in fotoz three !! ☺☺♥♥☺☺☺

Carol said... 21

We've had more rain here than we need all at once. All of the creeks are overflowing and water is standing in the yard. No rain forecast for tomorrow but then it is for the next 4 days after :(
Your flowers look beautiful and your "RAIN TEA" will do nicely for your dye jobs.

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 22

Yay for spring rain! Your hyacinths are beautiful, Elizabeth.

I was VERY late to T this week and am glad to see you're still here - lol.

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

aussie aNNie said... 23

Lovely post today.x💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

Jeanie said... 24

I love how you make tea just to dye things with!