Friday, February 2, 2018

Second on the 2nd: My first ever Friday Smiles post

I apologize for not linking to last week's Friday Smiles, but I had to be up at 4 a.m. to take Sally to the hospital and stay with her while she had her foot operated on at 5 a.m.   Imagine my surprise when I saw that Annie had linked me.  Thank you, Annie.

For my Second on the 2nd, I am sharing my first ever Friday Smiles, which was way back on Week 31.  Annie's Friday Smiles are now up to week 257.  Here is the post from August, 2013 in its entirety:

Today I'm joining Annie at A Stitch In Time for her weekly Friday Smiles.  I've joined a bit late, because this is already week 31, but I love smiling on Friday along with Annie, our smiling host, and many of my internet friends.

Some of you may remember I started taking stay-cations last year at which time I made some self-imposed rules:

The self imposed rules:

1. Round trip must be less than or equal to 80 miles (128.75 km).

2. Must be achievable in a single day.

3. No more than $15.00 (USD) can be spent (does
NOT include fuel).  See my right sidebar for monetary conversions in your country.

So where did I go out and about this first stay-cation of 2013?   

(For some reason, these photos don't enlarge)
This place is listed as a local "must see" attraction. If this mural doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will!

And you can start to see how crazy it is, already.
In case you can't see the sign at the top right,

today we are visiting the Nifty Nut House.  It's actually a local

nut and candy establishment, where you can get lost for hours among the goodies they sell.

Or you might want to stop (with your children, I suspect) for a photo op.

Wander past the rows of hard candy, wander past the cases filled with all types of fresh nuts, and you'll end up in chocolate heaven.  You might even be lured into buying a very small bag of chocolate potato chips.  That small bag and big price tag really put a smile on MY face had me giggling.

Of course, you might be lured by the home made fudge and brownies, or the truffles and turtles.  Whatever you choose, you'll love it all.  It'll put a smile on your face!

I was lucky.  I live less than five miles from The Nut House, and I kept my hands in my pockets for the most part.  I ended up buying a small amount (1/8 lb) of chocolate for about $3.00 (USD).  Just don't go hungry, and don't expect a museum.  It's all about the nuts, candy, chocolate, and of course, the smiles my friends.

_______________________End of post_________________________________ 

I recently learned The Nifty Nut House has expanded at the same location.    I will have to return with my new good camera soon.

Now it's time to share your own Second on the 2nd.  The rules are quite simple and everyone is welcome to join the fun look back.  All you have to do is bring back a post that you are especially proud of, or perhaps one you shared before anyone knew your blog existed.  It could even be one where you revisit a topic of great relevance.  Any post, any genre, any artistic endeavor is acceptable.  Then link below (direct links only, please) and Bleubeard and I, along with other Second on the 2nd friends, will be by to visit.   Please be aware this link is only open for five days, so linking on the 2nd is preferred.  And please visit Annie's Friday Smiles, too.

Please share something from your blog that you showed previously. Be sure the link goes directly to your Second on the 2nd post and not your blog in general.
1. Valerie-Jael  4. Erika N  7. Kathyinozarks  
2. johanna  5. Darla Martin  8. pearshapedchris  
3. froebelsternchen  6. Lisca  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

21 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Sounds like a fun day out. We don't have anything like that near here, perhaps it's just as well....Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

johanna said... 2

maybe that nifty nut house would drive me nuts (in making choices of what to buy;)) - that mural is awesome! good to Show it again:)
have a great Weekend!

froebelsternchen said... 3

I just wanted to write the same as Johanna did already - a paradise in my eyes!
Super to see it a second time . The mural is a wowser!
Happy Friday with many smiles for you my dear Co-Admin!

Annie said... 4

I remember this list well Elizabeth. It made me smile the first time and made me smile again today. Thanks for linking up.
Annie x

My name is Erika. said... 5

That looks like fun place to visit. Since I didn't know you then, I am glad you reposted this post. That mural made me smile for sure. Nice on a another snowy morning. You definitely need to go back. Looks like there's lots of yummy treats inside. Love that idea of staycation. I've done some of those, in fact I will be doing that in another month when I get a week off. Happy weekend! Hugs-Erika

CJ Kennedy said... 6

I wasn't sure what to expect from the mural, but I wasn't expecting a shop!Oh, but heaven. Nuts and chocolate. I can see why you included the warning not to go there if you're hungry.

Jeanie said... 7

Nifty Nut House looks pretty nifty! And I love your staycation rules. That's a great idea to put some parameters on it!

Your love of life pops through on just about everything you do and share. This one is so fun, I'd love to share it too!

Darla said... 8

Just the name "The Nut House" is enough to make me want to visit, LOL!

Lisca said... 9

What a fantastic mural. So cleverly thought out with the nuts being thrown into the deposit, which really is the side of the shop.
I would love that shop as I love nuts of all kinds. I do agree the prices are a little steep.
I also love the idea of a staycation. It's fun to explore your own area. There is such a lot on your doorstep which you normally would not see unless you put your 'tourist hat' on.
Thank you for a lovely post that really made me smile this morning.

kathyinozarks said... 10

Good morning, oh wow what a fun place. I loved the mural and I would have loved seeing all the candies and nuts. I like hard candies-it keeps me from snacking when I want to eat something I shouldn't haha hubs and I are working on losing weight.
thanks for sharing this fun post

Gibby Frogett said... 11

oh wow what a fantastic fun mural Elizabeth that did make me smile unlike the prices in that shop even though the contents were very tempting :)
Have a great day and lovely weekend and hope Sally doing ok after her op.
Gill xxx

Birgit said... 12

I love that mural and it did make me smile:) Is it a local artist who did this?? I really think it is fun to see. The nut house looks like a delicious place to visit. I know the week isn't over yet but, so far, nothing major has happened to me...Yippee!!! We bought a car, the funeral for my mom went well and the bathroom will just have to wait:)

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said... 13

That is a beautiful mural! And I love your idea of "Stay-cations". I suppose that's what my husband and I will be taking tomorrow: Tomorrow is Sacramento Free Museum Day, and I want to go to the Railroad Museum and the History Museum both for pleasurable curiosity and for research on my current WIP. (Uh-oh, does that still count as a Stay-cation?)

pearshapedcrafting said... 14

Ooh! I love nuts (and chocolate - but have to ignore it most of the time!) Love the mural!The Nifty Nut House looks to be a good choice! Hugs, Chrisx

da tabbies o trout towne said... 15

what an awesome mural for that shop; and the artist is amazing !!♥♥☺☺

Meggymay said... 16

That looks a super destination, the mural on the wall looked really fun.
It would be good to see the changes to the store and the location if you re-visited it again.
Yvonne xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said... 17

I like the look of the place but it's just as well I don't live near it or I might keep visiting. Great murals too. Angela xXx

mamapez5 said... 18

I remember this post from its original, and it was a fun and interesting read then too. It's the sort of place I'd love to visit, but I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation as well as you did. Kate x

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 19

Good choice for 2nd on the 2nd, Elizabeth, as well as for Friday Smiles. It really made me smile :D

Divers and Sundry said... 20

I love stay-cations! And I enjoy treating my area as if I were a tourist. So much fun can be had close to home :) I love that mural, and the treats at the nut house would tempt me to spend a lot of time there ;) What fun you've found!

Sharon Madson said... 21

I missed this post because it went to my spam! Sometimes it goes there and sometime to my in box. I just have to check. Good post; glad I found it. It made me smile and I like your rules, too for your day trips. I have never been to The Nut Shop, but I liked the Ferris Wheel that was by Piccadilly Grill. But Since Piccadilly Grill closed I haven’t been. It is a great candy store! :). Thank you for sharing.