Friday, June 16, 2017

My herb garden update and a Friday smile or two

So many of my internet friends have shown their gardens, and I'm almost ashamed to share mine.  Today I'll focus on the herb garden. 

Back in mid May

I was finally ready to tackle this horrible mess I called an herb garden.

Other than the garden hose, which had been put away for the winter, this is how I left the garden over the winter.   I keep hoping I'll build it up enough to finally have a lasagna garden, but I'm not sure that is going to happen next year, either.  Please go to the link above if you aren't familiar with a lasagna garden, which is sometimes called sheet composting.

Talk about a sad state of affairs.  I spent the first day

removing the weeds from the pots.

It took quite awhile and was not one of my favorite chores.  With the heat and the sun burning down on me, I simply had to call it a day.

The next day

I removed all the pots that had been left in the garden and laid down more cardboard.   When I replaced the pots, I tried to color coordinate them.

I also brought the few plants out that I had overwintered inside.

I planted some seeds, like sweet basil

and parsley.

I thought the mess inside my compost pile had come from some potatoes I threw in there a few weeks before.  Although they were sprouting, the large leaves are from a pumpkin I threw in from last Halloween.   I never realized it would take off like this, and I have decided to leave it, after I removed the potatoes, of course.

Note the two large heavy round cylinders that my neighbor put outside the herb garden.  Thankfully, he removed them a few days ago.

The remainder of the pots were filled or topped off with compost and watered.

I now had enough pots for my seeds and any herbs I decided to purchase.  Of course, I had a lot of cleaning to do, but that would have to wait for another day.  I used to do this all in one day, but since I hurt my back last summer, I don't seem to have the stamina I had even two years ago.

But now it's time to fast forward to Tuesday of this week.

After I mowed my yard, I did a bit of edging and weed pulling.

As I was taking the photos of my herbs, these caught my eye.  Without moving,

I took these photos of the day lilies that bloomed overnight.  They were gone the next day, so I needed to share them.

Although the herb garden is growing, it also looks rather despondent.

In less than a month, much of the cardboard has already broken down.

I purchased five different types of lavender, and two are already dead.  So much for having a green thumb.  My two mints on the far left are doing well, though.  The orange mint in back overwintered, but I had to buy new spearmint this year.  And before you ask, those white things in my pots are egg shells.

I broke down and purchased a tomato, but planted it in a pot.  Not sure how well it will do there, though.

My blackberries (in the far back) already have blossoms.  I expect fruit soon.  Too bad my rosemary that I tried to overwinter indoors, didn't make it.

And if you didn't find a bit of humor in this really ridiculous late May and mid June herb garden, here are a couple of Friday Smiles for week 225, hosted by Annie at A Stitch in Time that might put a smile on your face.

Thanks for joining me today in my herb garden.  And thanks for joining me at Annie's where it's always good to start the weekend with a smile.

20 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Nice photos of your garden. I do not have a green thumb, and am always happy about whatever blooms on my balcony, flowers or 'weeds' - main thing they are green. Love the day lilies. The tomatoes should be okay in pots, I have often done that on my balcony, but seem to need more water that way. Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie

Annie said... 2

What a lot of work to do in the heat of the sun...well done you. I hope you get the chance to enjoy your produce. Your funnies had me chuckling. Thanks for sharing.
Annie x

Sami said... 3

I can send you plenty of Rosemary for you to plant Elizabeth, in my garden they just sprout all over, I think it's the birds that self seed it :)
Best of luck with all you planting.

CJ Kennedy said... 4

That was a lot of work to organize the herb garden. And in the hot sun, too. Kudos to you. Himself has had success growing tomatoes in pots. Enjoy the cartoons.

Let's Art Journal said... 5

Wow, you've been so busy, I'm exhausted just watching ... lol! The herbs look wonderful and the way they have grown already it looks like they will be filling your pots in no time 😀. By the way I love your colourful hummingbird ornament. The caution to the wind picture made me smile too! Wishing you a Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊

nanskidrewski said... 6

Los of pots and lots of work there! Good job! You will be enjoying the fruits (and herbs) of your labor in no time. Happy weekend!

nanskidrewski said... 7 a good pun😁

Ashley H said... 8

That's a lot of work but hopefully you get to enjoy your work soon! I don't have a garden or herbs, just flowers, but I know it is a lot of work! Totally worth it though, when they bloom!

Divers and Sundry said... 9

It took me years to find a lavender that would grow here, and my rosemary won't over-winter. I've given up on rosemary.

I know you'll be glad to get your herbs in the ground, but I've decided to just embrace pots. It's harder to get the space up and running at the beginning of the season, though. My herbs never really take off, and they always tend to look scraggly. Yours seem to grow with enthusiasm! I'd love to have blackberries and blueberries, but I can't figure out where to put either.

I've had pretty good luck with tomato plants in pots, but mine got some kind of blight last year and I'm taking a year away from the veggies. Pepper plants have also done well in pots. I look forward to seeing that pumpkin grow. At the rate it's going, it'll be the biggest plant in your garden!

Felix the Crafty Cat said... 10

Hi Elizabeth, pleased you like my garden though there are times I wish it was smaller but luckily I do have a 'Man who Can' my hubby does most of the dirty jobs and there are a few when it comes to keeping the pond in condition. You coffee funny is brilliant, love it. I've read the info about the Lasagne garden, it's very interesting and look forward to seeing it progress. Have a great weekend, Angela xxx

Lisca said... 11

Gosh you have been busy. And I must say that your herb garden looks a 100% better. I hope it all continues to grow, especially the tomatoes. They would be a treat. (with a Little basil. Has that survived?)
I also enjoyed the Cosmosphere although I didn't comment on the pages. Very interesting.
Thanks for your comment on my page. I buy my books on Kindle (an e-reader) and never pay anymore tan 99 cents for a book. I don't know if this one was free or 99c. Often I get books for free because authors want to get known and hope you will purchase more.... Every day Amazon send me a resumé of free (or very cheap) books. Most of them have turned out very interesting or entertaining.
Have a good week with klots of smiles,

Neet said... 12

My word, you put me to shame. You have been a busy bee but it will be worth it. I love the smell of fresh basil and often buy it from the supermarket (I do not have green fingers .. or anything) as a living herb.
What I want to know is where were your two furry companions? Did they not help at all.?
Love to both of them and save some for yourself.
Neet xx

froebelsternchen said... 13

You are such a busy gardener - great!
I didn't manage to hybernate my herb pots ... I am sorry but don't worry too much about it.
Happy start of your weekend dear Elizabeth!

sheila 77 said... 14

I love the way you talk as if I was right beside you ..... "before you ask" - yes, you caught me saying "what are the white bits"? Haha!
I think you did a lot in a very short time. Anyway gardening is not a race or a competition. Your area looks good and I've not heard of lasagna gardening or putting down cardboard as a layer. Hope your plants thrive. And you've reminded me to go and look at my day lilies tomorrow before they disappear again, I've missed them so far.

da tabbies o trout towne said... 15

bleu & squiggles; pleez keep an eye out for vizshuz rabbitz....they mite bee messin with Elizabeth's herb garden... { they will eat the day lilies the minute they appear } N we iz crackin UP at de: caushun two de wind !!!!!! price lezz :) ♥♥♥

Jeanie said... 16

You've done a lot of work and boy, will you reap a fine harvest! I love herb gardening -- I can use them all year dry and they're so good fresh! And love your lilies. Mine just started blooming this week, too! So happy!

And I wanted to be sure to thank you for your extra special wonderful comment on the Gypsy blog today! We did have a good weekend and I'm so glad you thought it well conveyed. Sometimes it's hard to get it all the fun and spirit! Thank you!

Meggymay said... 17

You have been busy and it shows the differences from your first photos to the most recent ones, your herb garden is beginning to thrive.
Our herbs are doing quite well this year, but we did have to replace the tarragon and thyme.
The lilies looked beautiful.
Have a good weekend.
Yvonne xx

My name is Erika. said... 18

Your garden really coming along and greening up! Pumpkins love a little rich soil or compost and the grow any place. I've had them grow right out the compost pile where I threw them in the fall, and I got great pumpkins in return. I think its looking good and not sad at all. My veggie garden never looks very pretty either. Happy weekend! Hugs-Erika

Rita said... 19

The garden will come along well. Loved the jokes! :)

Linda Kunsman said... 20

you put so much time into your garden and potted plants i do hope the rest will thrive well. I don't have a green thumb at all but the next door neighbor does which is why hubby and i do our part by weeding and tilling and they tend to the planting and growth-win win!