Sunday, May 21, 2017

Seeds for my garden and the clean up

I have to admit I'm really glad to be back online.  I've missed visiting my friends.  

A few days ago I headed to the south part of town for some seeds.

I always purchase my seeds here whenever possible.

They often have a large selection

of all things for the garden.

They sell honey, jam, jelly, and lots of homemade goodies.

But I overlooked the bird feeders, the seed potatoes, and the watering cans.

I was on a mission for seeds.  And as it turned out, I got what I wanted.

After I paid for my purchases, I took a few more photos of the goodies inside this tiny place.

They have a little of everything the gardener would ever possibly need

or want.   Not sure I like that the honey and jelly were next to the insect repellent, though.

I have no idea what most of these products are for, 

because I am a simple gardener, preferring natural over chemical gardening.

In case you were wondering, I bought cilantro/coriander, Genovese basil (the best sweet basil for pesto), and Thai basil.   I already have sweet basil which has a tendency to bolt (flower during hot weather), so I now have three basils to tend this year.

Then it was back home to clean up my craft room and yard.

I fear this is as good as my craft room is going to get.   After all, it IS a working craft space. 

Although I've used my cutter a few times in the past few days, the sewing machine has set idle.

The first thing I did in the yard was find my bricks.   Note the tree that is encroaching on my pine in the  far left.

Next I trimmed back around my pavers.

I didn't think to pick up the stick until after I had taken the shot.

As you can see, the bricks have sunken and it's harder to edge around them.

I have a lot to clean up in this area.

I took this and the next photo

so you could see how overgrown the Rose of Sharon was.  It was over the gutter and heading to the roof of my porch.  There is also part of the errant tree in the photo.

But no more.  The tree is now on the ground, or at least most of it.

The other trees are not in my yard.  My yard ends at the pine tree, which has been covered for so long, it was hard to find.

The Rose of Sharon has been cut back and the branches will be gone as soon as they dry a bit.  I was able to borrow a chain saw and it took me several hours to get the tree this far.

Finally, I fixed my front door.  The hinge at the bottom didn't work, so I bought a new one and finally installed it while I had the power tools out.  Tomorrow I will begin planting my herbs and seeds I bought.  The storms and tornadoes are gone, at least for the time being, so I feel safe enough to plant my garden, now.

Thanks for going with me to buy seeds and stay for my clean-up.   It was fun taking you with me, and I enjoyed your company, whether you are a gardener, a DIYer, or just one of my fellow bloggers!  I've really missed all of you!

19 thoughtful remarks:

Cindy McMath said... 1

Don't forget to save thise seed packages for your art - oh wait, you would never forget that ! :). So glad you're back my friend. You were missed. I hope you feel recharged.

Valerie-Jael said... 2

Good to see you back Elizabeth! Look like you have been very busy these past days, and you have done an enormous amount in the garden, well done. I wish my crafty space looked as tidy as yours. I need to clear up, too, and now I have no more excuse not to do it! The gardening place is huge, thanks for taking us with you. Hope your seeds grow well. Have a great Sunday, take care, hugs, Valerie

Helen said... 3

wow. that puts a different light on power tool crafting!! great to see you back.

sheila 77 said... 4

Gosh, Elizabeth, you are a tornado yourself. I am amused by your idea of a blogging break and it's good to see you back so soon (you did say you would be back today).
Thanks for the visit to "your" gardening and other shop. Seed packets always look so seductive. I'm with you in disliking the pesticides and so on, they are pretty awful.

froebelsternchen said... 5

Great to see you again - hope this mini brake brought also a bit relaxing time for you - since it looks like you did an enormous amount of work again - you busy allround talented Lady!
Thank you for taking me with you to this gardening paradise shop- looks AMAZING!!!
Happy Sunday and a good start into the new week!
oxo Susi

Nancy said... 6

That is certainly a well-stocked garden store. Fun to visit. And you have been working so hard! Things are looking good inside and out.

kaybee said... 7

Thank you for giving me a virtual shopping trip! It looks like you have recharged your batteries with all the garden stuff you've been doing. Don't think I would be trusted with a chain saw!

Sami said... 8

Great that you're back Elizabeth.
You've also done a lot of work in your garden. As you said on your comment, we are lucky that the councils here pick up the "greens" twice a year, otherwise we would have to cut the trees up in tiny bits and throw them in the rubbish bin.
The Garden shop has a lot of things you don't expect to see in a garden shop, like honey and homemade goodies.

CJ Kennedy said... 9

That is some seed shop. One could get lost in there for days as there is so much to look at. I'm with you. I don't think putting edibles near pesticides is a good idea. I really liked the seeds arranged in the card catalog files. Your craft space is very tidy. You should come here to help me clean mine.

Divers and Sundry said... 10

I enjoyed checking out those bird feeders :) This year has been hard on my seeds. I don't have room to start them inside, and this year the birds/squirrels/chipmunks have been enjoying digging wherever I plant them. A few zinnias have survived. I need to buy some screening to protect the pots.

Your yard is such a treat! Thanks for sharing the photos :) said... 11

Wow!!! We don't have a store like that in SF -- honey and seeds -- how fun. But 80 degrees here in SF (very rare) and we went to a nursery yesterday too). Your yard is very charming.......and better look at my next blog post.....I'm just sayin'.

My name is Erika. said... 12

Wow. That Is one busy day. Normal in my "old" life but in recovering life not so normal. I woke up today feeling more like me and hope to be able to go get some annuals this week to plant in my deck pots. No trimming from me for another few weeks. One step at a time. You must be excited to plant. I love digging in the dirt. The herbs sound like good choices. Yours will be giant soon if I remember from last year. So happy new week and have fun in the garden. Hugs erika

Sandra Cox said... 13

Wow. You have been working hard! And what initiative. Installing a door and cutting back branches with a chain saw. I am seriously impressed.
The seed store looks like all kinds of fun.
Welcome back.
Missed ya.

Rita said... 14

Wow! Love that little store. :)
You really did a LOT of work on the yard and your craft area is ready to go.
Glad to see you back. :)

Carol said... 15

You certainly have been very busy!!!! It's been a bit cooler here the past two days so it was easier to get a lot done outside. The farm supply store looks very interesting. They certainly have a lot for such a small space. HOpe you got your seed planted today :)

Lorraine said... 16

old books and garden centres love it

Jeanie said... 17

You have been hard at work and boy, you really have done a fabulous job. The garden looks terrific! And I love that store you visited -- I think I could get lost there.

I have to get some seeds in. I might try pumpkins this year for the first time! We'll see how that goes!

Anonymous said... 18

That's some serious trimming. We've been busy in the garden, getting beds ready now that we have room for a big garden and sun. Greens are coming up, kale is coming up and I will be plant buying on Thursday, tomatoes, which I never start, and some annuals. More seeds to go in, zukes, cukes, more greens. We try and re-use and garden au natural like you. Been moving around my creeping charlie to populate and spread on dirt areas that used to be shaded, but now are sunny thanks to the removal of a long dead tree. Your house is so cute. I always love seeing the porch and your gardens in summer. xox

pearshapedcrafting said... 19

What fabulous garden centre - it clearly got you in the mood for getting some of your garden tasks sorted!
Your garden always looks so beautifully green at this time of year! Please to see you also have some art space now! Hugs, Chrisx