I was really hurt by the fact that I started on the other side and this was the side I really wanted to see. As I rushed to catch up with my friend Sally, I saw Pamela Spika, my favorite artist. She was the Artist of the Year two years ago, and some of you may remember she signed my brochure. I even featured her during T Tuesday that year, too. She spent time explaining her technique which includes both oils and acrylics and is always warm and inviting. This time, I only had time to say hi and then move on.

This is Sally's favorite artist when it comes to pen and ink. She owns several of his pieces. He even sends her announcements of where he will be. I'm sure we'll see him again later in the year, if we attend another art fair. I believe he lives in Oklahoma, the state just to the south of Kansas.

As you can see, I didn't take any photos of booths that had paintings, jewelry, textiles, fibers, or ceramics, as I was trying to catch up with Sally who was so far ahead of me, I could no longer see her.

I was surprised to learn this was from Pier One, a mid to upscale store that features and specializes in decorations, dishes, and candles.

Suddenly, something caught my eye, and I simply HAD to stop. This was the type of art I had searched for all day, and hadn't found.

I simply HAD to get a closer look, even if I never caught up to Sally.

I took everything in like it was like a breath of air given to a drowning person.

I was in heaven.

I was definitely in my element.

I wanted to stay here all day.

I took photos as quickly as I could

so I could peruse the photos later.

But it was now time to run.

And run I did. At least until this booth made me stop and take notice of the beautiful abstracts.

Of course I had to take note of these

because they interested me so much.

I ran again, at least until I saw this booth. I couldn't help myself.

These were impressive and incredible. I only wish I had stopped to grab one of those business cards I now see sitting on the table.

I had to stop here, too. I have a love affair with this type of heart, although I know I can never draw one.

To me, there is something magical about them.

My final stop was more to take a quick photo because I have always been drawn to the infinity symbol. Although there were many, many booths I missed on the second side, I suspect next time we go, I'll try to find the mixed media and assemblages first. I will also wear a watch so I can meet Sally at a given spot at a certain time, then I can peruse the places I want to see first. In all, we spent over four hours there, so I can understand that Sally was probably ready to go.
Thanks for taking this trip with me. I hope it was as enjoyable for you as it was for me. Although I felt rushed in the end, I think I got to see most of the booths that interested me, and I suspect a few that many of you enjoyed, too.
16 thoughtful remarks:
The photos are great, I don't see why you always have to rush about after Sally. Next time it would be good to have time to visit what you want to - taking a watch and meeting at a certain time is a good idea, or to check where the other one is using your cell phone. Loved the assemblage art, I can understand you felt drawn to those pieces. Have a good day, hope you soon feel better and more yourself, hugs, Valerie
I am glad to see you finally decide to next time go at your own leisure and meet Sally at points during the visit. Good for you.. Love the mixed media art, as you knew I would!
This has been the most amazing trip that you shared with us. Thank you so much. So many unusual ideas and I am sure my own version of some them will appear at some point though I know many I admire I could not achieve in a lifetime.
Good idea to take you own time when you visit again. When Vic and me go to a car boot sale I ask him to wait at the end of a row for me as we would loose each other otherwise. he skips by most of the things and stop and browse and often buy as well.:)
Thank you again ior sharing the wonders
Love Chrissie xx
It has been a real pleasure to visit these stalls via your photos. I think these last ones would have appealed to me as well.Four hours would not have been long enough for me either.
Pre arranged meet up times sounds good to me as well.
Have a good Sunday.
Yvonne xx
I am super impressed with all this different pieces of art there! Thanks for the photos Elizabeth! You will find a way for Sally and you for the next time you have such an event.
oxo Susi
I'm with you. That assemblage art was a breath of fresh air. I love it too. It would look perfect in my house. Now maybe I need to try something like that. Or maybe I better not collect any more stuff-but I do think it is gorgeous. Enjoy the end of your weekend. We have some sun before the rain comes in so I am heading out to plant some bulbs. :) Hugs-Erika
Oh Elizabeth take me next year - I am sure we would head for the same booths! I could look at those mixed media pieces for ages! We could just meet Sally for lunch surely!! Hugs, Chrisx
This art show seemed out of this world with just about every type of excellent art. I can see why you liked the assemblage tent, lots of wacky and original ideas there, and I am also with you on the abstracts. The last one was fabulous as well. This has been a great trip round the art tents, thanks a lot. Loved the sunny weather and blue skies too.
I used to (note the "used to") go round art galleries with someone who wanted to look at everything.... very........very...........slowly.
Sometimes it's good to go alone, or even better meet up now and then to compare notes and have a coffee.
So much art, so little time....
I LOVE the pineapple.
Enjoyed this and the previous post. So much fun to look at all the various works. There is nothing quite like a good big art show. I'm sure I would have spent hours there.
This looks like such a great show. Really loved the cigar box art.
I can see why that booth was a favorite. I would have spent alot of time there too. Great art show, really wonderful art everywhere. Lucky you. xox
OH!!!!! I am so happy you shared my photos!!!! I always feel I have to rush trough art fairs as the husband is always so far ahead of me and ready to go long before I am. He's getting better but only if the weather is perfect :) I loved the booths that you were drawn to also...
What a great art fair! Loved the abstracts and mixed media...I can see why you had to slow down and stay a while. :)
you are too funny Elizabeth! I can just picture you rushing about, trying to take a pic or two and then just giving in to the joy of seeing so many wonderful things! Thanks for sharing it all. I really love the art in the first photo:)
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