Today I'll continue the tram trip around the Sedgwick County Zoo that I visited on April 22. I've actually scheduled this post because I worry that when this goes live, I may be huddled in the basement with my two "boys" hanging onto each other for dear life. Bleubeard is the smart one. He always knows when there are tornadoes or hail and heads for the basement or the lowest place he can get to under furniture on the main floor. But Squiggles comes from the same daredevil cloth as I, so I'm always the last one to duck for cover. According to the Weather Channel, the TorCon is 7, which means a 70% chance of a tornado occurring in Wichita. If you don't hear from me for a few days, you'll just have to use your imagination as to what has happened to me.

I'm going to let you peruse these photos without my diatribe, although I have to admit, these snow geese were EVERYWHERE here. They look so healthy, too. Sad that we feed them and they don't fly on to wherever they are supposed to migrate.

I asked what special event was going on, and the lady in the gift shop told me there were a lot of children from around the state on their annual field trip.

I didn't watermark this photo because I thought it was too surreal and beautiful to stick a label on it. Feel free to copy and use in your art.

I laughed at this photo where the giraffe looked like s/he popped up just in time for me to take this photo.

Not much to see on the tram, except flora, that's for sure.

This is one place I hope to visit soon.

Not sure I care if I see the Tiger Trek, but it apparently draws a big crowd. Many of the people on the tram got off to see this exhibit.

I keep wondering if gorillas have both rods and cones in their eyes, because their "play area" is so colorful.

Sally and I both commented on the photo booth. Both of us admitted we hadn't seen one in years.

We're off to the African safari. I believe the vehicle is part of the exhibit.

Zebras I couldn't get into focus.

Sally said I got a photo of the rhino, but I swear I don't see it in any of my photos.

We were now on the back side of the giraffe area. I think everyone, including myself, love giraffes.

And now we're at the end of the line, or at least the last of my photos I haven't previously shown.
If your computer hasn't frozen up at least six times by now (like mine did), I am delighted that you had a chance to join me on the tram around the Sedgwick County Zoo. Thanks for sticking till the very end.
I'll be back tomorrow with the elephants and how the elephant project nearly didn't happen. If you like elephants, please join me for that post.
12 thoughtful remarks:
Lovely photos of your trip to the zoo. My faves are the giraffes. Those Canada Geese are everywhere here, in every park and all along the Rhine, recently 2 were walking along the street in our little town, and by the time I had my camera out a car had hooted them away! Stay safe, take care, hugs, Valerie
lovely to see photos of your day out. The Rhino appears to be on the very right of the photo you wrote under, right up against the wall. We have an enclosure like this at London Zoo with elephants and Rhinos in. Haven't been to a zoo in years but it is one of my favourite trips out.
Love to see that photos Elizabeth! This zoo is just super!
I enjoyed your zoo photos today. It looks like a fun place. We don't have much for zoos here in New England but probably the closest is the Aquarium in Boston which I love. So I like seeing these photos. I grew up outside of Worcester, Massachusetts and even though our tornadoes weren't usually big like the ones you get in the midwest (except for one in the early 50's before I was born) we had several warnings every summer and they are scary. Once we had a small tornado a few miles away from the house and I didn't know until my mom called me and told me to take cover. I sat on the back porch and watched the horizontal lightening. I remember we went to see the damage afterwards and you could see how the trees were twisted before they broke off. I remember in that storm 2 children were killed because it was at a camp I was offered a job at but I ended up doing something else for the summer. We also had a "fairly" big one here in New Hampshire maybe 10 years ago that went through maybe 8-9 towns, including my town. It again was a couple of miles away, but the damage from this one was far worse. At my house we had no power and it was incredibly still, like the tornado sucked up all the air. I didn't know there was even a tornado (ok, maybe I need to be more on top of things) until my mother-in-law called me to tell me. She lives 2 towns away and it went near but not at her house either.
OK, this is a long comment. Will keep my fingers crossed your fall into the 30% and no big storms hit you. Hugs-Erika
This really is a lovely zoo with so much to offer! I do love animal shots! Sounds like a perfect birthday!ROAR!
Hoping and fingers crossed you will all be safe today. I heard there was grapefruit size hail in places yesterday. We got a bit of snow and a hard frost last night. Wacky weather but tornadoes are no laughing matter. I am putting your house in my mind in a big protective bubble!! xox
We have rain and a chance of storms predicted here for today, but no tornadoes so far. Of course, it's Spring, so you can't count them out :( I hope they pass you by.
I love the zoo trip! Thanks for sharing your experience :)
Thank you for sharing your trip around the zoo with us, all the photos you shared were awesome. I hope you will be safe in your home with the expected bad weather.
Yvonne xx
Elizabeth, you were in my thoughts yesterday. I was worried about you and my family in Wichita. I know you didn't blow away. :) I hope your home is safe from the floods. I hope Squiggles & Bleubeard are safe and sound too. When your storm system came through in my area I told my animals to stay near me. I think they thought I needed protecting. :) They didn't leave my side. I told my cat she could go set in the window about an hour after the big show. She ran to the window and got promptly blown to the floor. She is ok but I don't think she trusts my advice now. :) I love the pictures. Thank you for sharing. Got to love a photo bombing giraffe. :) Thank you for sharing your trip to the zoo with us. I know I said it the last post I miss the zoo there so much. Your pictures soothe a homesick heart.
Oh My Goodness! After reading your comment at the beginning this post I started to rush through my zoo trip with you but then realised that it would do no good!! This zoo looks such a lovely place to visit - lots of open space! Off to see how you fared now -and to see the elephants!! Hugs, Chrisx
Gorgeous photos dear the giraffes!!
Gorgeous photos dear the giraffes!!
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