This is my work desk as I join
Julia at
Stamping Ground today. Poor WOYWWendy looks like she's been imbibing a bit too much.

My desk is filled with more lovely gifts from friends.

This is NOT the "obligatory" rocking horse, but a lovely gift from my friend
Debbie. On the right is one side of a beautiful tip-in from

In addition to Debbie's lovely rocking horse, which included hand sewn fabric, she also sent this lovely card to go with it. Dianne's other side is shown on the right, as are the wonderful pages and art supplies she sent me that I can use as collage fodder.
Now let's head to
Julia's where you can put your desk on display, too! Please don't forget your number if you are playing in WOYWW.
36 thoughtful remarks:
You got wonderful presents dear Elizabeth!
Great presents, that rocking horse is a beauty, as is the page from Dianne. Have a lovely day and take care of yourself, hugs, Valerie
A pretty grouping of fun things. A nice bright window too. Do you have snow?
So far just a lot of rain. A most unusual warm start to winter. Have a great WOYWW day.
lovely gifts. well done on your top spot.. I couldn't spot Wendy though, it must be too early for my eyes to work! Helen 4
Happy WOYWW and congrats on the No.1 spot. I couldn't see Wendy either - but I am still half asleep and my new varifocal glasses mean that I do not always see clearly! Such lovely gifts. I am sure you will keep them out for a while to admire and stroke. Ali x #13
What lovely items you have on your desk, Elizabeth - so much more interesting than mine was this morning!! I love the big shot of your room - all those lovely little items hung by the window. Thanks for visiting already, and for your compassionate comments.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #7
Wow! What wonderful gifts! I also love the dresses hanging over your window! How creative and whimsical! Happy WOYWW dear Elizabeth! patsy
What lovely gifts you got! Lucky girl.
Happy WOYWW!
I love that rocking horse Elizabeth....you lucky girl.
Have a great week.
Annie x # 18
Congrats on #1 always lovely to see gifts from crafty friends.
sandra de @24
I love your space! So many lovely presents. I know you are so pleased! Glenda #23
Great friends you have and great taste they have in gifts too.
Happy woyww, Angela x25
The rocking horse is absolutely gorgeous - what lovely goodies you got and what lovely friends you have!
Happy WOYWW,
Diana #29
It must be the 'gift season' as I, too, have happy mail on my desk today. Ain't that the best things to find in your mailbox!?! Enjoy, enjoy! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #28
Lucky you to have such good friends. What a lovely collection of gifts you received. And even though you might be in awe of my fabric painters (many years of collecting them), I am in awe of your great friends and your play space which is much bigger than my little space. Have a super day!
You got beautiful gifts!
P.S.: don't forget to enter my giveaway to win a bracelet and earrings jewelry set!
Greetings, Sofie # 31
Thank you for your visit last week, sorry I didn't return the visit .... was a bit caught up in festivities!!!
What a great shot of your room and a stunning rocking horse!!
Love the 'wardrobe' above your window - are they cards or just designs? Super idea ..... they would make me happy every time I looked at them.
Have a good week
Bishopsmate #36
You are so blessed with such wonderful friends! Great gifts! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #33
What lovely presents! I know you love rocking horses, so this one is extra special.
Have a great week,
Cool gifts! Congrats on número Uno again at Woyww ! I've managed to get a few cards made and tucked a little something in yours for Bleubeard and Squiggles. Merry Christmas! Hugs from me and the Girls
Wonderful creative gifts from your talented friends E on your neat and tidy desk!
Happy December to Wendy too hiccup ;-)
Such a neat space! Lovely gifts from some very talented friends!
Marnie #41
Lovely array of goodies! What a treat to see.
Oh I love this view of your desk..taking in all the little dresses, had forgotten about those! Poor Wendy, you're right, she looks the worse for wear, I'll pass on sharing that particular tipple, thank you! The new rocking horse is fab, how clever of that crafty moose. And hey, a tip in..I don't think I realised that you swapped and did them for others. Hmmm.
what a sweet and perfect gift... your rocking horse.. x
What fun gifts! Love the rocking horse. I can't believe you are number one again. I barely make it to #50! Hugs!
Enjoy your lovely gifts, thank you for a glimpse of your work room.
Yvonne xx
Nice presents! I like the page. It is very colourful. Like the doll clothes hanging in the background. Did you make them?
that IS a stunning rocking horse! ♥ enjoy!
Hi Bleubeard & Elizabeth, What lovely things you have on show. I adore the rocking horse.
Can I ask what the little clothes hanging up are for?
Thank you for stopping by my blog.
Sue #26
Wow! nearly missed this! Love the gifts! Hugs, Chrisx
I enjoyed seeing this different view in your studio and all the lovely gifts you received. The whimsical clothesline with what appear to be dresses for the different months of the year also caught my eye. Blessings!
Well, that really is happy mail, huh?! What lovely post to receive...is that rocking horse card made from real metal or foil? It's hard to tell from here...whatever, it's very effective!
Hope your washing machine woes have been sorted...mine is 25 years old and (touch wood) going strong. I tell it I love it to keep it sweet :-D
Hugs, LLJ 12 xxx
such lovely and thoughtful gifts Elizabeth! I have to say though that my eye also kept going to those darling dresses hanging on the wall above your window:):)
Your desk is looking pretty tidy too! I guess it's the week for tidy desks :)
My watch is OK now and it was going up til the very moment I pushed it off the kitchen counter! I don't know what the repairer did as he said there was nothing really wrong with it. A mystery :)
Have a good week.
Another late visit from me! That little rocking horse is such a lovely gift - so clever isn't it. x Jo
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