Thursday, August 6, 2015

Friday Smiles #131: Broadway comes to Wichita

I'm happy to be joining Annie again at Friday Smiles.  You can find her at A Stitch in Time.  Because June and July were packed with Summer of Color and Index Card a Day, I didn't have time to join her as she shared smiles each Friday.  Hopefully, life will slow a bit and I can join in most Fridays again.

Some of you may have read I attended a play Tuesday evening.  

I got to see Hello Dolly!  Since photos weren't allowed inside, I took these before I entered the concert hall.

I got there a few minutes early so I decided to take a few photos of some of the art around Century II, the place the musical was held.

This one is called "The Jester."  The only reason I know is because my friend Scott told me.

I didn't take time to read the sign.  Now I wish I had because I liked this statue.

Then it was nearly 8 pm and time to see Hello Dolly!  It was an OK musical, but I've been to better, like last year when I went to see Mary Poppins and one year when I took my friend Kathy to see Evita.

Although the statues should put a smile on your face, here's a few words of wisdom out of the mouths of babes:I hope a few of these deserved a chuckle.  I LOVED the dust buster and cat, and baptizing a cat.  Bleubeard and Squiggles weren't as amused as I.

Now let's join Annie at A Stitch in Time for a few smiles to get your weekend started right.

21 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Fun post, sorry the show wasn't as good as you had hoped. Love the photos, and the quotes are good. I had a great dog, but I wouldn't have trusted her with food either! Valerie

Annie said... 2

Hi Elizabeth. It's really good to see you joining in again....there's never quite enough hours in the day to do all we'd like to is there? :-) I love all live entertainment so was sorry to hear it wasn't the best you'd seen. The statues were fab as were the comments by the children. I chuckled at the 'stay away from prunes' one.....he'd maybe experienced a wild one, tame ones aren't so bad :-)
Annie x

Barb said... 3

The statues photos are good and I like the bird best too. The kids quotes are great. My favourite was not letting a dog look after your food.

You suddenly brought back happy memories for me today. We went to see Hello Dolly in London on our honeymoon 46 years ago. My cousin bought the tickets as a surprise for a wedding present. Barbxx

JoZart Designs said... 4

Love the children's advice!!! Wise words from young heads.
The sculptures are stunning. Worth visiting for them if not for the play. Something good comes out of everything.
Jo x

Sue Jones said... 5

Ha Ha I love the sayings. Sorry the play wasn't as great as you had hoped. Hope you have a grwat week with some "me" time . Soojay 8

Craftymoose Crafts said... 6

Ok, those last words of wisdom had me roaring. The lipstick one was my favorite--don't ask!

Darla said... 7

Enjoyed seeing the sculptures and got a laugh out of the kids advice.


Valerie-Jael said... 8

Hi Elizabeth, yes, of course you can add my blog, I am honoured! Valerie

Divers and Sundry said... 9

I'm sorry the show was a disappointment. Thanks for sharing the photos of the statues. I'd have loved them!

johanna said... 10

haha, your kid quotes made me laugh out loud! happy Weekend, elizabth!

pearshapedcrafting said... 11

A great setting for the theatre, pity the musical wasn't as good as other years! I love those quotes - poor Taylia!! Dread to think what happened with the dust buster!!! Have a great weekend, Chrisx

505whimsygirl said... 12

Hi Elizabeth,

So nice that you had the opportunity to go to a play, even though it wasn't up to the standard of the others that you've seen. I really enjoyed the photos of the sculptures, especially the court jester.

I ALWAYS love to see "kid quotes." They really crack me up.


Elizabeth said... 13

Hi Elizabeth, such a pity the show wasn't so good but the artwork is wonderful. I've gotten into the habit of taking a close-up shot of any signs so that I can read them later when I'm going through the photos - it saves me the frustration of Googling for information. Chuckled at the words of wisdom from the children. Bonnie would not appreciate being baptized, that's for sure :) Elizabeth xx

mamapez5 said... 14

Out of the mouths of babes etc....
I just love live theatre, even when it isn´t the best production ever. The status are all very interesting too. Kate x

Hettie said... 15

Those statues look good. Better than the animals at the zoo!!! Are you sure you didn't go to Girraffic Park as they were the only ones that seemed to be home!!
Nice little funnies.

Twiglet said... 16

Great sculptures - I like the bird of course. I love the way children think - I should have written down some of the funny things I heard in my 30 years of teaching!! x Jo

Robyn Oliver said... 17

Oh wow Elizabeth...your Kids Advice cracked me up, they are wise without knowing it. And your sculpture photos are fabulous and very interesting. Long day (nearly 10 hours) for us but we have arrived safely with plants and cats in good order. My garden here is suffering so I'm glad it's only 3 weeks till the final pack and move. Hope you're enjoying your weekend Robyn

Laura said... 18

Hehe, kids are so funny!
Gorgeous statue of an eagle. Don't think I'd have managed to walk past without touching it!

Lisca said... 19

Hi Elizabeth,
Those are really nice statues. Pity you couldn't read the info. But then, it looked like an eagle to me....
I giggled at the children's advice. The 'don't let her brush your hair' is a good one. I always had long hair and it is very good advice!
Thanks for commenting Friday and sorry for being so late myself. (I got busy). Have a good week,

Dianne said... 20

You did make me giggle! I liked the 'hair-brushing' one...the complaints I used to get when doing my daughter's long hair!! ;)

~*~Patty S said... 21

Thanks for the giggles do say the funniest things don't they.
Shame about the performance. One never knows how it will be until we get there.
Some old friends treated us a couple of weeks ago and we really enjoyed The Musical ONCE performed at the Kennedy Center Eisenhower Theatre. Photos there were a definite no-no as well. I guess everything is copyrighted.
Live theatre can be a real treat.
Your area certainly is rich in artwork and sculpture.
Thank you for sharing your photos so we can all enjoy them.