Day 3, I showed you how to identify and use #6 plastic and turn it into shrink plastic. Unfortunately, most of the plastic you encounter will be #'s 1 and 2.

So today, I am going to show how to use plastic in your art that is not shrinkable. I'm making some embellishments for my friend's Kings and Queens altered book, and using some spray paint she gifted me with. For those of you who read my blog often, you are aware I mentioned she gave me a whole bunch of stuff, which included glazes and spray paint. This is one of those paints she gave me. It was a full can of paint, and I looked forward to using a non-drip paint. I'm holding a piece of # 2 plastic cut from a plastic container. I've spread newspapers on my outdoor desk to keep the overspray to a minimum.

I had to return indoors and grab some scissors, since I forgot them before photographing this technique. That's why I like to run the entire process through my head before I begin. But now the plastic was cut in banner (bunting in the UK) shapes and sizes that would fit in my altered book. I placed two punched crowns onto the plastic.

HMMM! This no drips, no errors can of spray paint did NOT live up to its promise. I had a mess on my hands.

I waited until the paint was dry enough I could remove the crowns, then hoped for the best. Although sometimes my recycling efforts don't turn out as well as I expected, all I have invested in today's project is time. Everything else was free. And since I went to the trouble of making them,
I'll find I found a way to use these banners in my friend's altered book.
Other ways to incorporate plastic into these banners include
1. stamping directly on the banner using Staz-on or other solvent or archival ink
2. covering them with maps or magazine images
3. instead of spray paint, use direct to project ink pads to add color
4. punch a hole in the bottom of the banner and insert a tassel or beads on a wire
Other uses for the non-shrink plastic include
1. cut the plastic into squares and incorporate in a mixed media piece
2. use a circle punch, decorate, and turn the plastic into a clock.
3. place behind a frame and adhere small items such as flower petals or confetti behind it
4. although I have no way to try this, those of you with die cutters might try using it in your embossing folders
Today is Day 5 of 22 and I showed the possibilities of using
non-shrinkable plastic you can keep out of the landfill.
I'm thrilled that so many of you are following along on this journey. It makes me happy that you are inspired by some of the projects I create. For that I am eternally grateful. And I want to wish each of you who celebrate it, a happy Easter or lovely Passover.
6 thoughtful remarks:
Happy Easter to you Elizabeth, Bleubeard and Squiggles! Got a connection so trying to catch up-will do this properly when we get back - this looks really interesting - but a bit small on my phone!! Hugs, Chrisx
I gather the stamped crowns were supposed to act as masks? In any case at least they still show up on the banners.
Hope you have a beautiful day! Happy Everything!
Happy Easter! I'm glad there's a use for some of the waste plastic. I'm always tempted to take all the packaging off when I buy things and leave it in the store ;)
Cute idea. Hate #6 though, too sharp. We can't recycle quite as much here in Maine, which disappoints me since I am used to recycling it all, but any is better than none and I have room for the big compost pile, so....Happy Easter to you and kitties. xox
Shame the paint wasn't as good as you thought but you have managed to use the plastic so that's a positive! :-) xxx
Even with the paint not behaving this still looks like an interesting way of using old plastic! Look forward to seeing how you used them! Chrisx
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