It's also the day of my birth. That's why I call it bEARTHday. I usually take you to a restaurant or out and about, but today I'm actually going to share one final project.

I was planning to sew up a storm, because I want to finish these tops to my scrappy book covers I'm making. You can see how far I got, though. These will be the front and back embellishments to a floral scrappy journal

that I plan to name "Bloom." I have some butterfly buttons I plan to add when the journal is finished, but since I don't hand sew, I will add them using E6000 after the book has been assembled.

However, my plans were derailed when I broke my final needle. Now I must find time to visit the sewing center where I get them. I think I've told you before how expensive they are. And there are no cents off coupons at the store where I buy them. If only they sold them at JoAnn's.
It also altered my plans to make a necklace

from this recycled Styrofoam spool that once held thread. I realize most of the thread spools are wood, or plastic, but this one was so lightweight, I thought it would make a great necklace. Most people would think it's trash, though.

I grabbed two colors I thought might look like a wooden spool, mixed them, and painted the spool.

It would have helped if I'd had brown paint, but I did with what I had, which is something I always advocate. Since I don't hand sew, I now must wait to buy a needle to finish the necklace. I plan to sew fabric and paper together to add to the spool, so when it's opened with its velcro closer, the fabric will hang down. However, that will now have to wait.
Today is Day 22 of 22 and I sewed two embellishments using fabric scraps to add to the cover of a scrappy journal. I also broke a needle, and started a necklace I will make from a Styrofoam thread spool.
I'm so grateful you have stuck with me through these 22 days of recycled art leading to bEARTHday.
As an update for those of you following along on these latest posts, I still plan to alter the spoons I bent. After all, if I went to all that trouble of bending them, I'm not going to leave them unfinished for long.
I also plan to screw the key hooks into a piece of wood after I "art" the wood a bit.
And finally, did I tell you that, although I couldn't find my friend Sally's leak in her vanity, I managed to get it stopped by turning off her shut-off valve. Now she won't have a mess when she gets home, and I saved water that was originally leaking on the floor.
It's time to wish you a happy EARTH day. If you live in one of the 192 countries that celebrates EARTH day, you might even be aware of the impact this movement has made since it first began in 1970. Be kind to the earth, not just today, but every day, because it's the only one we have.
I'm off to spend the day with friends and overindulge in food I don't have to prepare! Someone might even have pie since they know I prefer it to cake.
22 thoughtful remarks:
Happy Bearthday! I am in the middle of having new windows installed so you are going to have to wait for your birthday card but then there is nothing new in that!! Hope you have a wonderful day with good friends and good food = good times!!
Looks fab so far dear Elizabeth!
yummie colors and great sewing on the fabric!
wish you all the best !
Joy, happiness and good luck for you!
Happy Bearthday Elizabeth! The scrappy journal covers are looking good, and I've been waiting to see the finished spoons.
Hope you have a wonderful day with your friends!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope it's a wonderful day for you my friend.
Wishing you the very best birthday. I know you will enjoy some time with friends. I like the fabric you are using for the covers.
Oooh how gorgeous is your fabric Elizabeth, a rainbow of colours on your very special bEarthday!
Hope you have the opportunity to get the sewing needles you need while you are out and about celebrating your day with Friends and pie.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Elizabeth, hope you are feeling well and enjoying each moment :-) xxx
Happy Birthday! I know you'll enjoy your treats :)
Happy Happy Birthday Dear Elizabeth♥
May your bEARTHday gleam and sparkle
May it shimmer glimmer flare
May the warmest birthday wishes fill the birthday air!
Enjoy * Enjoy your special day...hope you get to eat lots of pie...
Lovely book you're making!
Oh those cover fabrics- just beautiful! And I like the dusty pink look to your spool. What a great idea. Send your mailing address when you can, please ...
Many many Happy Returns of the day n dear Elizabeth. Last week, I think I got it wrong-:) Those fabric covers look so colorful and bright love them.
Have a wonderful day
HAPPY 😻 bEARTHday Elizabeth! Love the fabric covers of the new scrappy book. Dang ol' needle not nice to break on your birthday. The Girls send soecial furry hugs n wet smooches to you! T's will be very quick as she trots off to find her Bleubeard :) Have a wonderful day out n about ! Happy Birthday! Love ya Nan and the Girls
have a wonderful birthday, elizabeth! i would send you a pie if it would survive the travel;)
First of all dear Elizabeth - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hubby's is tomorrow - St Georges day! I hope you are having a wonderful day! It has been great to come along and see the great recycling projects. Today's is fabulous - pity about the broken needle putting a halt to progress!! On motor way now so got a connection! Big HB hugs, Chrisx
Happy Birth-Bearth Day!! Hope you are having a lovely day xxx
Have a wonderful day Elizabeth. Your projects are looking great...but a glass of bubbly might be necessary before the day's out.
Happy Birthday Elizabeth, Hope you have an aRtful day. Looks like you are busy as ever creating some really great aRt.
Best wishes..... - Donna
Happy Birthday dear Elizabeth! ♥♥♥ Hope you still have some fun today, even though your last needle broke...I am sure you still have lots of possibilities for enjoying the day! those books look really cool- love the colors!
Wishing you the bestest bEARTHhday ever, dear Elizabeth from me & Wee Man {{Hugs}}
Your book cover is gorgeous, the colours are so friendly. It's such a shame the needle broke.
How clever you are to have turned the water off at the valve in your friends house. Less damage to the floor, less water wasted. Win Win.
Many thanks for your comment on my Anti Journal/Butterfly post. You are the only person to have 'got' the best reason for doing the project just now with Wee Man. I was going to leave it until the weather was a little warmer, but the holiday buzz just wasn't stopping. Thank you. Have a fabulous day {{Hugs}}
Very pretty fabric pieces! Happy Earth Day! Happy Birthday! Happy Wednesday! Happy Life!! :):):)
Happy bEARTHday!!!!!! Bummer about the needle but I hope the rest of your day was fantastic!!!!
Happy Bearthday!!!💐🎉😺😎🍉😸🌷
Happy Bearthday!
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