Once again, I'm organizing, while joining
Julia at
Stamping Ground for my weekly trip desk snooping. I know Julia likes to keep it quick, but I got a bit carried away this week.
While cleaning off my desk, which I hope to show next week, I took care of all the Christmas gifts people had sent me,

including this beauty sent to me by
Debbie, also known as
Crafty Moose. Please note that mirror is NOT dirty, it is old and pocked where the silver backing has either faded or been removed.

And since I was in this area, I thought you could find a rocking horse or seven. Yes, I count seven in this shot.

Back in my craft room, I decided to show this drawer that houses sewing type items I have either purchased or been given, that I will use in mixed media fabric quiltlets or on my visual journal covers. It sits directly below my sewing thread drawers.

Of course, I don't really believe in wasting space, so this is how it looks normally. And there's my hand and arm again in the photo. You might even be able to make out my curly hair if you hunt hard enough. After all, this IS snoop day.
Please join
Julia and many others who play this fun Wednesday game. And if you're coming from
Julia's, please leave your number.
I apologize, but I cannot leave comments to those who choose to use G+ where I have to join G+ in order to leave a comment. Is there any way around it? If so, I'm hoping you can change your comment choices.
41 thoughtful remarks:
What an interesting post this week, love the old clock and yes 7 rocking horses. I have decided to un-moderate my comments this week to make others lives easier. I will just keep a closer eye on things and see how it goes.
Eliza & Yoda (no number yet)
You are really doing some cleaning and organizing. It always is such a hassle, but it feels so GOOD when it is finished.
Always enjoy the rockers.
Krisha no # yet
I always love s good tidy feels great to be able to find things quick and easy happy woyww hugs Nikki no # yet
Cannot remember what my desk was like when I left home a month ago - now it is time to go back and take more stuff to mess it up. Oh woe will be me when the jet lag goes.
Hugs, Neetxxx
ps tickles to Bleubeard
So many people seem to be on the sorting organising theme at the moment... and your drawers look wonderful, space and tidy... I hope to get to that point at some time in the future! LOL Love the dresser and the wooden clock that looks like slate, wonder if it is a Seth Thomas? I had a French black slate version till a couple of months ago and donated it to charity on one of my cleanouts!!
Look at all that space in the drawer!! I found all 7 too... Helen 4
Hello, Elizabeth! Nice to get to visit you again and check out the rocking horses on display. I love your old clock! Happy WOYWW!
Just love that feeling after tidying. I have a sort-of rule for myself now when things get very untidy.Each time I go into a room that's messy, I tidy/put away 5 things.That way it is not daunting, and at least I have tackled the mess.Amazingly, by the end of the day, things are manageable!
Thanks for lovely comment on my blog.
Judy x
Everything looks quite tidy, so job well done! :D LOVE your bedroom furniture!!!!
Happy Crafting!
Jeannie #14
Hi, nice and early today but no sign of Bleubeard, maybe he's still in bed!
I think everyone is trying to tell me something with all this tidying up stuff.
Have a great woyww week, Angela x 25
looks very tidy to me :)
loving the clock i could do with something similar for my mantle
love Mrs C.xx #29
WHat a beautiful colour crystal from Debbie, bet it reflects beautiful light. Now I know it's not a 'heavy access' drawer, but doesn't everything slide about every time you open it? See, that would make my teeth itch..it would have to be a shared drawer just to stop that!!
And meanwhile....have you knowledge of how many rocking horses you have in total?
I enjoyed seeing a bit more of your home, Elizabeth, that vintage clock is quite beautiful :-) and I like to see that there's someone else who doesn't have drawers and drawers of stuff.....sometimes we don't need that much to enjoy creating!
Hugs, LLJ 25 xx
The crystal is gorgeous . I counted the seven r horses. Love the clock reminds me of one mum has. I have to have a big tidy up after mum goes home. She hasn't made the mess:-) I've just been busy entertaining her and so dumped stuff in dining room /craft room! Anne x #37
I love your old clock and mirror - and also the pretty little lacy mats, just my style! It looks like you've got lots of room in the drawer to add more sewing stuff if you ever go on a spending spree! Hope you have a great week,
Diana #39
Super tidy from my perspective. Congrats on #1. Yay.
Sandra de @43
ah numero uno again Elizabeth :D
I love the wee rocking horse... and the green crocheted doily puts me in mind of a purple one I have almost the same as it n this room here as my craft/ computer room is purple dec.s
happy WOYWW!
Shaz in Oz.x #38
{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards blog}
Ooh it's like find the hidden objects! The crystal os lovely and I think old pockmarked mirrors have a special charm that bright new shiny ones don't.
And hitting publish doesn't work if you are not logged in to Google. But today, for many blogs, I only have to tick the I'm not a Robot box and it posts the comment. Some still requite typing in a number, and after a certain number of comments on Google blogs I expect the word verification kicks in, but one word and easier to read than it was when they started down this path. Sorry.
Have a Happy WOYWW day!
Mary Anne (6)
and to update, yep, I had to type in a word for yours
What wonderful photos of your space! I love the old mirror and that clock is amazing. I love old things but then I'm old too. I've been noticing things as I clean that were my grandmothers and they are now getting close to 100 years old. My how time does fly!
Glenda #49
I'm just doing my blog dash round all my favourites while the twinnies are doing some cutting and sticking 😃
I really love your crystal and all your rocking horses 😃 your tidy drawers make me smile 😄
Annie x #23
You are my favourite organizer( think I write this more than 3 times yet..sorry but maybe you have to hear this some more times ).. I can't see your hair... just your hand... hmmm?!
Have a great Wednesday Elizabeth!
the clock, that old mirror, the candles... your place is very inviting! Wish I could come over to snoop around for real!!! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #51
I only counted4 rocking horses but I'm incredibly lazy at unobservant :)
Horace, no idea what no as I forgot to look! :)
Looking well organized to me. I like the beauty Craftymoose sent you.
Vintage mirrors are like that (mine also), it is beautiful! Was there more stuff in the drawer! What happened to it?
Thank you for sharing!
Gabriele 36
What a beautiful sparkle, and some great "time to tidy" inspiration!
(Seriously, last week after visiting a few woywwers, you all got me to go make a few inroads into my mess, so thank you for the inspiration!)
#68 today with
I've been seeing a lot of desks where there's been re-organization, tidying up, and such! Love your clock! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #58
Hey #1!
This tidying seems to be a WOYWW virus!
Wish I had that much room in a drawer!
Robyn 5
That drawer is far too empty! You must shove more things into it. What nifty old things in your first couple of photos. We had a bathroom mirror where the silver lining was wearing off? I'm not sure but it made your reflection look sort of fuzzy and out of focus. We joked that it showed what you'd look like as a ghost. Judy #76 Don't think I'm a G+ person.... but I know G+ thinks I am, not sure about the blog.
That antique mirror and clock are gorgeous and I love the rocking horses. I guess you must collect them :) Happy crafting when you get done organizing. Shel#71
So neat. I am trying to be more organized in the new house and it's working. But I do have a bit more room for separate stations and I like that. It's easier to keep everything in it's place. Nice clock. xox
Hey up lass!! We're getting there…aren't we?….Hmm! maybe not…I've got loads to get rid of yet - my granddaughter needs space when she comes!! Old magazines next I think….then again - I might need them!!!! Hugs, Chrisx ps I've answered your question on my blog - my mat is from a company that has several smaller shops around the UK and a really big one an hours drive away from the caravan - in Windermere, a lovely part of the Lake District.
pps 'Hey up lass' used to be my Grandad's greeting to me
Ok, 7? Hmm I'll have to enlarge so these old eyes can hunt for them. :) I read your comments out loud to the Girls, so of course, T has to run to the grooming counter. She's a girly girl....and has now been brushed n combed so she looks pur-dee for Bleubeard. :)) Yep you beat to commenting today. I barely rememdered it was WOYWW day and then only thanks to Trisha Too reminding me. I do my errands as early in the morning as I can, to beat the crowds. It is snowbird season after all. Tape measures....(lightbulb moment).....I should look for some of those on my next trip to the thrift store. Thanks as always for an interesting post, E! Thanks for the earlier visit! Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #71
I do love a bit of January organisation! x
I have to say I admire how you filter out things. I am hampered now when I seek to tidy by helping paws who seem to find all kinds of lost stuff and mess up everything!
Monica 73
Happy WOYWW. A lot of us have been having a good clear out and tidy up. I did, but my craft room is already a mess and far too cluttered. Ali x #64
Ha Ha .... just how many pink measuring tapes does one gal need? it seems lots of deskers are re organising ... must be the time of year..... have fun
janet #19
isn´t it a good Feeling after organising? maybe i should do it more often... and i spy a beautiful brass rocking horse;)
You have a wonderful vintage look going on there and I love the old mirrors they seem to have a story or two to tell. Anita 66
Must be a January/new years resolution of a lot of folks to organize and clean up their spaces. I am struggling to sit still. My ears are now causing me grief and balance isn't worth a flip so I sit a lot. Love the side boy and the clock...just 7 horses? I think your collection is awesome! Have fun organizing. Vickie #33
I am even later than you getting round after last week. I love your crystal, such a beautiful colour too. I also have a number of crystals hanging around the house and the rainbows from them are just entrancing. Thank you for your visit and kind comments. Have a good week. xx Maggie
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