Monday, January 5, 2015

T Stands For Healthy Water Tuesday

One of the perks of being sick over Christmas (if there IS such a thing), is I didn't stuff myself until I waddled when I walked.  But I still want to eat and drink healthy this year, so

I'm starting the year out right by drinking some healthy protein water.

Although the Christmas decorations have been stored away for days, it seems I'm still subliminally channeling Christmas with my choice of colors today.

What are you drinking this first week of 2015?  Something healthy, something decadent, or something tried and true?  Maybe you were out and about, scrapbooked or journaled your drink this week.  Maybe you allowed your digital art to take over, or used photography to tell your tale.  Whatever the case, please share using the link below, and join in the fun as we welcome in 2015.  Bleubeard wants to remind you that photos need not be taken on Tuesday, but the link has to appear here so we can visit you, too.

18 thoughtful remarks:

massofhair said... 1

Water is the cure all isn't it, so glad you feeling better. Love your glass it is so pretty.

I had very weak coffee and a glass of wine on New Years Day, i rarely drink maybe 4 or 5 times a year, very weak coffee is my always go to drink and sparkling water other times.

Stay well:-) xxx

dawn said... 2

Hello and Happy New Year Elizabeth! Very festive colors you do have here. I need to drink more water too, just not for me I guess. All I drink is hot and cold tea with the occasional orange juice and pop when eating out. My sister and nieces drink water by the gallons though, they love it. Good for you starting the year off healthy. Hope you are getting your energy back and staying warm.
The kids go back tomorrow and finally the snow has decided to come and stay all week, lol. Crossing fingers we have no school cancels, I'm ready for my quiet house and thoughts. I forget what that's like.
Take care and Happy T Day!

Krisha said... 3

Happy New Year!!
I am going to try and get a little healthier this year with diet and some exercise, and of course more water too.

Glad to hear your feeling a bit better. Sure is horrible to be sick over the holidays, but like you said, at least you weren't over eating like I did....LOL

Happy T-day

froebelsternchen said... 4

Never heard about protein water?! lol!
I love this little crocheted doily!
Happy T-Day dear Elizabeth!
Hugs to Mr. Bleubeard!

TwinkleToes2day said... 5

Happy T Day! I'm so glad you are feeling much better Elizabeth :D
Having very little willpower, there is still far too much 'Christmas goodies' in my house for me to stop yet, but I intend to get healthy asap. If only so that I don't have to buy larger clothes **embarrassed blush** Every year I resolve not to buy so much, but it just seems to happen! Hey-ho, it's been a lovely family time. I haven't taken a T day photo, because I haven't been out or have anything interesting to post about. My Mojo has gone on holiday it seems; but hopefully not for too long. :o)

Denise Price said... 6

I wonder how they put protein in water. I've never heard of that before either. I see it has a red color...does it have a cherry or berry flavor?

I was inspired by Mo last week, when she shared pages from her Betty Crocker cookbook. So this week I have a post with a vintage cookbook vibe.

Happy T Day!

Darla said... 7

Pretty glass. Like others have said, I've never heard of protein water and wonder what is in it. I am trying to drink more water, just plain water.


Craftymoose Crafts said... 8

Anything would taste special in your pretty glass. I've never tried protein or vitamin water--oh I live such a sheltered life!

Divers and Sundry said... 9

Protein water is new to me, too. I wish you good health in the new yeaR :)

Linda Kunsman said... 10

isn't it funny how being sick can be the motivation to healthier eating and drinking-so true! I love your little "mug rug"-did you make it? I'm still on my high energy coffee in the mornings but switch to decafe teas the rest of the day. Happy T day to you!

Anonymous said... 11

never heard of protein water. I drink lemon juice and water first thing before my coffee and at dinner with my glass of far its kept the cold bugs that posh glass

~*~Patty S said... 12

Plain water is a favorite drink of mine (protein water is a new one to me!). I do find I need to concentrate on drinking more in the colder is easier to drink lots in warmer weather I find.
Pretty glass and coaster!
Happy T Day E...
hope you are feeling much much better very soon

Halle said... 13

I'm skipping tea least at this point. Mr. G is home and we are just taking it easy.

jinxxxygirl said... 14

Well i hope you are feeling better Elizabeth. :) Protein in that healthy??? lol But it is very Christmassy isn't it?! I FINALLY have all my Christmas packed away... Love to see it come, love to see it go.... Happy Tday Girlfriend! Hugs! deb

Rita said... 15

Gosh, I hope you get to feeling better soon. Some of this crud going around just hangs on. Ian and Leah are still sick, too.
Water is always good. I've never had protein water, though. Happy T-Day. Rest and be kind to yourself. :)

Anonymous said... 16

No fun having the crud during the holidays. I celebrated heartily but I/we've been walking 2 mile jaunts and another mile at the river with dogs. I gained not a pound, now to try and get on the losing side and get back in shape for gardening season. xox

pearshapedcrafting said... 17

Sorry I didn't get to join in this time - we had a plumbing problem in the form of a bathroom tap that wouldn't turn off!!! Had a trip out to buy a replacement but now have to wait for my son to come and fix it!
Hugs, Chrisx

Dianne said... 18

so sorry I didn't get my act together to join the link party...hopefully next week! hugs to you...