Friday, January 9, 2015

Friday Smiles 101: Squiggles and his Christmas gifts

It's been awhile since I've felt well enough to participate in Friday Smiles at Annie's A Stitch in Time.  Some of you are aware that in October, I got a new kitten, who will hopefully be tutored by Bleubeard, who will train him to eventually be the face of our blog.

Here is the spoiled new fellow at five months

showing off about a week or two before Christmas.  Yes, he's grown since you last saw him.

Although both Squiggles and Bleubeard got new collars for Christmas, what else do you get a cat who has all the cat toys in the world, a loving forever home, and two new collars (since I anticipate this latest one to only last a few more months)?

You (and your friend Sally) go to the carpet store

and get two new scratching rugs for Squiggles to sink his claws into.

Then you go to Sam's Warehouse and get something for both boys to dig into.

I hope this put a smile on your face.  For more smiles and possibly a few belly laughs, hop on over to Annie's at A Stitch in Time.  It's a great way to start the weekend.

28 thoughtful remarks:

Karen said... 1

Awe Elizabeth...Squiggles is adorable and so handsome!!!! I hope that he & Bluebeard become really good friends my lovely!! x

Annie said... 2

Hi Elizabeth....welcome back. I've missed you. Squiggles really is a handsome puss but of course I wouldn't want to offend Bleubeard and must say of course no one outshines him :-) They are both very lucky cats to have you caring so well for them.
Biggest hugs for you all,
Annie x

Nan G said... 3

Squiggles has certainly grown. He looks like he could be Bleubeard 's son. :) Hugs to Bleubeard from the Girls. They're looking at squiggles from a safe distance heads cocked...hhmm a strange kitty over there. :) Glad to hear you're feeling better. Warm hugs for you from me.

Gill Edwards said... 4

Hi Elizabeth, hi Bleubeard and a big hello to Squiggles, what a gorgeous fellow he is. Hugs to you all and good to see you again
Gill x

Craftymoose Crafts said... 5

My squiggles has certainly grown! I'm sure Bleubeard will be a good teacher!

Krisha said... 6

Squiggles and Bluebeard are two very lucky cats! Spoiled?....maybe. But I just prefer the term "Well loved", cause that is what my dog is...LOL

Thanks for the smiles this morning.

Nancy said... 7

Two lucky and handsome kitties!

Divers and Sundry said... 8

I know Bleubeard will do a great job with his new mentoring responsibilities, and Squiggles looks like a quick study.

froebelsternchen said... 9

Elizabeth --- wow he looks magnificent with his stylish white service attire.. what a a beautiful tomcat!
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said... 10

Squiggles is quite cute. I love his soft gray. Hope the boys are getting along. Lucky kitties spoiled and loved. xox

TwinkleToes2day said... 11

What a lucky pair of puddy cats. Lucky you too Elizabeth, having been found by two fur friends that will love you back :o))

Laura said... 12

Hehe! You bought your cat some carpet? As a non-cat owner that sounds like the daftest thing! Handsome fella though.
Happy Friday!

Judys Lace Creations said... 13

What a big boy Squiggles is going to be.Bet he's funny with his little antics! So cute!! Lucky boys they are.

Denise Price said... 14

Cute photos of Squiggles! He definitely makes me smile.

Hettie said... 15

Aww bless them. He has landed on his feet with you hasn't he?

Rita said... 16

Awww! Sweet!
Karma got a late Christmas present today, too.
Have a great weekend and glad you're feeling better. :)

Dianne said... 17

How did I miss the fact that you got a new kitty?!! he's adorable! and so glad you're feeling a bit better. get well soon dear, and try to keep warm...I'm freezing. in the house. with lots of layers on!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said... 18

ahhh how cute is Squiggles, Elizabeth?!!
.. has real attitude already I can see .. :D

So wodnerful to share and Happy smiles day ..
Sorry you haven't been well but glad you are back, I too have been missing and am joining a day late. :D
Shaz in Oz.x

{Shaz in Oz – my personal blog}

johanna said... 19

squiggles is such an awesome tomcat! hope he will become best friend with bluebeard. and i hope you are Feeling well again meanwhile.

AlteredAddict said... 20

He is just adorable, such a cute and positive a deceptively sweet face ;)

How are him and Bluebeard getting along? any progress in that arena?

Eliza said... 21

Are you sure they are not related by blood because it looks like a younger version of Bluebeard. He sure has grown and what well needed gifts.

Thanks for sharing him he is adorable give both the boys a tickle from me.

Hugs Eliza

Monica said... 22

he looks a true sweetie. With all the toys my cats have their favorite is the plastic torn off the cover of a milk bottle. next is messing with the computer and bird watching. other than that they race through the house.

Hope Bluebeard is feeling up to the new comer and doing well.
To make a comment I have to do the robot thing so if I fail I do not post a second time.

Robyn Oliver said... 23

Squiggles sure is a cute kitty Elizabeth, a bit like our Arthur and he sure is being spoilt and why not. Hope you're feeling much better, cheers Robyn

fairy thoughts said... 24

it never ceasez to amaze me howmucb time and effort people put into cat stuff
(im a dog person..... sorry) i dont get it..... that said DD3 s cat playss fetch ..... so funny

fairy thoughts said... 25

he is cute though:-)

pearshapedcrafting said... 26

We once had a cat that would scratch on a mat but loved going to the back of the sofa for a bit of variety!!! Squiggles looks very handsome but I'm sure Bleubeard is giving him some sideways stares as his eyes look full of mischief!! Hugs to you and tickles under the chin for the two 'lads' Chrisx

mamapez5 said... 27

Two very spoiled puss-cats. Squiggles is beautiful and looks full of mischief.
Thanks for visiting my lengthy blog. I might add that I wear sandals for twelve months of the year unless I have to look really smart, and I very rarely have cold feet! But it is obviously a lot colder where you are, so wrap up warm and stay safe. Kate x

Janet said... 28

Squiggles is quite cute, but I hope Bleubeard sticks around for a long while yet!