This is a scheduled post. I'm not here, and my friend and co-host of the Ugly Sweater Party does NOT have the internet. That is also why you haven't heard from me for two days.

Let's go back to the first of the month and remember that I
eco-dyed fabric.

It was now time for the reveal.

Once again, it looked like a mess when I first opened the bundle.

These are the nearly dead blackberry leaves I bundled around my rusty inverted "J" using rubber bands.

Pretty, but not stunning.

Next it was time to open the fabric that I'd used live leaves on.

This actually shows promise.

Still wet from the steaming, I could see (and feel through my disposable gloves)

the metal filings I used on this piece.

I give you the final results of these nearly dead leaves and rusty inverted "J" after they were washed in baking soda, then mild soap.

These I like MUCH better. This piece was made using the live leaves and metal filings.

What happened to these,

you ask?

Not much!
Thanks for dropping by. I liked something Johanna said when I called it slow dyeing. She compared it to advent when I started it way back on week one of Advent. So, happy 4th week of Advent, and I hope to see you when I return later tonight or tomorrow.
14 thoughtful remarks:
Elizabeth, I'm always amazed at your fabric dying techniques. I'm back for the holidays - I tried to keep up with your blog while I was away but it was a losing battle. Kind of like my Christmas shopping - LOL I have 3 days's a good thing I don't have a big list.
just GORGEOUS Elizabeth!
Just like opening presents--you never know what you will find! Hope you had fun at your ugly sweater party!
Mixed results of course....but the good ones are really good.
Wow those leaf imprints are so cool!!!
Fantastic results Elizabeth. Hope you are enjoying your ugly sweater party! xox
Wow, especially love the iron filings effect! Glad you were able to find an ugly sweater - this sounds like so much fun so I'm sure that right now you are having a good time! Chrisxx
Really interesting how differently they turned out. :)
Always fascinating to see these revealed!
I love your rusty material pieces and am lucky enough to have a few of them now, so always happy to see how you get the effects. Love the leaf shapes and veining you have achieved on this lot. Hope you had a lovely ugly sweater party!!
yes, it is like opening presents:) and some really cool ones!
HOpe you thoroughly enjoyed your party! Your fabrics are very interesting ♥ I love the one with the live leaves metal filings the most. I could think of a couple of ways to used that fabric. U;m sure I"d come up with things for the others also :)
Merry Christmas!!!
Each time I have read you write "ugly sweater party" it made me SMILE!
wonderful leaf imprints on some of the dye pieces...
a process that is full of surprises I guess.
p.s. Blogger is now worse than ever with their latest "improvement" NOT clicking the robot box typing the word clicking on VERIFY and having to then send the comment with another click OH MY!
you got some really nice pieces. i have India Flint's book I need to re read that again-and from a couple that a follow on fb after steaming they would not open up the bundles for a month or more-that is hard to do and not peek-I did do that with my blouse
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